

Prove that you and your dragon have what it takes to compete with the pros! Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of flying amongst other racers with your dragon, and so, when the chance came to become one, you leaped for it. But, things are not always so simple.

Toyykooong · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Whether or not other races are like this, you find that Silvertwister does most of the work. There are parts where you give out orders or suggestions, and he either follows them or not. You find that you can do nothing more than hang on, encourage, and panic most of the time.

Perhaps the introduction of magic and weapons would spice the race up even more, as well as some of the obstacles you heard others speaking of when it comes to professional courses.

You resituate yourself in the saddle and focus on what rests ahead. You're still in the forest, and the scenery hasn't changed much. Besides some sharp turns, the only obstacle that has really gotten in your way was the rock wall. You have to keep reminding yourself that this was set up for extreme beginners. This is just a track to show if you have potential.

Silvertwister snorts, and you notice that he's not running as fast as he once was. Endurance isn't something that comes easy to most dragons. It isn't like you could have prepared him, either; you had no clue how long this course would be. You're actually hoping it'll come to an end sometime soon.

"We're almost there," you assure him, and he snorts again, turning another bend where a new challenge awaits you. Resting before you on the ground are randomly placed bushes, large rocks, and who knows what else. In the trees are vines, jumping from tree limb to tree limb, as well as something white that you can't put a name to.

It'll be tricky; one wrong step and you could either find yourself partially stuck in a bush or slipping and falling off the track. There's also the chance of jumping too high and getting caught up in a vine or finding out for yourself what that white stuff is.

"Run on the ground, Silvertwister." He doesn't question you, the obstacles coming up quickly. You peer up at the trees to see that some of the vines have thorns on them. An image of Silvertwister accidentally hitting one of them flashes through your mind, and you cringe. You're beginning to see why not everyone becomes a racer.

Silvertwister runs carefully. He sprints from rock to rock and does it with such accuracy that you have to wonder if he's done this type of thing before. Some rocks are harder to jump to, but he uses his wings to get to them. He appears almost graceful in his actions.

You keep your connection with him blank at the moment, not wanting anything to disrupt his concentration. One slip and he could find himself partially stuck in a bush or stepping on thorns.


Soon, he escapes the obstacle, and you jump in your seat with excitement; you look back to see that no one else is directly behind you. You're still in first place, and from what it seems like, holding a sizable lead.
