

Prove that you and your dragon have what it takes to compete with the pros! Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of flying amongst other racers with your dragon, and so, when the chance came to become one, you leaped for it. But, things are not always so simple.

Toyykooong · Fantasy
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50 Chs


You grab your money pouch and head into the shop. As you go inside, you see that customers have ransacked the shop already; it's obvious that other racers have gotten to the gear before you. You approach the man, who is polishing a table violently, but once he sees you, he takes on a calm and charming disposition.

"What can I help you with?"

"I was wondering how much that saddle in the front window is." Before he answers you, he gives you a quick looking over, probably trying to see if you can even afford it to begin with. He shrugs his shoulders and takes you over to it.

"Fifty coins," he tells you, and you look down at your purse, seeing that you have 10.

You scratch the back of your neck in defeat. You thank him and leave the store without another word or glimpse at the patiently waiting saddle.


You and Silvertwister begin to make your way towards the stadium, the number of people you pass increasing every minute. You smile and hold your head high as they whisper and point at you.