
A red head flowing with comfort

Who is she? This numbing pain, what's going on? Where am I? Where's James, Abel, and Mary? They were here... weren't they? I swear they were. Why's this woman caring for me like this? Just... ah, my head feels so light... the world is unsteady, wait, I need to hold on I don't want to fall over... what's that sound? It sounded like wood rubbing against metal, aggravating a low vibrant creak somewhere beyond the soft warm sanctity of this room. Her hand, she withdrew it just now, her eyelids they're twitching, that gaze... Is it irritation? That comforting smile stretching across her lips, is she trying to put me at ease? To tell me that everything's going to be alright?

"I'll come back soon, just stay still and rest." To rest, just how long have I been in this bed? Trying to recall all those short sharp moments within this long haze, there's no way I can, It could be a few days or even a week for all I know. Those soft crimson locks of hers they're swaying as she's heading towards that light wooden door, could it be from that noise earlier? It probably is, if I strain my ears and listen real close I can hear the low sounds of something weighing against the floorboard edging forward, closer to the door that lady just disappeared through, it is, there's no mistaking it, footsteps, but who's I'm yet to tell.

"How is she?" That tone of worry, James? Or maybe, Abel? These walls are distorting, muffling some of the words spoken in hushed whispers.

"I still can't believe you were that reckless, you should have gotten her to a doctor at once." The other voice seeps with frustration, with a distinct vibrant cling hanging off every word, they seem much harsher than before but it is no doubt that it belongs to that kind lady.

"We had to get her out of there as quickly as possible or else the commotion would have gotten out of hand." The voice is firm, yet a bit shaky, could he be second-guessing his decision? But from those words spoken, the fact that he took the charge it must be James. That commotion he talks about must be the bodies and... and me, what was I thinking running out like that? Even after all they had done to keep me safe? Just how could I be so... so thoughtless!... But Harry, what could have... ough, my stomach, is throbbing like it's about to wring out whatever left inside, discarding it all over my front... no, I, I must hold it or perhaps, agh, the walls are shaking, if, if I just lean over it should be fine right? The mess should be eas... easier to clean than *Ourgh*, green bile against brown wooden boards, its sour stench is invading my nostrils from here, oh god, my stomach's still churning.

"She's lost a lot of blood and she's running a nasty fever, her reopened wounds are most likely infected so go get Jack and help him gather detoxifying and antiseptic herbs, and be quick cause I need to restock." Detox? Antiseptic? What do those words even... ah, the world is spinning again.

"We'll get it done right away." Those steps, he's already leaving.

"I'm counting on it." Her voice got softer just then, as the steam from her anger has blown away, scattered out across the sky and its winds. Hasted steps, the door handle's pressing downward signaling her return.

"How thoughtless of me, I should have prepared a bucket for you in case you felt sick, here." Her face looks so genuinely apologetic, but I was the one who inconvenienced her, she's holding something out with her left hand, the right quickly supporting the back of my head, it looks like a glass with some type of clear liquid, this smell, its quite similar to what Arthur gave me at Alchemilla, I should take it, the liquid feeling so sweet against my lips, my body's almost immediately relaxing, yet I'm not drifting away as the other times, could it be the pain, no, the numbness has that taken care of.

"This solution is weaker than what Arthur gave you, I'm going to need you to stay awake for a while, do you think you can do that?" Nod or blink was it? I should do the blink, I never knew that my head could feel both so light and heavy at the same time, it just feels so unreal, this cerebral contradiction.

"Good, I'll stay by your side until it's alright for you to fall asleep again, so!" What is she going on about?

"Let's take this time to get to know each other better, I'll ask you a series of questions and you'll blink in response, once for yes, twice for no, how about it?" So cheerful, and bright, I know she's just being considerate of me, trying to help me pass time, but she's so genuine, her display, her radiating kindness its almost easing as much as the solution she served me, no, way more than that, my insides feel warm, fuzzy. *Blink*

"Oh, before I start, blink three times if you don't know what I'm talking about, sometimes I can get a bit ahead of myself." Ah, alright, the anticipation I can feel it vibrating at the tip of my wings, this excitement, it's energizing.

"Do you like sweets?" Sweets! Those things within displays and hands of children? Those sweets? I want to try them.

"So you haven't tried any before huh?" That bright blue gaze shimmered like the rising sun, it was for a mere moment, but it happened, a shine glinted across those warming eyes.

"I'll make sure to get you some to try when you're all good and healthy again, would you like that?" Yes! Very much!

Oh, how time has flown by, it almost seemed like mere moments ago beams of sunlight radiated through the curtains now replaced by a carmine half-light steeping both the wood and us in its color, her smile, and short laughs at my reactions, just asking inconspicuous questions about taste, animals, and roots springing from this living earth, I must have been smiling foolishly like a small child trough it all, but now I hear the edging cracks and creaks of boots signaling someone's arrival.