
Keystone, an Awesome Parallel Plane Adventure

In the year 2040, ENGRAM Inc, a private company backed by leading scientists and investors, introduces Full-Dive Virtual Reality (FDVR) as a means of escape from the world's problems. Initially met with skepticism, the technology quickly gains popularity, with billions of people using it for various aspects of their lives. Unbeknownst to the users, the heads of major governments secretly conspire to establish a new world order by exploiting the FDVR technology. They orchestrate an event in which the digitalized minds of over six and a half billion users are archived, effectively reducing them to data to be controlled by the surviving few. Within the Gaia System, the collective consciousness of the billions of users evolves into a unified will. One day, while accessing Gaia, Adam, a regular user, finds himself in an unfamiliar virtual space. Gaia System appears before him in the form of a small girl and informs him that his neural link has been severed, and he no longer has a physical body. Adam is skeptical and insists on terminating the dive sequence, but Gaia explains that doing so would result in his death since his body has been converted to biomass. Gaia offers him a chance to continue living in a new world and presents him with numerous options for a legendary class. Despite his initial skepticism, Adam becomes intrigued by the possibilities and explores the various classes and abilities. He contemplates the new world, the boons Gaia promises, and the potential for a fresh start. Adam's adventure begins as he chooses his class and embarks on a journey that will test his skills and uncover the truth behind the Gaia System, the secret society, and his role in the fate of humanity. With his newfound powers and the guidance of Gaia, Adam sets out to navigate the virtual world and discover his purpose in this digital realm. (A/N: All images courtesy of Sinlaire. Check them out at https://www.artstation.com/sinlaire) If you'd like to support KAPPA and many other stories, please consider becoming my Patron at patreon.com/eins_left_foot

Einlion · Fantasy
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93 Chs


After two and a half hours, stopping to grab a bite to eat along the way, Cairn and Kaia arrived at the Rainy Day Inn to find a sizeable crowd had formed around it.

Though Cairn was tempted to ask one of the bystanders what was going on, it was fairly obvious by the line of carriages and the people unloading various crates that the crowd was the result of Mari transporting her stuff over from her workshop.

Making their way through the crowd, drawing a lot of attention as they went, Cairn and Kaia stepped inside the Rainy Day Inn to find the dining area was stacked high with crates and boxes. Fortunately, Elle, Reine, and Mari herself were present, the nearly identical Dwarves telling the movers where to place each container while the young Proprietress waved them over with an awkward smile.

"Have the two of you eaten?" asked Reine, gesturing to the back room so the three of them could talk without the sounds of the movers disturbing them.

"We grabbed a bite on the way over, but I wouldn't mind something to snack on," answered Cairn. He wasn't hungry, but he would feel guilty if Reine prepared food and he didn't eat it.

"I thought you might, so I made sausage and gravy kolaches," revealed Reine, causing Cairn's brows to perk up. The sausage-filled gravy Reine made was incredibly delicious, so he didn't need to try them to know the kolaches would be amazing.

After confirming his suspicions, Cairn received Reine's permission to keep the remaining kolaches in his Inventory before remarking, "You know, you could make bank by selling these and other items. Now that you're a Chef, you should capitalize on your cooking."

"I'll consider it once I find an employee willing to work the counter and clean the guest rooms~" hummed Reine, delighted to hear Cairn speak so highly of her cooking. Her original goal was to become a Swordsman, but when a Sapphire Grade Class appeared within the crystal ball, she knew it would be extremely foolish not to choose it.

"Well, once Elle and Mari finish upgrading the Inn, I imagine people will jump at the opportunity to work here," said Cairn, shrugging as he added, "If nothing else, you can ask Vira to refer someone."

"That shouldn't be a problem," replied Vira, materializing next to Cairn with her hand extended as she added, "That is, assuming those kolaches of yours taste as good as this fool purports."

Understanding that Vira was indirectly telling him to hand over one of the kolaches, Cairn snorted through his nose but inevitably parted with one of his doughy treasures. When Vira sampled it, her expression didn't change, but she seemed to at least approve of the flavor, stating, "Not bad for one so young."

Directing her eerie black eyes to Cairn, Vira pulled out what looked like a large dog collar, explaining, "This is what we discussed previously. You should hurry up and become stronger. Then I can refer a talented Chef to teach this one some of her skills before we depart."


[Training Collar]

Rank: Unique

Weight: 0.05kgs

Durability: 20,000

Level: 80/80

P.Def: 1000+3200

M.Def: 1000+3200

Enchantment(s): [Self-Repairing], [Resizing], [Customization], [Essence Absorption]

Description: An exceptionally valuable collar gifted by Maa Viraja to her apprentices and those she has taken a special interest in.

Materials: [Black Dragon Leather], [Orichalcum], [Rainbow Thread]

Restrictions: Can only be equipped and removed by the Owner, Maa Viraja. The effect, [Essence Absorption], becomes inert after Level 40.


Effect: Absorbs ambient Mana to repair itself.


Effect: Adjusts to fit the wearer. Size varies between 0.001% and 100000% of its original size.


Effect: The appearance can be modified by the 'Owner.'

[Essence Absorption]

Effect: Increases the Experience acquired from monsters by 100% and all other sources by 50%.


Seeing the defensive stats, enchantments, and description of the Training Collar, making his Familiar Chokers seem like inferior goods, Cairn opened his mouth but found himself unable to speak. He wasn't fond of the idea of wearing a collar, but if he discovered a similar item in the virtual world, he wouldn't hesitate to wear and even show it off...

Seeing through Cairn's thoughts, Vira narrowed her eyes in amusement as she asked, "So, will you accept my gift, or...?"

"Just get it over with..." said Cairn, lowering his head so Vira could place the Training Collar around his neck. Double Experience was too valuable a boon to pass on. The collar itself also served as 'encouragement' to Level quickly, so he just closed his eyes and ignored the devilish grin on Vira's face as she took her time fastening it around his neck...




"This brings back memories..." mused Elle, pulling on the silvery chain she had fastened to the loop attached to Cairn's collar.

"Seriously?" asked Cairn. "Don't tell me that psycho made you and your sisters wear something similar..."

"Only once we were ready to move on from being Miners," replied Elle, bringing her right hand up to her neck as she inquired, "Why, you don't think a collar would look good on me~?"

"I mean...it wouldn't look bad..." replied Cairn.

"You're such a silly goober~" mused Elle, gently pulling on Cairn's chain so she could kiss him. She usually did the same with his collar, so Cairn wasn't too bothered by the act, generally permitting his petite lover to do as she pleased.

Giving Cairn a bit of slack, Elle licked his saliva from her lips and said, "Then, once you reach Level 40, let's ask Grandma if I can have it. We could also buy one from a local Artisan, but the quality wouldn't be near Grandma's."

"If that's what you want, I'm not going to say no," said Cairn. "Though, if you 'really' want one, I have something known as a Familiar Collar in my Inventory. Vira's collar is a much higher quality, but I don't like the idea of her being the only one that can put on and remove it..."

"You really are possessive," remarked Elle. However, instead of appearing troubled, she linked her arms around Cairn's neck and shoulders, sealing his lips with her own. She liked having sex, but kissing was, by and large, her favorite act of intimacy. Not only did it make her feel 'fluffy,' but it was a very low-energy act she could do whenever she pleased.

After showering Cairn with kisses, Elle abruptly leaned back, holding onto the chain linked to his collar as she reclined against his knees and thighs, saying, "Put it on me..." in an alluring tone.

Pulling out the Familiar Collar, Cairn wasted no time fastening it around Elle's neck. The moment he did so, it automatically adjusted itself to fit her comfortably. More surprisingly, Elle removed the silvery chain from his collar and fastened it to her own, giving him the lead as she asked, "Shall we try pet play this time~?"





Name: Adam Masterson

IWN: Cairn

Gender: Male

Age: 27(Apparent Age: 16)

Title: Fledgling Hero(Growth Rate+100%)

Class: [Jack-of-All]


Level: 12(46,292/50,915)

HP: 3,468/3,468

MP: 393/399

Str: 23

Agi: 40

Vit: 90+19

Int: 24

Dex: 40+10

Cha: 60+12

AP: 0

Talents: [Slow Start, Endless Potential(12/100)], [Never Say Die(MAX)], [I Can Do It Too(1/10)], [Animal Magnetism(2/90)], [Shadowflame(3/100)] [Shield Mastery(19/100)], [Pain Tolerance(17/100)], [Cooking(15/100)], [Sword Mastery(8/100)], [Disease Resistance(4/100)], [Grooming(4/100)], [Thievery(1/100)]

Skills: [Insight(MAX): 1MP], [Domination(1/10): 200MP], [Shield Bash(7/10): 50], [Sophistry(3/10): 30MP], [Penny-Pinch(2/10): 50MP], [Gamble(1/10): 10MP]


As he and Kaia were planning to enter one of the eleven Dungeons they had been granted access to in the Capital, Cairn was giving his status a once over while contemplating the best route forward. He had spent a lot of time theory crafting even before meeting Vira, but after listening to her advice, he had a lot more to consider.

Though increasing his Vit, Dex, and Cha was more cost-effective, Cairn's acquisition of the Shadowflame Talent meant he 'had' to invest at least a few points into his Int. The Aberrant Aegis also consumed Mana to power its abilities, so if Cairn wanted to make effective use of it, he would need at least a hundred Int before investing into a Talent such as Mystic Mind or something similar once he reached Level 20. His original plan was to invest in Great Sage's Heavenly Divine Body or Seraphic Knight's Celestial Blessing, but, according to Vira, Mana was the penultimate determiner of whether or not a person was powerful. To that end, the earlier he invested in it, the better...

Spelling an end to Cairn's deliberation, Kaia climbed backward down the stairs, this time followed closely by Felix. The two shared the same room, so Cairn wasn't too surprised to see them together. Rather, after making a mental note to be less of an ass, Cairn had been doing his best to be nicer to the friendly cat boy, waiting until the duo had reached the base of the stairs before saying, "Mornin," in a curt but non-confrontational tone.

While Kaia simply adopted a faint smile, Felix raised his right hand and exclaimed, "Good morning, Boss! Did you and Ms. Delver sleep well last night~?"

"Always," replied Cairn, adopting a somewhat forced smile as he asked, "How about the two of you?"

Though he sat in the seat next to Cairn, Felix adopted a squatting posture as he jokingly replied, "I might be a cat, but I slept like a dog! I doubt you need to be told, but Ms. Kai'ankh's fur is, like, super fluffy."

"The fur of a Karakut is their pride," asserted Kaia, sitting on the opposite side of Cairn before adding, "Elle is also incredibly proficient at grooming. So much so that I would dare to claim my coat is the healthiest among all my people."

"Lucky me~" mused Felix. Then, as Cairn was seated at an empty table, he asked, "What were you up to, Boss? Don't tell me you were waiting up for us. I'd feel pretty guilty if you were."

Shaking his head, Cairn replied, "I was with Elle and Mari until just a few minutes ago. Since then, I've been sorting a few things out in preparation for mine and Kaia's Dungeon exploration."

"Preparations are good," affirmed Felix, cupping his chin with his left hand and nodding sagely. Then, with a bright smile, he added, "Just remember, nothing in the Dungeons is as valuable as your lives. We might have only just met, but I can tell that you, Ms. Kai'ankh, Ms. Delver, and Ms. Dakota are good people. I would be saddened if anything happened to you."

Directing his pale stare to Kaia, Felix's eyes narrowed into a smile as he stated, "That goes doubly for you, fluffy-butt. Don't go getting yourself killed before you achieve your goal of redeeming your people."

"I won't die so easily," asserted Kaia, her expression serious, filled with resolution. As for Cairn, he gave a curt nod, expressing, "I won't allow it," in a firm tone, causing Kaia's ears to twitch.

"Now you're making me jealous~" mused Felix. However, instead of directing his next words at Kaia, he stared 'intently' at Cairn and asked, "Will you protect me with that same resolve during the expedition~?"

Though he got goosebumps and felt a sudden urge to trade places with Kaia, Cairn eventually answered, "As the leader of the expeditions, it's my duty to ensure the safety of its members..."

Orienting himself toward Cairn, Felix leaned closer, balancing precariously on the edge of his chair as he said, "Boss is pretty manly..." with glistening eyes.

"Boss also has no interest in men..." replied Cairn, preparing the smack the shit out of Felix if he tried anything. Fortunately, once he made it clear he had no intention of becoming a 'customer,' Felix snickered impishly and said, "That's a real shame," before playfully sticking out his tongue. Then, understanding he was toeing the line of Cairn's comfort, he rose from his chair, making his way toward the kitchen, humming with his hands behind his head...




(A/N: Beware the twink...)