
Frog World

"Where is the king?" Tristan asked.

The frogman who was terrified quickly told everything. "The king lives at the door of the palace. He is the strongest warrior."

"Stronger than me?" Tristan asked.

"No, humans are too strong."

"Has any human entered this world before?" Tristan asked, he was pleased with such a pliant hostage.

"This is the first time a human has entered."

Tristan then found out that the space crack was only found a month ago. The cave had in fact formed from a earthquake that let the cave be exposed behind the boulder and the frogs had been slowly venturing outside during the nights to mainly fish in the ocean.

The most interesting item in this dimension seemed to be the fruits and herbs that grew here and the palace. The palace was not built by the Frogs and even the supposed king lives on the door of the palace.

When Tristan tried to punch the air, the space literally bent around his hand and showed signs of shattering. "This world fragment is extremely weak. If there were any strong individuals inside they would've caused the world to automatically get dismantled and die along with the world. There's no need to worry, let us go greet the king." Tristan said with a grin.

Tristan and Joanna made the hostage frog man to take the two of them to the Palace. The world fragment was indeed small, but it was lush and had a lot of vegetation, which surprised Tristan. The other frogs who saw the two humans got scared and immediately ran to the palace.

Tristan wasn't in a hurry, along the way he had picked up several interesting fruits and herbs. Two in particular were very common in this space and particularly useful.

[Apex Water Fruit] which gave an increase in water affinity and [Blue Oyster Pearl] which had the effect of improving the state of mind and the effect was even higher than the Phoenix Clan's Dying Tear. When Tristan saw this Pearl, he realized that these frogs might potentially all have elevated mental states. After three pearls Tristan didn't feel any effect, but he already felt his mind being much more clearer and his perceptions strengthened.

He gave fruits to Joanna telling her to eat them while explaining their effects. She was happily munching on the fruits.

Finally they arrived at the door to the Palace and over a thousand frog men had gathered there with the king barely standing in front of them. The others had spears made of wood, but the King had a trident made of bronze or some similar low level metal.

Tristan instructed the hostage frog to attach his translator to the King's head. With fear, the frog man did as instructed.

"Can you understand me?" Tristan asked and the King nodded.

"Good. I have no intentions to destroy this place, your race is clever, even if you and your fellows are very weak." Tristan said nonchalantly.

When the King heard himself being called clever he got elated but immediately became sad when he heard the human's judgement of his power. However, as the strongest of the frog men who had become king through battle, he knew that he wasn't a match for this human, even a fight with the human behind it could be a struggle.

Tristan asked. "How did this world fragment split from the Deep Ocean World?"

The King sighed. "There was a huge battle. The battle led to thousands of deaths and this world split."

"Wasn't the Deep Ocean World peaceful? How could there be such a battle?" Tristan asked.

"Not a battle of mermaids." The King said. He beckoned the two humans to the palace door and took out a painting. The painting was extremely beautiful. "This was made by the first Frog King recording the battle."

Tristan snatched up the painting and did not allow Joanna to see it.

[Reality Depiction Illusory Painting]

The system immediately alerted him, but he didn't care too much about that at the moment. The image of the painting... was a Dark Elf fighting what could only be understood as a gigantic bird made of metal. From within his deep knowledge of Beasts from the inheritance, he understood what this was.

"This is the legendary Stymphalian Bird named Clua. It has feathers made of an indestructible metal and its shriek can shatter the void." Tristan thought to himself. A Dark Elf could go toe to toe with this creature? And Clua seems to be protecting the palace. Could the palace belong to Clua? But the palace is too small for a gigantic bird like this.

Tristan looked at the King. "I want this painting, what do you want in exchange for this?" The King was pragmatic. Traditions were only a means to an end. "Fish, I want ten thousand fish!"

When Tristan heard that he was stunned for a moment, but then he exploded with glee. "Excellent, I'll give you 10,000 fish!"

Then the painting disappeared into his storage. He quickly left with Joanna and came back to the beach in Coastal City. Then he ordered for an urgent delivery of ten thousand frozen fish within ice blocks. Within fifteen minutes the fish had already been delivered onto the beach location. With a swipe of a hand the fish disappeared and 15 minutes later, in the Frog World, a mountain of ten thousand fish frozen in ice appeared amd all the Frogs praised the King.

Tristan then dragged Joanna to the Palace. Joanna looked at all the events transpiring curiously.

"Why haven't we called the government yet?" She asked, though she half knew the answer.

"Because of this palace. This palace is not ordinary. If we call the government they will just monopolize this palace for their upper echelon. A few points from the mission won't be beneficial compared to the potential treasures inside." Tristan explained.

"But how do we open the Palace door?" Joanna asked.

Tristan smiled and pointed at the door knocker attached to the gigantic door. "We knock."