
Frog World's Treasure Room

Next day early morning, Tristan quietly left the campus and went to the beach. The frog world was guarded by only a couple of guards, because the world had been deemed low risk and the frogs peaceful.

The frogs had accepted the dominance of the humans and begun learning how to grow the specialty fruits and herbs of the frog world so that they could trade for fish and other things.

Tristan came to the frog world and greeted the guards. He showed his special pass he had been given as a credit for not claiming the world for the Vast Expanse. He could freely enter the frog world as he wished. The guards nodded as they had been informed about this beforehand.

As Tristan appeared, the frogs saw him and greeted him. He was the first human to appear in their little world and he still had a tremendous impact in them with the magic of creating a mountain of fishes.

Tristan once again greeted the King and then gifted him with another mountain of fishes, while thinking how unlucky these frogs were. But perhaps, not being strong also let them pursue a happy and peaceful life with little bloodshed.

He said he was just here to see the frogs and that they could continue whatever they were doing and not follow him. Tristan then quietly walked around and after ensuring he wasn't being followed around by any inquisitive frogs he slowly went to the hidden area behind where the palace used to be. The rocks were shaped in a very peculiar way that it would be almost impossible to detect a door if there even was one, without knowing about it beforehand.

Tristan reached and twisted his way through a zig zag column of rocks going downward. The rock structure had changed a bit due to vicissitudes if time. However, he was stunned to find the Door still the same as before.

Tristan entered the numbers he had memorized on the number lock and the door opened. Being extremely cautious, he went in as quietly as he could and then closed the door. Then he followed the small path and entered the first room of the cave which had treasures in the painting.

And the treasures were still there. Pure Energy Stones, Life Essence Liquid were there. But that wasn't all. Most of the other treasures here were related to the wood element. Wood element and not the water element. Just whose treasure trove is this?

[Heartwood of the First Tree], [Twilight Acorn], [Twisted Pine], [Goldwood Leaf] were four system recognized objects that were clearly filled with wood essence and could be used by the energy body.

Then there was a small twig lying there, that felt like it was filled with life. Beneath which a note was written. "This unassuming twig is a legendary wand of eden. Mages rarely use wands, but when they come across one such as this, the incredible amplification of powers makes it hard to resist. Unfortunately I was never able to isolate the wand from the incredible life aura it emanates, making it worthless in battle. May you succeed where I failed. "

The letter was signed Bertha Benkins. Tristan was shocked by the name. Bertha Benkins was a legendary Elven Witch, the God of Witches. No wonder this abode is full of wood elements, it was the abode of a legendary elf. How did the frog know about this abode?

Tristan looked at the remaining items. A library with books about witches which was useless to him, but could be sold. Just incase, Tristan touched all the books to see if there was any that the system recognized and there was just one.

[Sealing Grimoire]

When Tristan saw that, he first checked the other books to see if there were any and then picked the [Sealing Grimoire] out. Suddenly all the other books disappeared as well as everything else in the room he hadn't collected earlier.

A bright light began glowing in the cave and then turned into a beautiful elven woman in green robes and a top hat, with a smoking pipe in her mouth. Without waiting for Tristan to respond, the elven woman began speaking.

"You picked the Sealing Grimoire as intended. This proves some of my predictions. My pet frog seems to have done a good job in leading you here. This is only a memory from the past, so no use arguing with me. According to my predictions, you must have met the Tea Master, who would come searching for my abode to thwart my plans.

He must have also provided you with a tea. Drinking the tea was a mistake, for he intends to taint you with a soul poison. Unfortunately for him, I have already anticipated his petty tricks."

Then two vials of a golden liquid in Tristan's hands.

[Bertha's Antidote]

"Drink this antidote, for the sake of a contingency I have a spare. Now to more important things. In a bid to save his own throne, God of Angels freed Tea Master from the guardianship of the Mirror dimension. Before this incident happened, Tea Master tricked me into the Mirror Dimension.

Trapping someone in the Mirror Dimension is not a simple matter, it usually means that the Mirror Image of the trapped individual would come out to balance the world. Tea Master made a deal with my Mirror Opposite to let her out in this world.

Luckily, through my peak innate talent of being an oracle, I already anticipated these events as well as the inevitability of my being trapped in the Mirror Dimension. You are now a part of my contingency to restore order to the universe.

This sealing grimoire has now been bound to your soul. When the time comes you, the grimoire will help you.

I know that I am putting a burden on you, but I can only urge you to keep getting stronger. You can have my items.

The rose at the end of the tunnel is also important. Keep it with you, it will find its true owner and make itself useful soon. Farewell, Hero."

Then the image of Bertha Benkins, the legendary elven witch disappeared. Too many shocking things had been revealed today.