
Beast Ancient Ancestor

Tristan stood still for a while, he saw the others around him, still in the illusion. Unfortunately he did not gain anything from the Beast Illusion Array Trial. He looked around the cave, and found that there were many paths branching out from this cave hall.

At this moment, Tristan suddenly saw one of the cave openings glowing and he could see golden footsteps suddenly appear leading him through the maze of caves.

Tristan followed the glittering footsteps that kept appearing in front of him, leading him ahead. Tristan slowly observed as the caves began moving around him while walking forward. He finally entered a large cavern, with a huge underground lake.

Tristan saw the the lake rippling and the water suddenly bulged. Tristan then saw a huge cat fish like creature with a weird appendage on its head that looked like a lantern light.. The fish had a terrifying aura emitting out of it and the weird appendage above its head began glowing.

When it began glowing, the halo of a man appeared on top of the cat fish. The man had long brown hair, and wide eyes. His face had a heroic smile plastered on his face. However, the man was not physical.

Tristan looked at the man with curiosity. He could not sense any presence from the man, and no physical body. "Energy form? But at the same time it doesn't seem like an energy body..." Tristan thought with puzzlement.

"Are you the Beast Ancient Ancestor?" Tristan asked.

The man nodded. "Yes. I am he." The man then sat down on the Catfish's head, gently stroking its head.

Tristan looked at the Ancestor with curiosity. "Your existence is not concrete." He said.

The man nodded. "Good eyes. I was once a being of energy, but near the end of my life entered a symbiotic life with this little fish here."

Tristan was surprised. The man and the fish had actually fused to form one single symbiotic life form.

The ancient beast ancestor looked at Tristan with curiosity. "You did not receive any Beast Instinct?" Tristan shook his head.

The man had a look filled with curiosity. "How interesting. You rejected beast instinct when it could have made you stronger."

"I did not identify with any of the beasts." Tristan said.

The beast ancestor nodded. "You are the second one to reject the trial. The first one was also a very curious individual."

"Second? Who was the first?" Tristan asked.

"I do not know his name. In those days, he was an ordinary person, but he went on to become a powerful person called the Poison Master." The ancestor said.

"Poison Master..." Tristan shook his head. "He had not heard of such an individual.

The beast ancestor smiled. "Did the eye speak to you?" He asked.

Tristan nodded. "Is that unusual?"

"Unusual. Very Unusual." The Beast Ancient Ancestor said.

Tristan looked around. "Why did you lead me here?" He asked.

"I lead you here to fulfill a promise. Take this Jade." A jade like object suddenly spawned in front of Tristan, who held it.

"Whose promise?" Tristan asked

"Look into the Jade and find out for yourself." The Beast Ancient Ancestor said.

"Tristan looked at the Jade and felt an urge to clad the object with mental energy. As he began pouring the mental energy into the jade, He was transported into a small room made of ice. Inside, was the halo of a female elf in green robes, who Tristan had seen before.

She didn't allow Tristan to respond and began speaking with haste.

"The second one to reject the Beast Trial, I have foreseen hints of your path. The Shadow Dragon has left a trail of hints. Go to the Spirit Secret World and find the key to the Shadow Dragon's lair."

Then the jade disintegrated into dust. Tristan looked at the Beast Ancient Ancestor. "You knew Bertha Benkins?"

The Ancient Ancestor laughed. "Beast tamers of yore and elves had a long lasting friendship. Unfortunately, Beast Tamers have died out and my descendants have taken to a derelict path of assimilating beast bloodlines." The Ancestor looked depressed.

"You may leave." The Ancestor said and disappeared, the catfish then slowly receded into the water. Once again, a glittering trail of footsteps led Tristan out through the maze of the caves to the outside world.

Tristan exited the mountain of the trial and was intercepted by the Elder of the Sect. "White Star, did you gain anything from the Beast Illusion Array Trial?"

Tristan shook his head. "Unfortunately I failed to obtain any Beast Instinct. Thank you for inviting me, I shall now take my leave."

Tristan soon left the Beast Blood Sect and returned to Coastal City. He made his way back to the university. When he returned, he went for the special community class.

He quietly sat behind in class and noticed that a lot of people were absent. People had been busy doing their own quests amd classes were usually empty now.

Tristan had been formulating his next plan. He felt like the various hints that he had been collecting finally showed hints of coming together to make sense.

"Spirit Secret World..." Tristan thought. He had many clues leading him in that direction. One was Bertha Benkins hints about the shadow dragon, another was the the Spirit Progenitor Esprit's request.

Tristan charted his path forward, planning his way to enter the Spirit World first. The history of the Spirit World is complicated.

It used to once be a powerhouse species and a hegemonic power on its own. However, it was constantly in competition with life and death enemies - The Ghost Race. Due to some reasons, the Spirit World lost the war against the Ghosts and had been completely enslaved.

The Spirit Palace was on the Home Spirit World, and it had now been occupied by a Ghost Lord. Ghosts were also hostile to humans and it would be very difficult to infiltrate the Spirit Palace, to find the Spirit Progenutor's sealed child.