
Barter Round

The auctioneer also left the area and only the barter participants remained. Box 1, Forever Shadow suddenly spoke up. "As usual, I'll moderate the proceedings of the barter round. Don't break the sanctity of the trade. Let us begin." Then all the participants entered a common area where they interacted with each other. It was almost like a party for the elites.

One by one people began announcing what they were selling and what they were looking for in return. Tristan remained quiet, because he didn't find anything interesting. In the corner Liu Daobai was looking at White Star. Tina had pointed at him and said that it was him who had purchased the seven trinkets she sold earlier.

Finally one of the new entrants spoke up. "I am willing to trade this animal skin. It appears to be some kind of directional guide. It has an arrow on it, but the arrow constantly keeps rotating about an axis like a compass at the north pole. I am willing to trade this in exchange for the blood of a peak legendary creature."

Several people snorted. The War Conference representative laughed. "Does the Beastblood Sect wish to break the sky? You wish to sell a a map who leads to go knows where for the blood of a named creature of legendary status? Even if someone has what you need they would never sell it for that price."

The man from the BeastBlood was embarrassed. But he looked around at the animal skin being passed around, looking for hopefuls, but everyone rejected him without a second thought.

When White Star touched the animal skin, the system immediately displayed it.

[Shadow Dragon's Life Card]

He handed the map to the next person without any expression. This continued until the final person, and no one made an offer to the Beastblood Sect.

Just when he was about to give up White Star spoke. "I am willing to trade with you, but what you are offering is not enough. This animal skin is unreliable as it isn't pointing in any particular direction, but all directions. Add something good to this."

The Beastblood sect representative's eyes widened. "White Star, do you have what we need?"

White Star nodded. "Have you heard of Sirius? It is a legendary dog beast whose current status is unknown."

The Beastblood sect elder was excited. "Indeed we have information about Sirius, it was known as the dog star. A legendary beast that could harness the power of a star."

Tristan nodded. "I can sell you its core essence. But you must offer me something more than this map."

When the others heard White Star they sucked in their cumulative breaths. How was White Star able to obtain all these kind of legendary treasures? The more surprising thing was why he didn't use them on himself? He still seemed to be an ordinary mortal with only higher physique that seemed to be golden body.

The Beast blood sect elder talked for a bit. Then he sent a private message to White Star. "We are willing to allow you a visit to the Ancient Beast guardian of our sect. It is an extremely old beast and you could ask it questions about things that even humans have little intelligence about."

Tristan replied back. "While what you are offering is good, it is still not sincere enough. I am giving you a concrete benefit while you are only offering me things that depend on chance and luck?"

The Beast blood sect elder nodded. He knew what White Star meant. This was a trade, not a favor after all. He finally gritted and offered a final offer via message. "In addition to that we can allow you to use the Beast Illusion Array. It is a trial set up by our Ancestor and holds great opportunity and rewards."

White Star nodded. Then he collected the map which disappeared into his storage. A small bottle appeared in his hand which he then tossed to the Beast blood sect elder. "The blood is cursed. You should know what to do."

The sect elder opened the bottle lid carefully and a powerful aura radiated from the single drop inside and in fear the elder immediately closed the lid.

"God beast!" A few people sighed. Then they looked at White Star with an even more complicated gaze.

The barter then continued on. Tristan observed quietly as a few more objects were traded. A seed with spacial properties was bought by Heavy Matter.

Then a silent member of the Martial Alliance came on the stage. He had been extremely quiet the whole time but the moment he came on stage he had a ferocious aura emanating from his body. "This is the object I have acquired." Saying that he opened a chest. Inside the chest was a beating heart. The heart looked like a human heart, but it was larger and also it was purple in color.

When others saw it, they were shocked. Tristan did not know what it was and remained quiet, but gauging from the reaction of others this heart was a terrifying object. What shocked him was how unsettled Forever Shadow looked despite being cloaked in a shadow.

"That... how is it possible? Undying Live Forever? How can you obtain his heart?" Forever Shadow asked. No one had noticed this unassuming man before, but now they realized that he wasn't from the Martial Alliance. "Who are you?"

The man had no change in expression. "I negotiated with the Martial Alliance to get me a position here. How does it matter who I am? This is the beating heart of one of Undying Live Forever's clones. Even if it is the heart of a clone, it is enough to turn the world upside down. What I want in exchange for this is only one item." The man looked at the crowd.

"I want a piece of Dawn."

"Impossible!" Members of the four guilds excluding the martial alliance and the government immediately rejected it. "Dawn is the centerpiece of earth's defense against foreign worlds. Not even the heart of Undying Live Forever is worth it."

The mysterious man shook his head. "I am not asking for Dawn itself. Only a piece of it. I don't require a lot, a small portion will do. I believe that is a fare trade." Saying this much, he swiped his hand and the chest and the heart disappeared. "Think about it and let the Martial Alliance know your decision. I shall not interrupt your barter any longer." Then the man disappeared.

The mood of the barter had been ruined considerably by the man's sudden interruption amd his reveal of the heart, but soon the barter continued and it was White Star's turn.

"I do not have too many things to trade. This is the main item." He took out an old scroll. "This is the cultivation scroll of the Battle Body Royal Family." Tristan did not put forth any exchange conditions.

Soon people began making their best offer to Tristan privately. The government finally offered to trade the cultivation scroll in exchange for a bottle of Liquified Mystery.

[Liquified Mystery]

It had no option to absorb, but he knew that this was probably related to the Mystery Force earlier and not an ordinary object. So he eventually traded it with the government for the bottle of Liquified Mystery.

With that, the auction finally came to an end.