
Keys To My Heart

One night I was walking home a call diverted my attention. It was from home. Apparently they need more money which I don't have right now. I didn't notice I stopped in front of a musician. He is more like a dirty homeless guy with overgrown beard with a guitar. His music didn't really attracted me. But still it looks like I disrupted his business by standing right in front of him so I searched for some coins on my pocket and dropped it on his guitar holder. I continued walking while talking on the phone I live close to that place. When I get home I can't find my keys. Shit where is it. That's the turning point of my life when a homeless guy appeared in front of me holding my keys. With that favor this man had given me. He asked so much more in return.

Harljane · Urban
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29 Chs


I brpught out my rugs and clean the outer area of my apartment so are the windows. So I end up seeing Arman when he came home from biking he has no shirt and his upper torso is exposed for me to see. He greeted me again.

"Hey, you are out. Did Tristan even get out of the apartment?" He asked.

"No I didn't even sense a life in that place." I responded jokingly.

"I can smell the food you're are cooking from here. It smells good." He added making our conversation a bit longer.

"Ow I cook more I want Tristan to have some since it's so long since we had the same weekend schedule. Take it for him, and of course you will have your share too." I told him.

"Nice. Good timing." He happily answered.

"You wait here, I'm just gonna pick it up. It's already done by now." I prepared a food keeper full of Adobo for the 2 men. Hoping Tristan would appreciate it when he wakes up. I handed it to Arman since they live together anyway. He can see the dish through the food keeper so he asked what dish is it because it doesn't look familiar.

"Was it you're place dish? It's interesting." He asked.

"Yeah it's Filipino dish Adobo. Tristan loves it. But it been 3 months since I cooked this dish so he definitely missed it already. Tell me his reaction, Ok?" I demanded in return.

"Sure. It has rice too. This is perfect. I'm actually so hungry already." Arman stated, I gave him a wave so I can finish the windows already and eat as well. I gathered my tools and put them to right place before going back inside and eat. After my meal I need to go outside to send my family money. My brother wants to buy a tractor for our farm. He wanted it for so long so actually but only now we have the money to actually buy it for installment. I sent him the money using the moneytransfer outlet near the market. At the same time I bought myself a simple dress, a cheap one and a lot of groceries. I'm carrying a heavy baggage right now. I regret picking so much fruits. I'm planning to make a fruit salad but now I regret it. I need to walk from the bus stop going back to my apartment which will take me 15 minutes. It's actually a short distance but with my groceries its a torture. I'm so busy regretting my decision when a bike's bell ringed on me. It's Tristan happy approaching my direction.

"Hey you look suffering with your baggages let me help you carry them." He proposed which is like an angel from heaven.

"Thanks goodness you came. I'm actually so tired carrying them. I thought I wouldn't manage to bring them all. But now you're here. Thank you for ming to my rescue." I joyfully tell Tristan.

He toòk the plastic of groceries and placed it to the basket carrier of his bike. Then he drive towards the apartment I walk going back since there is no space for me in his bike. I came home to see Tristan is waiting in front of my door with my groceries.

"Thanks again." I express my gratitude I actually even slight vow on him.

"It's nothing. I'm really wondering how the small girl like you carried it. Next time don't buy so much all at once." He adviced me.

"I know now. Thanks. By the way how was the Adobo I sent you?" I curiously asked Tristan if he like this version of adobo this time. Since I placed more garlic than onion.

"You sent me Adobo? I received nothing. Waah I'm actually so hungry, I'm gonna check on the fridge when I get home. Arman didn't tell me." He answered puzzled.

"I saw Arman outside earlier so I asked him to hand it to you." I told him.

"I will asked him now." He went inside and talk to Arman about his share. He has a disappointed when he went back out.

"Arman finished them all my beloved Adobo." He pretended to cry.

"Ow really. I ate all the remaining of it too so maybe next week when you stayed home again I can cook you one again." I promised him so he won't feel bad about it.

"But I want it now. God I hate Arman. How could he eat them all." He is acting like a kid. And he said he is really hungry already.

"I have no more ingredient for chicken adobo. I have pork this time, maybe I can make pork adobo for you. Or fried meat which do you like better?" I proposed to him since we don't see each other often anyway. I want to spend time with Tristan longer. This chance is so rare for us to have the same break from our work.

"Sure." He is happy now. I let him in and started cooking. He help me cutting some garlic. I just need to fry the meat in 10 minutes then the garlic goes to the fire already. I added soy sauce then vinegar. I cook the rice at the same time. We need to wait 20 minutes more. I asked Tristan to help me set the table while I do our drinks. It's so easy to work with him cause he is so willing to help. The food is almost ready.

"Should we aske Arman to join. He knows we are about to eat here. I know he loves your cooking since he ate all the Adobo you gave hime even my share but this is still your house so it's your decision." He asked shyly but he is really convincing me to let Arman join us.

"Ok you can call him. Even though I'm upset with him." I responded.