
Keys To My Heart

One night I was walking home a call diverted my attention. It was from home. Apparently they need more money which I don't have right now. I didn't notice I stopped in front of a musician. He is more like a dirty homeless guy with overgrown beard with a guitar. His music didn't really attracted me. But still it looks like I disrupted his business by standing right in front of him so I searched for some coins on my pocket and dropped it on his guitar holder. I continued walking while talking on the phone I live close to that place. When I get home I can't find my keys. Shit where is it. That's the turning point of my life when a homeless guy appeared in front of me holding my keys. With that favor this man had given me. He asked so much more in return.

Harljane · Urban
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29 Chs


As I come home I saw Arman throwing some trash from Tristan's unit.

"Hi!" He greeted me with joy.

"Hello!" I responded.

"Grace I have a good news." He started like I will be interested in what he is going to say.

"So you already know my name." I pointed out as he used my name so casually like we are already friends.

"Hmmm Tristan told me your name. Seems like you are close." He continied talking.

"Yeah me and Tristan are friends but we are not. So please if you have nothing important to say, you can stop from bothering me already." I responded coldly.

" Ow I'm sorry I just want to tell you that I already got a job. Tristan helped me to find one. I will be a waiter on the restaurant he is working on. He can't do fulltime anymore so I had the chance to be there. Anyway I thought you will be glad to hear that. I'm sorry to botheryou. You can go now." He speaked embarassed of me cutting all the time.

"I'm glad to hear that you manage to get a job. But I got to warn you, if in the future you betray Tristan then I will be your enemy. If in the future you hurt him then expect 10 times more of the pain coming from me." I warned Arman as him I am sttonger than him. He smiled at the idea of how fierce I can be knowing that I small as a mouse compared to him.

"Yeah I know. That will never happen. I'm so scared of you so I will not even plan of doing that. So don't worry about it." He assured me with a smile.

"Good then!" I act as if I have the authority, as if I can do something but the reality is I'm scared already.

"Good night Grace!" He waved at me as I enter the door. I only responded with a look.