
chapter 1; CEO Jade

It was recess period in Jade's Fashion world; one of the branches or companies of Jade's cooperations. The CEO and chairwoman miss Jade was quietly eating her lunch in her office. She glanced down af the CCTV footage of what was going on in the company's cafeteria and saw her bff and only sister Zhou Sheila blabbing like she always does.

*In the cafeteria*

"so assistant Zhou you have been CEO Jade's assistant since she started her company eight years ago when she was 20 if I may ask why would you stoop so low to being a mere assistant to someone when you can even be the COO in your father's company the Zhou dynasty. I mean even though they are not as powerful as Jade's cooperations they're still the 3rd richest in the country. Is it because you're best friends with the CEO of something else" a gossip monger named mina intrigued. They had always felt free with assistant Zhou than their boss because their boss never smiles she always has that expressionless face and emitted a cold heavy aura that no one dared befriend her assistant Zhou being an exception. "how can anyone even be best friends with boss isn't she like super boring" Mina's accomplice Juana commented "she's not boring and she wasn't always this stoic"Sheila who had been quiet since said. Having now gained the curiosity of the gossip mongers Sheila continue "Jade was always a playful, jovial girl, even though I'm 3 years older than her she's always been like an younger sister to me, when we were young she always play pranks on me..." "ok I'll stop you there are you saying that the icy queen was once a prank playing child" mina shrieked in shock. Jade who was watching also chuckled with how surprised mina and Juana looked but sensing her friend is now in gossip mode and might divulge her secrets she decided to go down to the cafeteria and stop her. Sheila chuckled but continued as she was now also in gossip mode "not just when she was little she's always been a prank lover till ten years ago when she was 18 her life turned upside..." "really what happened to her ten years ago"a seemingly curious voice said but this voice belonged neither to mina of Juana. The three women who were at the far end of the cafeteria turned their heads to see...

"ceo Jade" that all exclaimed. "what I'm just joining in I want to know what happened to her ten years ago" Jade said with a smirk on her face. Her presence seemed to pull Sheila out of her gossip mode and she realized she had just almost blurted Jade's secret. "u...uhm I meant you became so focused on business that you stopped playing or having fun"sheila said letting out a nervous chuckle. Just then the bell for end of recess rang and the 2 gossip mongers immediately scurried out of their seats like those being chased thanking God for the bell. After they left Jade and Sheila went back to Jade's office which was at the top floor. Closing the door behind them Sheila looked at Jade and gave her an apologetic look and mouthed"sorry arya" to her. Jade looked at her with her still stoic expression.