
Key of Liberation

Alastair Kurenai has left his home on Earth for a world called Nachima. In that world he'll be up against The Liberators, an organization that wishes to take his key to liberate the worlds from their reliance on Key Keepers. Nothing out of the ordinary for a guy raised in a family of Key Keepers. What kid doesn't want to be like his brothers and sisters? But that desire comes at a cost, one that makes Alastair long to return home. Still, he has to right the world before he can achieve his goal of returning home to his family.

ShinomiyaDR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Episode 63


The girl sighed. "Yes, I'm aware that I have dirt on my face."

Randy's cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Oh, that doesn't bother me at all! I get way dirtier than this at work!"

Cole raised his eyebrows. "What do you do exactly?"

"I work for a construction company," He replied. "The boss is a family friend."

Oh, right. He probably should have told the boss what he was going to do before he did it.

"You must have come here for a reason," Maggie said. "So, what is it?"

"You were the last person to see my brother, weren't you?"

The redhead gasped.

"We were adopted by the same people."

"Maybe it would be better to have this conversation inside?" Isa asked.

Maggie sighed. "I guess it would. Come on."

"I think I'll stay out here," Arthur said. "Holler if you need anything."

Cy and Cole let the trio get cleaned up before helping themselves to the cookies.