

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

10__Handsome and Wealthy

'Ouch, this guy really knew how to beat seriously, he was about to break my libs but just because i said something weird to him! I promise to have a next fight but I wont be so polite" Ken woke up feeling his ribs aching plus his head heavy.

'Habibah that jerk, I think you are satisfied with this now. If it wasn't that I wanted to satisfy your hatred and anger towards me, that guy wouldn't have been so cocky in my presence for sure' Things would have been more fan maybe.

Looking around the room, I found Klara peacefully sleeping on my bedside with some books opposite to her head.

Klara!, What is she doing here? She looked calm and more beautiful during here sleep so i was not in the mood of waking her up. Her beauty made me feel like when I touch her face just now, all my injuries will be gone so I decided to try and see. But I stopped my hand above her face because I had a bad feeling of something watching from outside. I decided to move out and see before someone actually entering my room before knocking.

"Wont you just touch her already and bring my tea when you are done with romancing yourselves."This school was so annoying. Instead of the window mirror allowing the patient to see what is going on outside, it allows people to watch the patient who is inside. This was no privacy at all as if it was an interrogation room!

I just felt something watching my every move yet that something was Habibah! Thank God I did not do something stupid anyway. But this girl who claims to have some manners actually banged in my room without a knock at the door. Was this how she shown manners to people? I don't think so.

"You woke up already, how are you feeling now? Are you okay?" she worriedly placed her cold hand on his fore head like a doctor feeling the temperature of her patient.This was funny, because it was not the first time to be in this situation but it was the first time to have another person apart from my mum asking me those questions.

The whole of my life was just full of trouble and problems but I tried my best to overcome whatever shit that came to my way. Worst hardships and personal sufferings usually had my back but always my mom was there for me no matter the case. Seeing someone else who was nothing like a mother to me but caring this much, it made me warm at heart.

"Am alright, did you just spend the night here? " this was too good to be true I guess.

"Sorry I.. just the nurse said you just had inner injuries and.." "And?" seeing her stop explaining, I wanted to make her nervous. "..and you would wake up shortly so I decided to...to...wait for you to wake up but you just woke up this morning so I accidentally fallen asleep." Klara tried to make things clear, it was a mistake for her to sleep her.

"Its already day time and you still in bed, are you even a man? I'm waiting for my tea but because of you small injuries, I will forgive you this time for not bringing my tea in time." Habibah was really a pain in the ass. I'm hurt this badly to see her change some ways of treating me like her true house boy but instead am about to be a gate man now.

"I want to talk to you about something, its really important" Seeing Habibah leave the room, Klara told me looking directly in my eyes.

'oh boy, if this was a movie this very part will be that part when someone confess their feelings so i guess, its about to go down!' I had my weird thoughts yet the girl before me had a serious face.

'Ok Ken, when she tells you what she feels about you just don't break her heart and do whatever she likes. she is not ugly anyway'

"hey! should I start or your going to keep on looking at me with that wicked smile of yours." she interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Ah!, yah am listening go on." J tried to keep calm with a smile on my face.

"Can you stop smiling, your making me nervous now. Cant you be serious just for ounce dude" so I am not a serious person, really?

"Anyway, let me ask you a question before I tell anything. Can't you really stop making problems with people levels higher than you. I mean, go disturb you fellow class students, I promise you that nothing will happen to you but if you keep on messing around with those Leading wing guys, it will be very bad for you."

'Are you kidding me right now, I expected some questions to be like "do you have a girlfriend" or something similar to dating stuff but this girl was just doing nothing I expected her to do. She was giving me some advise. I felt my heart breaking, crying out 'noooo' from the inside. She is not serious with this maybe and its not like her anyway.

"hey say something, am talking to you. You just keep on changing your looks at you face, are you OK? " she asked seeing me not respond to anything she said.

"yah am fine, am good just...tired nothing much." I forced a smile on my face.

She looked at me with a questioning look so I continued "I wont get into trouble again, but talking about trouble. I know you wont believe it when I say that trouble always finds me, I don't look for trouble."

"I have to take my lady's tea. Thanks for giving me company and standing against the crowd for me, I will pay you with gratitude. You owe me one."leaving her still inside the clinic taking my books with me, I walked straight back to the dormitory, Weird glances as usual were directed to my face but as long as you just look but not attack me, it was fine with me.


It was quite tiresome to look after an adult like Habibah who was so picky but still,I saw how difficult the duties of a parent were as time went by, but still I got used to the situation as I did everything without her commanding each and every time.

It was the worst thing I wanted to happen because she used tos send me her friends who insulted me in public without me doing anything. I was defenseless in reality. She could destroy my peace if she wanted something but I used all my everything reaching an extent of borrowing money from colleagues but still it was not enough. Some times mum used to send me some cash to take care of the scarlet witch but it was still not enough.

I was just scared that it was just the my first month of baby sitting and things turned out to be just worse than a thought. Sometimes I was wondering why God was doing this to me. I was tired of this for real.

But something else was also burdening my brain, I was wondering why whenever I talked with Klara, that girl Habibah never interrupted us at all but when it came to other girls be it my class mates, they used to leave me whenever they had a sight of Habibah on the way though sometimes she never approached me even. Was Klara just being big headed to stay with me or was she really not afraid of that girl!.

They seemed to have not talked to each other for a long time but I tried to ask about it from my information guy Job, but he also knew nothing about the two in particular mostly he knew nothing about Klara because of her silent personality.

Leaving all that aside, I remembered that I was a broke guy right now who had nothing to do but I had someone to go to whenever I had no next step. Job!

He gave me some cash without me asking for it even.

This guy was not good at serving money because many girls here at school liked people who gave out cash. Sincerely speaking, Job was one of them but I wondered why he borrowed me cash whenever I wanted it. He was not from the school's Rich Gang even. Was he gay or something? I guess I was worrying too much.

"By the end of this month, it will be the welcoming party, Don't think I like you or something, you just have to impress the audience and get some cash at the party, must pay me back after the party." He told after giving me after handing over some 20k to me before leaving me behind.

"Yoo nigga, I see you handsome and wealthy, innocent but trouble making face is back in action. I hope you wont destroy it again" Ganja entered the dormitory room and sat besides my bed.

"Your trying to be funny?" I was cute i knew it but never wealthy, not even in looks but this guy was good at bluffing.

"Have a look at yourself dude, its even about the welcoming party, its gon be massive. Wont you be performing anything."Ganja passed me a mirror as he continued to bluff around. Looking at the mirror, I really looked cool with no bruises on my face. I cared less about my looks but still I was happy to see me look normal.

That guy was very fierce but you just cant beat me up and think its the end of time. I sometimes likey heart if vengeance but right now I had an important thing to do.

'I must get prepared for the welcoming party but first of all I had to sign myself up because its just a three days time to the party' Thinking about it, I decided to go look for Klara. Today being a Sunday, most students were rarely busy on this day so i guess she was available too.

"Hey kid, come over " some youth with s small mustach was standing with a very beautiful brown skin talk girl. She looked scholarly polite but with very mature looks too and according to her behaviour, she was totally a slayer' Is she the school's number one beauty? I was wondering. 'God damn she is so beautiful but very older than me' how I hated being young sometimes. But where I came from, age was nothing to talk about in relationships.

"You like her " the guy asked me unbothered with me looking at the girl besides her. He seemed to be used to people looking at the girl with admiration.

The girl also seemed to care less, maybe she was used to catching people's attention so she just glanced at him ounce before turning her attention to the guy next to her. She seemed to be calm when she looked at him, those eyes were filled with love and admiration. She loved him, it was something seen by anyone.

Why did she love a guy like him, he was not really perfect to have such a beauty for real. 'Love is blind, it was seen by singles only, couples could not see that'

Looking at her girl with eyes of admiration and he does nothing like changing his emotions at all, I quite approved of this guy though he called me a kid, he seemed to be a good guy so I replied "I think she is beautiful" i said shortly.

"So u don't like her "the guy asked raising his eye brows thinking that he already knew what my answer was.

"I have no reason of liking her but still I have no reason of hating her so i think she is just beautiful...I have nothing much to compliment about her" That's all was in my mind.

The girl looked at me surprised and sneered. She seemed to not like me maybe because I was looking at her with a questionable eye contact yet the guy just smiled, nodding his head in approval.

"I heard a lot about you. you did not disappoint just now. Anyway i'm Eddie the vice president of the school's MDD club this year, Klara talked much about you. She said that you can rap but as you know. A rapper's introduction is a rap not being talkative, so u must make me approve of what you are." so this was Eddie? Looking at the girl again with shock, 'she must be her girlfriend "Mercy".

I never thought that these guys will come to a newbie like me just for a rap song. They wanted something to impress them but I was truly nothing like what they expected, what did they really want from me!

Wait, if he was Eddie then he was also the same guy who defeated Rocky in last year's senior boxer position.

Thinking about it, I was now even more curios about this guy. If he really wanted a rap song, and from me! That was too good to be true.

Looking at him intently, I decided to see what a guy like him would like from me.

He was tall and skinny youth wearing a pricey vintage shirt with buttons tied steadily covering his body from under his chest to his long black large trousers. Yeah he dripped too hard with a pair of black air Jordan shoes with a black base ball cape on top of his head his head.

He looked fresh and clean just like a fashionista from Lagos ready for any abrupt party to come.

I was expecting someone as scary as Rocky but this guy was so humble to be the person who won the senior boxer title last year. If you saw it with your own eyes, you couldn't believe your eyes but if you just told and you accidentally meet the person to be like this, you would think that the person who told you so was bluffing.

But me who had some street boxing experience, it was usual for someone lazy to defeat a bold person. Streets were all about street fight experience which need a very fast and working mind. Do Eddie defeating that old fart Rocky was just a child's play on streets but not in the ring of course. That was another case.

"Should I drop the sound truck or you just scared of many people looking at you?"Was he bluffing, singing in public for people was a daily routine at my home town but singing in the compound full of people who had hatred towards was asking for shots of empty bottles plus other weird stuff on my face.

"Look for a medium fast speed beat and play it" This was a daily bread.

"Not bad...You so bold but don't disappoint me...I think guys from this wing really hate you but I want you to challenge crowd!" Eddie played the sound, 'so fast' I wanted a medium fast sound but not a very fast sound. But it was all nothing to worry about.

Listening intently, I asked for a rewind and he did just what I asked for. Students stood by the side waiting for what was about to happen. Everyone knew that Eddie never played his radio for no reason.
