
Kera’s Life, Struggles

MissTasha · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

Kera eyes almost popped out from Jimmy's outburst. A sense of humor and pride filled her heart.

In thought she was beaming with pride, her son not excepting nonsense. But in the other hand, how could this grown man bring tension around? Clearly a three year old can determine from right and wrong.

Kera cleared her voice, "That's right Jimmy, I am your mommy, and your grand-"

Before Kera could finish her statement, Jimmy placed a hand on Alphas Waterford face and looked him in the eye, "That is my mommy, and she has no Alpha."

Kane looked at his parents with a smirk, "Well, I guess the apples don't fall to far from the tree after all."

Kane walked towards Kera and gently grabbed her hands, "Kera, these are my parents, John and Miriam."

Kera felt torn between Kane, Jimmy and his parents. In one hand she wanted to show respect towards Kane parents, but she also did not want them walking over her.

With her million dollar smile, Kera gracefully motion everyone to the dining room, "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Alpha John, Luna Miriam. I've prepared some side dishes and baked desserts, I hope you both came with an appetite."

Jimmy cut in, "We eat when grandpa is nice."

I gave a nervous chuckle and Kane is beaming.

Miriam finally spoke, giving a playful laugh, "Well hun, it seems our grandson has us on a leash."

"It seems that he does." He replied.

"Go ahead grandpa, what do you say to mommy?!" Jimmy, not backing down gave his grandfather a stern look.

To our surprise, Alpha John cleared his throat, "My apologies, I am Alpha John and this is my Luna, Luna Miriam."

Kane jaw dropped. He's never heard his dad apologize before, let alone be defeated, especially by a three year old.

Clearing his throat, "Well dad, mom, I have a tri tip I smoked ready to be carved. We could eat in or out."

Jimmy jumped out of Alpha John's embrace, "Outside! Grandpa gonna play in the snow with me!"

Miriam happily agreed, "Well that settles it, outside it is."

I bring out the side dishes and desserts and place it along the table. Kane helps by setting the plates and silverware. We start serving the food and make small talk, the atmosphere still tense.

Adding to the tension, Luna Miriam starts asking about my childhood and what I do for a living. I let her know I work and will be returing after the holidays.

She gives a surprise look, "Well, how do you plan on managing to be a Luna, mother your child, and work full time?"

Kera feeling a bit frustrated, straightened her posture and tilted her head, "Well, I've always worked full time and have always been there for Jimmy. And Luna? I haven't given it a thought, as a matter of fact it hasn't come up until now."

I look at Kane confuse. He clears his throat, "Mom, one day at a time. Kera just moved in, adjusting to this life. Let's not push it."

Agreeing with Luna Miriam, Alpha John added, "Your mother has a point. You'll be alpha of this pack in less than a month, you obviously have intentions of making Kera the Luna, isn't it time to coax her into our word?! And Jimmy should be training soon, he's the future of this pack."

Kane knew he was going to eventually have this talk with Kera, but not like this. "Listen, all in good time-."

Kera cut them off, "Is anyone gonna ask what I want? Or better yet, what Jimmy wants?" I understand Kane has responsibilities here, but let's make this clear, Jimmy and I are still uncertain about our stay here. The rate you all are going, I'll be happy to leave with my son."

The two men adjusted their seats and looked down. Miriam not wanting the awkward tensions to linger spoke, "We completely understand. What I meant is, when Alpha steps down, I'd love to retire as well, and naturally since you are Kane's fated mate, it would be a honor to past the Luna title to you."

Kera took a step back and recalculated herself, "I would love to learn your way of living, but please, let's take it one day at a time."

Miriam placed her hand on top of Kera's hand as a sign of reassuring, "Yes dear, one day at a time."

Kane not realizing he was holding his breath, finally released. "Well I'm glad that's settled. Tomorrow I plan on taking a stroll around town with Kera and Jimmy. If you two would like to join, that would be great."

Kane figure since they were on the topic of mending their relationship, he would invite his parents.

Surprisingly Alpha John accepted. "I think that would be a great idea."

Kera reached out for the cake she baked and started slicing. Jimmy already knowing his mother is one of the best baker couldn't help himself, "I want the biggest slice!"

She passed out a slice to everyone, Alpha John took the first bite and to her surprise Alpha John nodded in approval.

Kera couldn't help herself, and smirked. Being a great hostess, Kera asked, "Would anyone like coffee or tea with their cake?"

"Mom, I want the coffee you make, it's always yummy!" Jimmy yelled out with a mouthful of cake.

Kane patted Jimmy's head, "I dunno about coffee, but I'll grab you some milk."

Before the adults could finish eating and drinking, Jimmy was done, ready to play. "Grandpa! Can we play in the snow?!"

Alpha John was ready for a second slice of cake before he was disturbed. A little stunned, he put his fork down, "Alright. Let's go play."

Kane glanced at his two favorite ladies, "This is gonna be interesting. The man never took me out to play, it was either hunting or training."

Alpha John looked over to his son, "Watch your mouth."

Kane through his hands up in defeat.

Both Luna and Kera were laughing. Luna couldn't help but join her son in mocking her mate. She looked at Kera, "Oh gosh, by the time Kane took his first step he was already preparing training courses. Now he's a grandpa and his world is upside down."

Kane and his mother kept going back and forth.

Kera heart warmed upon hearing their words. She thought this cold stubborn man would treat her son horribly, but instead he's letting Jimmy throw snowballs at his face.