

A story that takes place in a mysterious world full of magic and mythical beasts. Join Ken Ai on his adventure in exploring the entirety of the world and making many allies and enemies along the way.

SquidwardTentacles · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 8: An Intense Showdown

Before the battle started, Ken had a few words for the wolf.

"You probably can't understand me, but I'll tell you one thing. Come at me as much as you like, even if I'm not able to utilise my magic to the fullest I still won't lose."

Ken said that with a smirk on his face could it have been from confidence or could he have found a way to beat the Wolf King that stood before him. The only thing keeping him going right now was the adrenaline he was feeling. He had to use that to his advantage before it was over. Even Ken was astonished that he was still able to keep moving.

Even a single glance at this wolf showed it was completely different from the others. Ken tried hard not the falter, but after seeing the size of this thing, how could someone not be intimidated. Every step it took shook the entire environment around him. The atmosphere changed from the moment it landed. Ken cautiously circled his opponent hoping to find any weak points, but all he could find were reasons, to run away.

Ken seemed bothered.

"If only I didn't put so much power into my last strike, I would've had enough strength to slice this wolf open."

The irritated wolf wasted no time and ran at Ken at an unbelievable speed he couldn't believe that a wolf this large could be so agile at the same time. It swiped at him with its claws, Ken barely being able to read that attack dodged just in time. However, what worried him was that the attack had scraped his clothes and almost managed to cut him. With no time to spare the wolf instantly attacked again with its other leg from the side. Ken turned to the side and rushed to position his swords in a plus shape so he could block the impact.

"What is this tremendous power!?!"

It was no use the wolf was able to overpower Ken and flung him back like it was nothing. Ken grasped the situation he was in right now. He dug one of his swords into the ground and used it to get himself up. He pulled out the sword and began to think carefully. The first step to this would be landing an attack on the wolf. He raised the sword in his hand and directed it at the wolf.

"This is starting to get interesting, don't let me down, King."

Ken ran at the wolf as if he was about to attack it head-on as soon as Ken got close to the wolf before it could have time to react he slid underneath the wolf and tried to slice it open from below. It was just as he expected the Wolf Kings skin was different all he was able to do was land a shallow cut, essentially dealing no damage.

After realising that Ken knew there was a way to end this fight.

"I've only got one shot, I better not mess this up."

The wolf tried to attack Ken again, but he wasn't about to make the same mistake twice parrying the attack and keeping his distance. The wolf and Ken traded a few blows until Ken saw an opportunity to counter, he jumped up and sliced open the wolfs left eye. After that, it was all up to Ken's mana to make sure he didn't lose. The wolf howled in pain.

Ken stood opposite from the wolf and used magic and formed a small gale of wind in his hand which had absorbed all the remaining dirt, gravel, wood etc. Anything that was within the vicinity went into the attack. The wolf tried to charge at Ken, but before it had the chance to get close, it was too late.

Ken shot the attack at the wolf blinding it for five seconds. It may have seemed like a futile attack, but it just wanted Ken wanted. By messing with the wolfs senses, he managed to hide his presence from the wolf by standing on it's left side. From there Ken infused one of his swords with lightning magic while dropping his other sword and ran at it while saying.

"I think it's about time we put an end to this."

Ken jumped up from the ground once more, raised the lightning infused sword above his head with both hands and dug the blade as deep as he could inside the wolf. It was then Ken lost his grip and fell, the wolf became paralyzed and wasn't able to move anymore. The sword managed to strike a vital spot rendering it immobile. Could this have been Ken's plan all along or just pure luck?

With having close to no energy remaining, Ken attempted to backtrack through the forest in hope of reaching his village again. He could only get so far, after expending all his mana. He collapsed to the ground, barely staying conscious, this must've been his limit. While laying on the ground not being able to see a single thing, he heard a strange voice.

"It would be a real shame if your journey came to an end here, so I'll lend you a hand just this once..."

This voice. It was unfamiliar to Ken this was the first time he'd ever heard it that was for sure. It definitely was not one of the villagers so who could it have been? While having so many questions, Ken finally lost consciousness.

A mysterious voice...

I wonder who it could be! I guess this was the first real fight Ken has had so I hope you enjoyed it and be sure to look forward to more of them once he sets off on an adventure, as usual in the comments let me know what you liked and also feel free to let me know what I can improve on.

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