

One day, Cassian the Lord of Kenway territory, suddenly remembered his past life, in that memory, he knew that he would die in 5 years, and what surprised him the most was that it was his past self that killed his present self. Even so, he would not let that happen, because now, he knew the future. You can support me here ko-fi.com/iw4m18x

IW4M18X · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

Before Amelia went to pack her things, she held Cassian's hand. She wanted to make Cassian promise her, even though she didn't know if she could trust Cassian or not. 

"I want you to promise me, I don't care how you treat me, but please, treat Emily well. And if she refuses to come, don't force her."

"Of course."

      Hearing Cassian's answer, Amelia said nothing, she was still not convinced, so she continued to stare at Cassian in silence. But in the end, she gave up, and just hoped that Cassian would hold true to his word.

      She let go of Cassian's hand, before she left, she went to call Emily who was still playing outside.


      Hearing her mother calling, Emily, who was busy playing, turned to Amelia.

"Mama! Is dinner ready?"

      Amelia knelt down to equalize her height with Emily.

"It's not that, sweetie. I want to tell you something, it might be a little sudden, but since you're smart, I'm sure you'll understand."

"En, I'm smart!"

      Amelia smiled at Emily's funny behavior.

"That's right, you're a smart girl, Emily."


      Amelia was silent for a moment before smiling again.

"Listen, Emily. You always used to ask where Papa was, didn't you?"

"En, but Auntie said I shouldn't keep asking Mama about that. So I never asked her again."

      Amelia was both amazed and proud of how considerate her daughter was. She hated to admit it, but it was a cleverness she probably picked up from her father.

"So Emily, how would you feel if Mama said Papa was coming?"

"Uh, really!? Where is Papa, Mama!? I want to see Papa!"

"Yes, yes. Calm down, okay? Papa's not going anywhere."

      Amelia struggled to calm Emily who was jumping up and down with excitement. She was happy to see her daughter like this, but she was also scared. What if Emily met Cassian later, and Cassian wasn't the Papa Emily had dreamed of?

      She was afraid of what would happen to her daughter if that happened, but she had no choice, she couldn't hide or run from Cassian. 

"Mama, come take me to Papa!"

      Emily's cry brought Amelia back to reality.

"Yes, yes. Follow Mama quietly, okay?"

      The best she could do at the moment was smile at her daughter while hoping Cassian would keep his word.

      She took a deep breath, then opened the door slowly. Inside, she could see Cassian looking out the window, hearing them enter, he turned towards them.

      She could see Cassian's red eyes looking directly at her, before he turned his gaze towards Emily who was beside her.

      Seeing Cassian staring at her, Emily hid behind Amelia's legs.

"Come on, Emily. That's rude, you can't do that."

      Amelia tried to tell Emily to hide, she was afraid Cassian wouldn't like what Emily was doing.

"Emily, go say hello to Papa."

      No matter what Amelia did, Emily still refused to come out from behind her legs. She only peeked at Cassian, she looked very embarrassed and a little scared.

      Realizing that his gaze was frightening Emily, Cassian tried his best to smile, even so, only his expression had changed, the intimidating aura was still there.

      So he tried to address Emily as gently as possible.

"Hey, come here."

      Emily looked to Amelia for permission, Amelia responded with a nod and a gentle smile.

"Go on."

      While Emily was walking towards Cassian, Amelia looked at her with anxiety.

      Although Emily felt shy and somewhat afraid, she trusted her mother. It had been a long time since she had wanted a father figure, so although she felt shy and scared, she also felt excited.

      She stopped right in front of Cassian, she looked up and stared at Cassian with her big eyes. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she was hesitant to say it.

      Cassian didn't know how to talk to children, in fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had ever talked to children, or if he had ever talked to one.

      But for some reason, he didn't want Emily to hate him, he concluded that it was his instinct because Emily was his own flesh and blood. Although he wasn't sure what to do, he decided to give her the best first impression possible.

      So he knelt down to equalize his height with Emily's and spoke to her in the softest tone he had ever used while flashing a smile that felt strange even to himself.

"What's your name?"


"Do you know who I am?"


      Emily replied while looking like she wanted something.

"Good girl."


      Cassian stroked her head, he remembered Emily's reaction earlier, and as he expected, Emily smiled happily.

      While Emily was talking to Cassian, Amelia felt relieved. She hadn't expected Cassian to have such a soft side, seems like he has indeed changed. She hoped Cassian wasn't just acting.

      Seeing that Emily wasn't afraid of him anymore, Cassian reached out his hand to take Emily in his arms and began to explain that he was going to take Emily and Amelia away. Of course, at first, Emily didn't want to, she thought Cassian would stay here with her.

      But after Cassian persuaded her that he would live in a bigger house and would buy her lots of toys and that they could come back here occasionally, she finally agreed to go.

      Since Emily had agreed to leave, Amelia lost her last hope of staying. 

Well, that was natural. She always wanted to see her father after all.

      Amelia could only smile wryly, from now on, she didn't know how her life would go, she just hoped, Cassian kept his word.

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