
Kenshin Tanaka: The Summoned Hero of Brighthold

Kenshin Tanaka, a college student with dreams of wealth, is unexpectedly summoned to the kingdom of Brighthold, where he must navigate a dire situation to save the realm from impending doom.

SM_still_plays · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The King's Burden

The grand chamber of Brighthold's palace, once a symbol of opulence and power, now seemed to echo the weariness of its ruler. King Aleron, the aging monarch of Brighthold, sat slumped on his throne, his crown tilted slightly, as if it, too, was burdened by the weight of the kingdom's troubles. The room was filled with the murmurs of his advisors, their voices mingling in a cacophony of concern and despair.

"How are we to pay the monetary support demanded by the Proclamation of Unity?" The voice of the prime minister cut through the noise, laced with tension. The man, known as Lord Edric, was a seasoned politician, his hair graying at the temples, his face etched with the lines of countless sleepless nights.

The advisors exchanged worried glances, each one silently pondering the same question. Brighthold, once a land of beauty and prosperity, was now a kingdom on the brink of collapse. Economic crisis, a surge of refugees, civil unrest—these were the realities that plagued them, and there seemed to be no end in sight.

King Aleron, his gaze distant and unfocused, watched them for a moment, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he had little left to offer his people. At last, he raised a hand, commanding silence. The room fell quiet, all eyes turning toward their weary ruler.

"Enough," the king said, his voice a low rumble that still carried the authority of a man who had once been strong and decisive. "We still have time. Protect the land, fortify our defenses, and wait. If Celestera comes knocking, we will make a last stand if we must."

Before anyone could respond, Duke Reynar, a staunch and battle-hardened noble, spoke up, his voice filled with fervor. "Your Majesty, if it comes to that, why wait? We should prepare for war now, strike before they do, and show them that the Brighthold will not cower before anyone!"

The room buzzed with murmurs of agreement from some of the war-hungry nobles, while others looked uneasy at the thought of escalating tensions.

King Aleron's eyes narrowed, the flicker of the old fire returning. "Duke Reynar, Brighthold has seen enough bloodshed. War is not the answer. We will not throw our people into the jaws of conflict so recklessly. Our priority must be to protect our land and our people, not to march them to their deaths."

Reynar looked as if he might argue further, but the king's stern gaze silenced him. The room fell back into tense quiet.

"Begin the summoning process," the king commanded, shifting his gaze to the head mage, a man draped in dark robes, his eyes gleaming with the knowledge of arcane secrets.

"Your Majesty," the head mage, known as Malachar, hesitated, his voice tinged with unease. "The summoning... it is not guaranteed to work. The risks—"

"Are you suggesting we do nothing, Malachar?" the king interrupted, his voice firm. "Shall we simply surrender and let Celestera dictate our fate?"

Malachar stiffened, his hands tightening around the staff he held. "I am merely advising caution, Your Majesty. The process is unstable, unpredictable. We could summon a force that is beyond our control."

"A force that may be our only hope," the king retorted, his voice rising. "Would you have me heed the duke's call for war instead? We will proceed with the summoning. If it fails, then we will explore diplomatic avenues with Celestera. But we will not march to war unless there is no other choice."

The room was silent, the tension thick enough to be cut with a knife. Malachar bowed his head, his expression resigned. "As you command, Your Majesty."

King Aleron rose from his throne, his movements slow and deliberate, as if each step was a painful reminder of his age. "Make the preparations. We have little time to waste."

Lord Edric stepped forward, his tone formal yet edged with concern. "Your Majesty, I will see to it that the courtier follows up on your orders. The process will begin within two days' time, and I will keep you informed of every development."

The king nodded, his eyes distant once more. "Good. Then let us hope that whatever we summon will be the salvation of Brighthold."

With that, King Aleron turned and left the room, his robes trailing behind him like shadows of the past. The prime minister watched him go, his mind already racing with the tasks that lay ahead. "This meeting is adjourned," Lord Edric announced, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "Prepare yourselves. We are entering a time of great uncertainty."

The advisors began to disperse, their hushed conversations filled with worry and doubt. Malachar lingered for a moment, his gaze fixed on the door through which the king had departed. He could feel the storm brewing, a darkness that threatened to consume them all.

As the chamber emptied, Lord Edric approached the head mage. "Malachar," he said quietly, "I know you have your reservations, but we have no other choice."

Malachar sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I know, Edric. But I fear what we might unleash."

Lord Edric placed a hand on the mage's shoulder, offering a brief moment of comfort. "We all do. But for now, we must trust in the king's decision. May the gods have mercy on us."

The two men exchanged a somber nod before parting ways, each lost in their thoughts of what the future might hold for Brighthold. The once-great kingdom stood on the precipice of ruin, and as the days passed, the shadow of uncertainty grew ever darker.