
KENNY AND BETTY : The Pie Eating Contest/ Betty’s S’mores BETTY’S S’MORES


Kenny Whitt was a boy who lived in a small log cabin town called Utopia.


  Utopia was in The Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.


  Growing up, he was always surrounded by his family, who doted on him and took care of his needs.


  But as he grew older, his family believed that he should be more independent.


  So they stopped paying attention to him, trusting that he could fend for himself.

  To prove to his family that he could indeed be independent, Kenny set his sights on the ultimate challenge : baking a delicious caramel cheesecake pie by using the pot belly stove all by  himself.


  Kenny found the recipe in an old cookbook  in the kitchen. 


  What attracted him to the recipe was that it had caramel, cake and pie all rolled up into one. 


Which all happened to be his three favorite desserts.


  It was very uncommon for a man or even a boy to use a pot belly stove let alone bake a pie.


  But he had to if he wanted to bake a pie on his own.

  He wanted to bake a pie on his own because he liked the idea of creating something from scratch.

  He wanted to learn how to use the stove on his own because he liked working with his hands.

  The pot sat in the back of the kitchen.

  The stove got its name because it looks like a large cooking pot with a round, dome shaped top with a door.


  The stove was often used to heat and cook food. 


  At first Kenny felt overwhelmed by the task at hand but he took a deep breath and started measuring and mixing the ingredients for the pie.


  Sure enough, the sweet smell of baking pie filled the room, making his stomach growl with anticipation.


  As he continued stirring, the delicious aroma only grew more intense, transporting him to a place of joy and satisfaction.


  It was then that he realized that he had finally mastered the art of pie baking.


  But Kenny's troubles were not over yet.


  Turns out, his town held a pie eating contest every year and the winner got a sweet prize.


  Kenny decided to take part in the contest to not only prove to his family that he could bake a delicious pie but to also enjoy the fruits of his labor.


  Kenny didn't know for sure if he would be allowed to enter the contest because it was very uncommon for a man or even a boy to use a pot belly stove let alone bake a pie.


  But he was relieved when he was told that he would be allowed to enter the contest anyway.



  On the day of the pie eating contest, Kenny proudly brought his signature pie to the contest.


  As he lined up alongside the other contestants, he took a deep breath and was ready to take on this fun and tasty challenge.


  The pie - eating contest soon began and Kenny was ready to take it on in full force.


  With each bite, he savored the delicious filling, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction as he continued to stuff his face with his home baked pie.


  His family was watching in amazement, realizing that Kenny had indeed learned how to handle himself.




  In the end, Kenny won the pie - eating contest with ease, his stomach full and his heart happy.


  With that, he proved to his family that he was worthy of their attention and love.


  From that day forward, The Whitt family was a little more closer than ever before.








  For winning the contest, Kenny Whitt received homemade s'mores as the prize.


Betty Ann was the one who made the s'mores. 


She was the same age as Kenny.


  Growing up, Betty Ann and her parents and siblings often made s'mores together to roast over a cozy campfire while camping in The Smoky Mountains.


  When she saw the stone fireplace in her cozy log cabin, she was reminded of these childhood memories and knew that it was the perfect place to try her hand at making s'mores all by herself for the very first time.


  A stone fireplace is simply a fireplace made out of different types of stone. 


These stones are not just for show - they can handle the heat from the fire and they're pretty tough, so they won't get damaged easily. 


  Plus, they made the fireplace look really nice and cozy!


  She wanted to make s'mores all by herself because she wanted to challenge herself and prove to her family that she was more than able to do things on her own and didn't need their help or guidance as much as they thought she needed.


  She also enjoyed the idea of working with her own two hands and creating something delicious from scratch. 


  Betty didn't know Kenny had won the s'mores but she heard that he really enjoyed it.


  She felt quite relieved that all her hard work had paid off. 


  She definitely proved to herself and to her family that she didn't need any of their help or guidance in making s'mores.