
Kenneth Hershie's New Magical School Adventures

Kenneth Herhie's life turns to a new phase as he transfers to a new school, Hogwarts, at the odd age of fifteen. Having gay parents and being gay himself, Kenny's life in his old school, Durmstrang, wasn't as easy as learning Transfiguration or the Dark Arts. Luckily, he met a peculiar bunch of students, Alexander, Micheal, and another gay kid, Kevin. Follow Kenny's story as he explores a teenage hysteria of school life, friendship, love, sexuality, and magic.

Peltivierre · Book&Literature
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New Magical School, New Magical Lessons

A slow clap echoed the room. It was Kevin. Alexander and Michael followed. Then, everyone cheered. Everyone burst into cheers and hollers.

"Wow," I gasped out.

A girl stood from the Hufflepuff table. She opened her arms and gave me a nod and I ran towards them, hugging her and shed a tear or two on her robe. I apologized but she only shushed me.

"Welcome to Hufflepuff," she greeted. A boy about 2 years older than me pat my back.

"Welcome Kenneth, I hope we can all be good friends."

"Welcome, Kenneth."

"Hi! Welcome to Hufflepuff House!"

I gave them a big smile then looked at Kevin's table. He was also looking at me. He gave me a wink which made me blush.

"I saw that," the girl said. "Hi, my name is Anna Abbot, Hufflepuff, fifth year," she offered her hand for me to shake, which I did. Anna leaned in and whispered, "And I'd love for you to be my best friend. Gay best friend, if you don't mind."

Oh, no.

"… Anna was about to catch the Golden Snitch when Alexander Weiss beat her to it!" the brunette boy who patted my back, Christian, narrated.

"That's how we lost the game," Anna finished. We all laughed at that.

The Hufflepuff students are very nice. Most of them are very understanding and open and kind.

"You're gonna be sleeping with me," Christian said as he led me towards the boy's room.

"Sl-Slee-what?" I stuttered. My face reddened when I caught an unintended innuendo.

"Your bed is beside me. I offered it to Mr. Reymaund so that you can adjust easier. Considering I'm the Head Boy and I will get you started," he said, grinning proudly, as he sat on his bed.

I looked over at mine and saw my luggage beside it. I need to unpack tomorrow. But for now, I'll just sleep. With that, I dozed off.

"Hey," I heard a boy say while rubbing my shoulder. "You're going to be late."

"Wha-What?" I opened my eyes and spot a petite light brown-haired boy in front of me.

"My name is Timothy, fifth year," he introduced with a grin.

"H-Hello, Timothy. What time is it?"

He glanced at the clock, "30 minutes till our first class."

My eyes widened at the announcement. Oh, no! I even missed breakfast.

I prepared myself hurriedly and ran to my first class with Tim. He's kind enough to lead the way, briefing me for my day, since we had most classes together.

We stood in the middle of the classroom, waiting for the teacher.

"Good morning!" a male voice greeted from the office, just above the stairs. The man walked out with his signature toothy grin and his usual happy mood.

"My name is Mis-," he cut himself off and chuckled. "Gotta get rid of that, I'm Professor Harry Potter and I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now, in today's lesson, we will learn about a spell that's very easy, but is also handy and well," he smirked, "quite deadly."

"It's called..." he opened a closet and a puppet walked out, "Expelliarmus!"

"Woah!" we all gasped as a red spark erupted from Professor Potter's wand, the puppet's wand was thrown away.

"Now, shall we start?"


"Okay, that's done. Now, get to your next class," Professor Potter said.

We all walked out of class. With Tim dragging me to our next class, Potions.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice greeted from behind me. I looked over to who it was.

"Hi, Kevin. Why are you with us?" I asked.

"I kinda dropped out of Potions... two times," he answered meekly, casually sitting beside me. Tim said he'd sit with Cynthia, a fellow Hufflepuff.

"Class, class, class," Professor Slughorn started, tapping his wand on the table to get our attention. "Today, you are going to make something called..." he looked for something in his desk and showed us a heart-shaped bottle, "Amortentia."

"Love potion?" Kevin asked, his voice was a bit proud. Too proud if you ask me.

"Jeez. What a know-it-all," a voice said on the other side of the room.

Then and there I saw the person in the photo Anna warned me about.

"Steven Reid," Kevin spat, glaring daggers at the red-haired boy.

What's a school without a homophobic bully?

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Hiiii! It's so funny that I've published this three days ago and I'm getting 0 reads. LoL. But, I have fun making it, so... hahaha.

Anygay, thanks for reading! Wuvyuu!

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