
adventure guild corrupted member

Next day Hirito woke up and saw Amelia who is sleeping and shook his head. Then he got ready and wake up Amelia who sit up with her messy brown hair and rubbing her ember eyes while yawning.

Hirito them tod her to get ready as today they'll go to adevtyre guild. He taught her wind magic yesterday and she almost sliced a chair in half with a wind blade spell. Hirito nodded at her progress although she is weak now after a few months she can be a strong mage.

Hirito took Amelia to adventure guild and asked Lina," sister, this is Amelia colt. I found her yesterday on streets. She told me her parents are adventurers. Then she must receive the money left behind by the parents right? Why didn't she received even a copper".

Lina trembled when she heard the name colt and looked at the girl then said," this is the child of rook and sara colt. But the manager said she is dead in the forest", Hirito then felt thee is a corrupted one in the guild while Lina took out a file from shelf and then saw the photo of young Amelia in 5 years old.

Although 5 years are passed the photo matched with Amelia and Lina who her is trembling with anger. Then she immediately pushed the door of guild master and shouted," that fat pig Kane stole the money of a girl and faked her guild master".

Then Ronan arrived with Lina and looked at Amelia, then at Hirito. He asked," brat Arthur, how did you find her?", Hirito then told Ronan everything while Ronan face changed colour he smashed the nearby chair and roared," Kane, you bastard".

Adventurers who are at the guild immediately frightened by the roar while Ronan immediately send someone to call kane. After a few minutes a fat man with gold rings on his fingers and expensive clothes arrived at the guild.

Ronan is trembling with anger seeing kane while kane looked at Lina and licked his lips them asked," what is the purpose of calling me lina?", Lina looked at the man in disgust while Ronan punched kane and made him fall unconscious.

Silence, the guild immediately fell silent. The adventurers dropped their jaws and yelled," run, the berserker is angry", immediately the guild became empty and only Amelia who is shaking while looking at Ronan from behind Hirito. Lina and Ronan along with a fat pig *ahem* kane is left in the guild.

Hirito tilted his head and asked with confusion," berserker?", Lina looked at him astonishingly and said," yes, the guild master has the name of berserker, he rushed to the demon beats without even caring about his injuries earning his name".

Hirito looked at Ronan but Ronan is still shaking with anger and looked at Kane who is on the ground. He immediately sent a letter to lord of the city and also to other guild officials about this and removed kane from his position as the treasury manager.

When Ronan got the records he threw it away in anger. Not only Amelia most children didn't get their parent money. Even some guild finances are missing. The city lord moved the soldiers and arrested kane then siezed the property and gave it to the guild.

Amelia received her parents money with tears in her eyes, Lina gae her the picture of her parents that is left in the guild. Hirito taught her the storage magic and after a few days of study she opened the dimensional storage and also gate.

Amelia wants to give the money to Hirito but he refused and told her to keep it for herself in case of any emergencies and also gave her a ruby neckless that matched her brown hair and ember eyes. He started teaching her magic along with swords while telling her about his dream to build an organisation.

Amelia at this time is full faith on Hirito and believed him, Amelia is very suitable for spear and swords. Hirito started teaching her sword along with spear. He mastered the spear from his duel with Ronan that happens every two days. Rinana is a battle maniac if it isn't for Lina's galre at him he would fight Hirito everyday.