
Kengan Match

(This is an OC Kengan match) Story by SilentEvil4554 and his friends I do not own this fanfiction. And have no intent to make money on this, I'm just sharing it.

IsekaidMe · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Kaiya Nariko "Bullet Ant"

Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

The sun was leaking into the coffee shop, the smell of the various brews were mixing together in the air along with the soft colored wood made a nice calm atmosphere. Kaiya hated this, the smells were too strong and a headache was starting to fester as he rested his head on the table, black hat pulled over his face. He hated when his boss brought him to places like this there was nothing for him to do.

"Akira, why do you even like coffee? It tastes awful." He spoke to the person sitting across from him, voice slightly muffled by his hat.

Akira looked up at him with a slightly annoyed look, like a parent listening to their child whine. He set his cup of overpriced complex coffee down and sighed. "When you get older you'll realize coffee is a life saver and nothing else matters until you have a cup." He pushes his hair back as he pulls the hat off Kaiya's face. "At least look presentable." He tosses the cap back to his employee. "Besides unlike me you are getting paid to be here so suck it up."

Kaiya huffed as he put the cap back on his head, sitting up properly as he adjusted his ponytail. "I know I know these coffee smells are just too much." He slumps into his seat. "So why are we here anyway don't you have an appointment?" He looked out the window to see the various employees tireless working just a few floors below.

"I don't feel like going to that meeting with those old ass dudes trying to muscle in on my company, fuck 'em. Also I have a gift for you." He starts to sip his coffee with a soft smile.

Upon hearing about a gift Kaiya perked up, like an excited child he began to bounce in his seat a bit. "Gift? Is it something cool? Can I have it now? I bet it's a dog. I hope you got me a dog!" He looks under the table, expecting a dog to be there."

Akira watches this unfurl with mild confusion. "No it's-why would I get you a dog you have enough as it is." He pulls a sheet of paper out of his pocket and places it on the table. "I can be a pretty good boss you know." He pulls a pack of cigarettes out as he smirks at the paper.

Kaiya scrambles out from under the table. "They can always use more friends you know." He huffs and looks at the paper, taking it to look over. "This better be a bonus after I got you out of that bar, I hate it when you start fights like that you know."

Kaiya paused for a minute as he read the paper over multiple times. "A-Are you serious? I get to take on everyone?" He looked awestruck as he set the paper down, full of disbelief.

"Very serious, of course the last thing you get to do is lose." He lit the cigarette. "I am going to be backing you with all I can, getting info on any and all fighters I can so you need to hold up your end." He stands. "You need to win on my behalf. You need to be David and destroy all these Goliaths, let them underestimate you and cripple them fast, you have done it more times than I can count already." He leans against the table slightly, a confidant smirk stretching across his face. "Play it smart and you can make it far."

Kaiya coughs at the smoke wafting in his face, taking a few steps back. "I don't know what you mean but yeah I'll fuck them up." He cracks his knuckles. "I don't like losing anyway...not that anyone does really...maybe some people do but that would be weird." He starts to get lost in his own thoughts and excitement.

"Gross don't crack your knuckles." He blows some smoke to the side. "Take the day off to train, I need to make some calls and dig up some dirt on these fighters." He waves the short bodyguard out of the cafe, prompting Kaiya to quickly leave. "This is either going to go really well or absolutely terrible for me, fuck it lets roll the dice." He smirk is full of cockiness as he sits down to finish his coffee.

Written by Historical_Pattern

IsekaidMecreators' thoughts