
Kengan Ashura

Kazuo Yamashita is an ordinary, timid, fifty-six year old man who one day is summoned by the chairman of his company and hired as a manager of a gladiator. He learns that these hired gladiators engage in battles called "Kengan Matches" to protect the corporate rights of the businesses they represent. Kazuo Yamashita is assigned to manage a mysterious Kengan fighter named Ohma Tokita. Both men join the "Kengan Zetsumei Tournament" with the hope of winning the spot as chairman of the Kengan Organization.

Krystal_george · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Yamashita trudged reluctantly beside Ohma as they both walked forward.

Ohma-San…I'm done for…

You've said that already, Yamashita Kazuo.

Yamashita's eyes was closed as he spoke again. I went into a hundred million yen debt to become a Kengan association member.

You've also said that already, Yamashita Kazuo.

They arrived in front of a building which Yamashita described as the mansion of the debt king.

Miss Akiyama went home right after the match, didn't even join us for a drink. C'mon, C'mon in, Ohma-San. We're gonna drink the day away.

Haven't you had enough to drink, Yamashita Kazuo?

A toast to…

The scene inside the building made Yamashita to freeze his words.

Three men sat inside the bar, they were drinking and smoking.

One of them was a chubby man who had a pipe on his mouth.

The second man was a slim man who had a hair like a face cap.

And the third man was…


W…what the hell is going on here?!

Did you…

steal my money again!!?

Yamashita was stunned by the scene of his second son with two hooligans smoking and drinking inside his house.

The chubby man spoke. Oh..hey, sorry for the intrusion.

Actually dad, you came just when we needed you.

The two men walked towards Yamashita. This made Yasuo panic a bit. Wait guys…

The chubby man extended his hands which held a pipe as he spoke.

You see…we actually need a bit of money. About a hundred thousand Yen will do.

The slim man whose hair was like a cap spoke after his companion.

We looked around your house but we could only find thirty thousand.

The chubby man turned to Yasuo.

Oh…don't worry your ass Yasuo. We're not gonna hurt anyone.

After speaking, the chubby man walked towards Ohma while his friend walked towards Yamashita.

The chubby man spoke to ohma as he approached him. Hey, you there! You better get out your wallet too!

Yamashita immediately panicked seeing the fat man walk towards ohma. Wait, you two really shouldn't do this…!

Ohma was silent without saying anything, he just stared at the man. Huh? You deaf or something?

You work for Yasuo's dad, don't you? you better listen to your superior's son's friends if you know what's good for yo…



Ohma flicked his hands across the chubby man's face and the man was instantly sent flying.

The fat man's friend stood watching in shock. His mouth, eyes, nose everything! Every part of his body was open as he stared on.

Yamashita placed his hands on his forehead. See…I tried to warn you.

The chubby man landed heavily beside Yasuo.

Yasuo was immediately enraged.

Y..y..y..you son of a bitch! Was the help was that for!!?

Yasuo's mouth opened in shock as Ohma's hand grabbed him by the collar.

He didn't even see ohma or ohma's hand move.






Ohma kept on slapping Yasuo.

Yamashita was terrified as he watched ohma slap the living daylight out of his second son.


The man whose hair was like a cap held his chest in fear. He turned around and immediately fled the room.

Yasuo was always on a face cap. But now the cap had totally fallen off his head. Yasuo's face was swollen and blood ran down his face. Yasuo fell to the floor the moment ohma left him.

Ohma picked him up from the floor and turned to Yamashita.

So…whose this asshole?

Yamashita shouted. That's my son!! Did you really hit him without knowing that!!!?


After Yasuo and the chubby man had received treatment, they told their story to Yamashita and Ohma.

Yasuo and his friend used to be plain buddies who wanted to step things up, so they joined a local team. The local team turned out to be plain hell. They would take a ton of money from Yasuo and the chubby dude under the pretext of monthly collection.

The team's boss was a very terrible person that showed no mercy to those who opposed him.

Yasuo and his friends were too timid, so in the end they just kept being dragged along.

I can't believe anyone could be…



Yamashita was saying something when the sound of motorbikes suddenly rented the air, thereby cutting his speech off.

Are those motorbikes?

Yasuo and the chubby guy suddenly sweated profusely.

They're here!!

The sweat transferred unto Yamashita when he looked out the window.

There were more than a hundred motorbikes parked outside his house.

What the f*ck!!?

A biker gang!? In this day and age!!?

An all-out white flag was rolled down. The flag had the bold letters; Grandia.

A man who wielded a baseball bat walked slowly towards Yamashita's house.

The cap-haired dude who was with the chubby man earlier, was behind him.

So it was the seaweed who f*cked you up?

Y..yes sir. The man whose hair was like a cap bowed respectfully.

The man hit the bat on his shoulder lightly. Anyone who gets in the way of my collections has to answer to me.

This man was the Grandia boss; Hasegawa Shinsuke.


Yes sir!

I'll take the lead, you take care of psyching up the underlings.

Yes sir!

Watanabe sucked in a large amount of air. in the next second, he released it with a thunderous shout.


The grandia members Looked immediately fired up as they all shouted in reply.




Watanabe looked satisfied. Good! Now, there's someone who's retarded enough to pick a fight with the greatest and strongest team.

And it's a seaweed! So What're we gonna do!!?

Watanabe pointed at ohma who looked on lackadaisically as Watanabe ran his mouth.

Thunderous reply's came from the ruthless fired up grandia members.

Kill him!

Make him pay!!

Burn down his house!


Their leader, Hasegawa shinsuke nodded. Watanabe had done a brilliant job.



Yamashita stood watching in shock as ohma dipped his hands into his ears. Ohma looked uninterested as always.

The large crowd of Grandia members who had been fired up a moment before, were now lying helplessly, begging and pleading with Ohma.

Most of them had just very few teeth remaining, blood decorating most of their faces.

We're so sorry!!

Yasuo and his chubby friend who didn't know the man,

Tokita Ohma was stunned by the scene that unfolded earlier. It was so fast that their young eye couldn't even process it properly.

One man, just one man had taken on the entire grandia.

Not like this didn't happen in the past but that one man always ended up the one on the ground begging and pleading.

Yasuo stared in shock. He took on a hundred guys? Without even breaking a sweat!!?

But now, the entire grandia who held weapons had been subdued. Subdued by one man, one young man.


Shinsuke was at the front, he was lying unconscious, a large portion of his hair was missing. It seemed ohma had done the deed.

Is he calling me?

Yasuo saw ohma wave his hand back and front towards him in a motion that said he needed his attention.

Yasuo rigidly walked to Tokita. He feared the young man now.

Hey second son, how about it?

Yasuo was a bit confused.

What do you mean by that?

Ohma narrowed his brows. He looked more serious than ever.

Now, Ohma threw Yasuo the same question he had thrown at the boy's father the first day the met.

You wanna fight too?

That's what I'm asking.

Yasuo started fidgeting. I'll be good from now on…I'm really sorry for everything.

Ohma smiled a bit.

This made Yamashita wonder while Ohma didn't really smile often when he looked extremely cool and handsome while smiling.

Well…best of luck.

Yes sir!!

Yamashita was overjoyed as he watched Yasuo walk into the house.

Yasuo…you've finally straightened up…

Yamashita couldn't help but huh Ohma tightly as tears ran down his face.



A video of Ohma fighting was being displayed on a computer.

The video was changed into a picture of Ohma and Yamashita and Akiyama standing together.

So this man is really…My father after all?

Come to think of it…

How long has it been since I last saw his face?

The computer's user looked out of the window as he muttered. How you've aged father.

I never thought we'd meet like this.

In that moment, The computer user's face was revealed to be none other than Yamashita's first son; Yamashita Kenzo.