
Kengan Ashura

Kazuo Yamashita is an ordinary, timid, fifty-six year old man who one day is summoned by the chairman of his company and hired as a manager of a gladiator. He learns that these hired gladiators engage in battles called "Kengan Matches" to protect the corporate rights of the businesses they represent. Kazuo Yamashita is assigned to manage a mysterious Kengan fighter named Ohma Tokita. Both men join the "Kengan Zetsumei Tournament" with the hope of winning the spot as chairman of the Kengan Organization.

Krystal_george · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Let me get straight to the point. Shion said as she and Tomoko came down to meet the applicant. How did you find out about this?

The applicant put on his jacket. Mm..people will talk…That's all I can say.

Shion puffed a smoke. Then why did you break in? Are you promoting yourself for the Kengan matches?

I want to see him. The applicant lowered his head as he spoke. His long hair veiled his face.

Shion was taken aback. You want to see him?

The applicant suddenly raised his head he smiled happily as he spoke with gusto and excitedly. I want to see him! We have a lot of catching up to do! So I'd like to see him again!

Shion turned around. She was fed with this strange pretty boy. Alright…from this day forth, you are…our fighter!

Tomoko was shocked, everything was too fast for her to process immediately.

Miss Soryuin!!?

Are you sure about this? You can't just decide so easily…

Watch what you say Matsuda. Shion was definitely not going to banter words with her.

He'll eat you if you're not careful…


But if we can control him…

Do we have an agreement? The applicant said.

Shion grinned. Of course…thanks to you…

She extended her hands for a handshake. Oh…can I get your name?

The applicant smiled. It's Kiryu setsuna.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. 

Still smiling and holding her hand, Setsuna asked. So when's my debut match?

Shion puffed a smoke. just hold on for a bit....

There's going to be a wave in the kengan association soon....

 ....And it'll be a big one.

I'm going to have you ride that wave, Kiryu.




Mr Yamashita! how many years have you bee working here again?! What do you take this company for?!

The workers at the department seemed to be enjoying the show put on by their manager. They couldn't help but talk about it.

Hey. why's he getting mad at Mr yamashita?

Can't you tell? it's just the usual. he's just venting.

The manager's voice filled the air again and drowned the department's chattering for a bit.

A worker who relaxed on a chair with his hands used as a pillow for his head spoke. I dont think Mr matsui can handle the fact that Mr Nogi's showing special treatment to Mr Yamashita.

Damn...That's petty.

But all that said... 

...You think He's wasting his effort, with his victim being like that?

The worker used his head to make a gesture towards Yamashita. Yamashita looked like he was barely hearing Matsui. Yamashita had already zoned out with his mouth wide open and his eye staring at nothing in particular.

For God's sake! Do you understand me Mr yamashita!!? Matsui's veins were popping out as he screamed at an immobile Yamashita.

Just as he raise his voice so loud, yamashita broke out of his trance.

Huh? did you just say something?


Were you ignoring me???!!!

Do you realize that am your superior!!!??

Matsui was very enraged on realizing that his almost 30 minutes of screaming fell on deaf years.

It's that attitude of yours that disgusts...


Yamashita felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He immediately brought it out of his pocket to check it out.

Matsui was further infuriated by this.

H...hey! Don't play with your phone when am talking to you!!

Yamashita turned back quickly. Sorry boss! I have to go!

Wait! I'm not done talking...

Sorry! this is urgent! we'll have to pick this up when i have time! Yamashita replied him without even looking back or stopping his movement. After that, Yamashita walked away from the department.

Matsui was raging. His body shook as he thought to himself. You see how panicked he was? You think that was Mr Nogi calling him again?

Got to hand it to Mr yamashita...He's in his fifties and he's still climbing the corporate ladder.

God dammit!!!!

Matsui screamed as he kicked the trashcan beside him violently.

Yamashita was panting heavily. he had clearly been running. 

Looks like am just barely able to make it in time. 

Does he always have to be so abrupt whenever he calls me?

Yamashita was looking absent minded as he thought to himself. He didn't notice when a rough looking young man neared him, Yamashita bumped into the man.

oh...Sorry. Yamashita apologized.

Let's see...Where is he? Yamashita still kept on trudging onwards absent mindedly.

Hey pops.

Yamashita was slightly startled as he turned back. Huh? Me?

Yamashita turned around to see two men looking at him. One of them wore a cap while the other had tattoos drawn all over his body.

The man with the tattoos spoke first. You just bumped into me and you think saying sorry's enough?

Yamashita stared at them without saying anything. 

The tattoed man was confused for a moment. Huh?

Anno.....I've got an appointment so can we make this quick?


Are you f*cking with me??!!!!!

Seeing that his companion's temper was almost lost, the man on a cap decided to step up. he quickly put his hand across his companion's body to avoid him losing his temper and beating the hell out of Yamashita.

The capped man spoke. Listen pops...If you're really sorry, why don't you show us some ''sincerity''

...You know what I'm talking abot?

Yamashita looked blank as he stared at them. 

Etoo....This wouldn't happen to be extortion would it?

The capped man waved his hand in a way to signify surrender.

Extortion? No way! We just want you to show a little sincerity that's all.

Then again, If you feel You need to give us money, wed gladly accept it.

Okay, good to hear. Well, I'm in a hurry so I gotta go... Yamashita turned around as he he said this. he started to walk away.

The tattoed man finally erupted in anger. 

Wait the f*ck upppppp!!!!!

Yamashita turned around sluggishly. Oh, come on...What is it now...

I told you that I'm in a h....

Yamashita swallowed his words as his eye widened. 

That was a real dagger being pointed at him!!!

Is your job that important to you business man? 

The tattoed man straightened the dagger as he shouted. 

How about I make sure you never work again???!!! HUUUUH!!!!

The moment he pulled out the dagger a small crowd of people gathered around.

The Capped man looked at his friend strangely. Is really a good idea to pull a knife in public?

Shut the f*ck up! The tattoed man screamed at his friend. He was really angry.

I'm not gonna take this old folk's disrespect lying down! 

Now what's it gonna be?! Your money or your life!? HUUUHH!!!?

Sweat ran down Yamashita's entire body as he froze rigid.

Hah! It's a little too late to be shitting your pants now!

Make up your mind, goddamit!

Yamashita suddenly started talking off point. 

N...no, I'm not! I made it here on time, but these kids would just wouldn't leave me alone!

And your call was a bit too sudden in the first place so...


What the f*ck's he talking about?

Suddenly, the two men felt a cold air that made them shiver involuntarily.

The two men instantly got the feeling a ferocious man-eating tiger was towering behind them.

Huh? what is this feeling...?

Is this death.....?

We're staring death in the face...

Or rather....Death is caressing our backs...

Someone suddenly walked through their middle. 

It was a young man, he didn't look too happy.

You're five minutes late.

Ohma stared at Yamashita angrily.

By now, tears were already falling from the eyes of the two men.

Yamashita panicked slightly. I already apologized for that! Please let me off the hook!

No. Ohma said shortly.

Yamashita spoke again. The presence of the two men behind ohma was completely ignored. Please, Don't Give me... No! Give me a break here!

Ohma turned around. 

Huh? Yamashita couldn't help but smile wryly. Is it just me or have i stopped reacting to things?

The memories of him being bullied by his manager and him crying bitterly because of his sons and his wife flashed through his mind.

Am I just not affected b things as much anymore?

Yamashita remembered Lihito, Kaburagi and the deva king. He couldn't help but pat his own head. Perhaps it's because I've seen so many Surreal things in such a short span of time...and before I knew it, I'd bulit up nerves of steel.

He stare at ohma who was walking ahead of him. He's the primary cause.

Yamashitas thought swayed to a diferent thing. You know, when I look at it that way... Being ohma's manager isn't such a bad thing after all... I get special treatment too.

Yamashita spoke to ohma just when they were beside a sign that said; Imperial beef. Oh, come to think of It. Ohma what did you want to see me for today?

Ohma didn't say much. we're here.

Ohma;'s eyes suddenly lit up. Let's eat here. 

Yamashita scratched thehis head at the massive resraurant he saw. well...This is a pretty high society place...

...This may be a stupid question to ask but, Do you have the money?

Yamashita's shoulder's dropped when he heard the next thing ohma said. I used up all my fiht money. You can handle it right? Yamashita kazuo.

 Yamashita smiled bitterly. What'd he spend it on? I don't think I can get this expense covered...

...Good bye, special treatment.




You're kidding!

Akiyama exclaimed. Her face full of surprise.

Nogi on the other hand, was calmer as he spoke. I'm afraid this isn't open to discssion. Our next kengan match is in five days... The opposing business is gandai, Inc. and their fighter is...

...Hell's angel, Sekibayashi Jun.

who has a kengan match record of 57 wins and no losses.

Akiyama's eye were sharp as she spoke. He's definitely one of the Top ranking fighters...

...He'll be crushed. 

I don't care...If he is, I'll just have to find a new fighter...

Nogi looked reflective.

Tokita ohma...

...This is your final trial. 

I want to see you take hold of your destiny...

...With your own hands.