
Keeping the Alpha's baby a secret

They meet at an early age. The young alpha tries to fight it, but all change on one drunk night. The young luna decided to leave right before her luna ceremony. She found out two weeks later she was pregnant by the alpha. She move to Berlin for 7 year to find herself. She came back when the young alpha was going to become the new Alpha. He then found out he had a daughter fern. Then decided he was indeed in love with his mate and tried everything to win her back. She became a very successful designer in Berlin. It took a couple of weekends for the aloha to win her heart. When he did well the rest is history.

DaoistDHmDRY · Urban
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20 Chs


Chapter 4 Cherry

Dylan was heavy. Luckily, he was lucid enough to walk, albeit with lurching steps. He was so tall compared to my petite frame. My head only came up to his chest. Even in the heels I wore, he towered over me. Now and then, his big hand flopped against my neck or down my back as he steadied himself. By keeping an arm around his waist, I guided him in the right direction and kept him upright.

Within a few short minutes, we were at our door. It suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my coat, with my keys, at Dylan's parents.

"Fuck," I swore.

Dylan let out a deep laugh, and my eyes darted up to him. He stared down at me. "I haven't heard you swear before."

With the way he blinked at me, you'd have thought I'd grown a second head. I reminded myself that he was drunk. He probably was seeing two of me.

I sighed, "Well, now you have." Irritation needled through me as the cold night stung my bare arms, neck, and back. Even Dylan's body heat as he leaned on me couldn't chase the cold away. "I forgot my keys. Do you have yours?"

He nodded, his dark gaze still held me. He patted his left trouser pocket, and a welcome jangle met my ear. He tried to slip his left hand into his pocket but missed. I chuckled.

I felt his arm stiffen around me, but his shadowy stare blazed with unexpected intensity.

"You've never laughed at me before, either." His gaze tracked over my face as if he was seeing me properly for the first time. To have his attention pinned on me almost robbed me of my breath, but the decision I'd made to leave and chase my dreams helped me keep my cool.

Anger tinged my voice, "Well, you deserve it. You could've ruined your dad's birthday getting into this state." I reached around awkwardly, freeing the keys from his pocket.

When I pushed the door open, his voice sounded much more strongly and significantly. "You're right, Cherry. Thank you for looking after me, and thank you for getting us home."

It was my turn to look up at him with surprise. I didn't think he'd ever said thank you so sincerely. And those words "us" and "home" seemed to beat with meaning when uttered in his deep, possessive tone.

Dylan's brown gaze seared into me. Then as the wall of the house was suddenly behind me and Dylan's huge body pressed against mine, I felt as if I'd stumbled into one of my fantasies. His lips devoured mine, plundering my mouth and stealing my breath away. I was powerless to stop him. Besides… I didn't want to. I felt my wolf's hunger rising in me and merging with my own blinding need. Need for him.

My whole world was reduced to Dylan's tongue, pushing its way into my mouth, probing and exploring. My tongue tangled with his, and ripples of pleasure flooded me. His kisses were demanding, and my lips soon felt swollen, but I didn't want him to stop.

As his teeth bit my lip, molten heat moved through my core—a wet ache built between my legs. A moan escaped me, and Dylan pulled back. His burning stare swept my face, and whatever he saw there turned his expression even more carnal.

"Mine," he growled. His hands were everywhere, making good on his word: every searing touch like a brand. His hand fisted in my hair, the other trailed down by back, and then they were both on my hips, massaging my skin through the sheer silk of my dress. His mouth continued to punish my lips. He pulled me flush against him, the feel of his arousal straining against his trousers, hard against my stomach.

As he lifted me, my legs instinctively wrapped themselves around his waist. He pushed the front door open and carried us inside. I wiggled my heels off, using my feet. Dylan carried me straight into my bedroom. Our bedroom, I thought.


The curtains were undrawn, but I didn't care. I only had eyes for my mate. Besides, with the sliver of moonlight, I could bask in the sight of him. Laying me down on the bed, Dylan's eyes never left me as if he were feasting on me as much as I was his. The idea stirred the ache between my legs. I needed him. I'd needed him for a long time.

My mate.

Dylan's impatience was evident as he stripped his suit jacket and shirt off. My cheeks flushed as I admired the sculpted muscle of his chest, all the way down to where it disappeared below his waistline. The sound of him undoing his belt buckle sent a delicious thrill through me, and my toes curled.

As Dylan rid himself of his trousers and boxers, his erection sprang free. I swallowed thickly, half nervous, half excited. As my mate came to me, he shoved the silk dress up around my waist, pulled down my lace knickers, then stroked the bundle of nerves between my legs. I gasped as the wetness of my arousal slicked his fingers. Heat rose in me, and I whimpered with pleasure. I arched into his touch as he continued to caress my clit.

But it wasn't enough. I wanted more. I wanted all of him. The feeling in me built and built. I was close to coming apart, but I wanted him completely. Leaning down, I grasped his arousal. Pumping his cock, I drank in the groan he awarded me. But I couldn't wait any longer.

"Dylan," I gasped. "I need you."

His fingers fell away, and I felt the head of his arousal press against my entrance. Its firm pressure was delicious. I opened to him completely. Gently, he drove into me, stretching me wider and wider. I felt a shudder of pain, but pressing my legs against his ass, I encouraged him further in. The discomfort was soon gone, and only his fullness was left. It was all I could think about. As he moved, I bucked against him, and it was the most exquisite pleasure I'd ever experienced.

His breath was on my throat, his tongue trailing kisses down to the neckline of my dress. He dragged the silk up and over my head, stripping me of my

bra too. Then his attention was on my breasts, kneading and nuzzling them.

As he thrust into me and suckled, I spiraled over the edge. "Dylan," I panted. I'd lost track of the number of times I'd come apart when he found his own release, letting out a groan and spilling hot inside me.


When I blinked my eyes open, it took me a moment to convince myself I wasn't dreaming, but the sexy, sleeping man beside me was blissfully real. I remembered just how real his arms, chest, lips, and cock had felt. The temptation to run my hands over any or all of those parts had me smiling as I watched Dylan sleep in the morning light.

It did all feel like a dream. Especially as I remembered how awful the earlier part of yesterday had been: Our Alpha's party, the announcement about mine and Dylan's Moon Ceremony, and then Dylan's pushing me away at the party. But none of that could dampen my happiness as my heart skipped as I stared at my mate. My body felt full and sated in a way it never had before. Heady anticipation shuddered through me as I wondered whether Dylan would be up for round two when he woke.

As if he'd heard my wicked thoughts, his eyes fluttered open. "Cherry?"

The questioning tone tinging his voice made my stomach bottom out. Swallowing, I pulled the covers tight to my chest, suddenly aware of my nakedness beneath the sheet in a way I hadn't been a moment ago.

Tentatively, I asked, "What do you remember about last night?"

Dylan scrunched up his face, holding his hand to his head. His blank stare made me tense. "I remember drinking. A lot."

"You did," I agreed wearily. "You weren't exactly rational at the party last night. I had to help you home."

Dylan's frown deepened as he took in his surroundings. "And then into your bed?" he bit out.

I ground my teeth together, outraged at the idea that he blamed me for where he found himself this morning. "I think you'll find that it was you who carried me in here." My temper rose as I thought of how he'd kissed me. Not the other way around. Was he going to pretend that he'd felt nothing last night? I'd felt his want and need for me. He'd called me his.

Tentatively, I tried to remind him about what last night had been like. "You thanked me for bringing us home, then kissed me like you meant it… Like you needed me. You said I was… yours." I couldn't bring myself to say the last bit and I felt like you were mine.

Dylan's expression remained unmoving. "I was drunk. I don't remember any of last night."

My heart seemed to crack as each of his unfeeling words fell. Hot pin- pricks of tears threatened behind my eyes. Last night meant everything to me. I'd spent a year dreaming about it. Hell, I'd spent all of my adult life dreaming about it. But I'd spent the last year desperately hoping we'd come together like we had, desperately clinging to the belief that Dylan would fall in love with me. I'd thought that last night proved that he felt for me what I did for him. Yet for him, last night had only been fuelled by drunkenness.

He didn't even remember anything about what had happened. The thought broke me.

Wordlessly, I climbed out of bed, ignoring that I was naked. He'd seen everything last night anyway. Maybe a flash of my ass or breasts would jog his memory, I thought bitterly. Fishing out a pair of knickers from the drawer, I hiked them on, throwing on a T-shirt, before pulling a pair of jeans on. Then, I stormed out.

Slipping on a pair of boots, I marched down the path and ran straight into Bert.

With a flash of his pearly whites, my friend greeted me. "Hey, I was just coming to check in on you two." His bushy eyebrows arched suggestively.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confusion marring my features. Bert couldn't know what had happened between Dylan and me last night. Right?

But Bert laughed and explained, "Someone forgot her coat last night." Only then did I notice my coat draped over his arm. "I followed you not long after you left. I didn't stop cos you and Dylan looked cozy."

My face flushed crimson as I realized Bert had seen us kissing outside. The memory of Dylan pushing me up against the wall and kissing me in such a passionate way had my pulse racing again. But his blank look and dismissive tone only a moment ago soon made me crush down all thoughts about last night.

"It was nothing," I said, blinking away the tears that threatened again. "Just a drunken kiss."

Bert's blue eyes raked over me, and I wondered if he was putting two-and- two together based on my appearance. Heat prickled across my skin.

"These things take time, Cherry," he said gently.

Frustration prickled through me, annoyed that my friend was telling me to put in more time when I'd put in so much already. "He's never going to love me, Bert. I can't keep forcing things." Deflated, I sighed. The urge to say something about my decision sparked through me. "Besides, I've decided to go." I met my friend's eyes. "I'm gonna leave the pack."

My friend's olive face paled. "You don't mean that, Cherry."

I shook my head sadly, skirting around Bert before he could say anything else. Walking away, I felt my determination harden. I reminded myself that Bert was, first and foremost, Dylan's Beta. Of course, he didn't want me to leave his future Alpha. It was Bert's duty to protect his Alpha, and the pack, at all costs. And if I was meant to be the future Luna, that meant it was his job to keep me here. But if I stayed, only to be rejected by Dylan again, I knew the cost was going to be my own happiness, a price I wasn't willing to pay.