
Keeper Of The Library

Isaac loved to read spending all of his free time reading and learning. His dream was to be able to work in a library but was unable to afford the years of college to achieve that dream. He worked at a grocery store making minimum wage and barely scraped by. All of that changed when he received a package in the mail. Image is not mine if it is yours and you would like me to remove it please do let me know. Also this is only my 2nd story so please be patient with me since I'm not the best writer.

FoxyWitch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs



As the blood pumped through their veins it destroyed all of their normal blood causing their bodies to heat up as their skin released a blood colored vapor. The pain was bearable at first as they clenched their teeth to bear with it.

After the blood finished with their own bodies blood and veins they got a few moments of peace before the pain began again and slowly got worse. As they tried their hardest not to scream the blood began to attack their organs. Their organs were slowly being destroyed one by one as the magic circle William placed around them healed the damage making them stronger. They were able to bear with it up until their hearts began being destroyed. At this point the pain became too much for them to bear causing the two of them to fall unconscious.

 The moment they fell unconscious the blood seemed to kick into overdrive destroying and improving their organs much faster than before. Once it finished with their organs it moved on to their bones causing them to began liquifying before their liquified bones were absorbed by their blood. At this point their bodies looked like deflated sacks of flesh making William double check to make sure they were still alive. After getting a positive answer he sighed in relief before continuing to watch over them. 

The divine beast blood began to remake their bones stronger than before with the strength of iron bars. Their bodies slowly regained its structure returning them to how they looked before. Once all of their bones were back the next thing in the line of fire was their skin and flesh.

Their skin began melting off turning into a pool of sludge around their bodies looking like one of those anatomy mannequins. But soon their flesh began melting off leaving just their bones and organs exposed. William kept a close eye on them to make sure the two didn't die. He could still see their hearts beating so he knew they were still alive causing him to sigh in relief. Even though he has been through he has been through this situation many times before he still worries for their safety every time.

The pool of their skin and flesh began to boil and swirl around. As it boiled a black fog began being let off and floating away making the pool of sludge a much brighter red. The pool of flesh and blood then wrapped around their bones reforming itself into their previous forms. Their skin was much smoother and completely clean while their skin and flesh was much stronger. Their transformation was almost complete. At this point there was just a little bit left before it was complete.

Their eyes and all of the nerves burned away before slowly being regrown looking quite different. Isaac's eyes looked like a foxes eyes with a golden color instead of his previous brown green color. Val had his eyes changed to a dragons eyes with the color looking rainbow instead of his previous gray blue. The pupils were a rainbow ring that slowly rotated around.

Finally they were on the last stage. This was the easiest stage since it was just gaining some features. Isaac had a pair of small fox ears pop out of the top of his head. They were covered in a golden fur and he gained a few gold streaks through his fiery red hair. Val on the other hand had two horns start to grow out of his head and along with his dark brown hair he gained a few silvery streaks through it.

After these last changes William sighed in relief to know that they made it through the bloodline awakening. He stood up and dispelled the magic circle around the two with a wave of his hand before picking them both up and carrying them to the bath. Once in there he stripped off their blood soaked clothes before throwing them in the bath. He replaced the water that quickly became dirty with fresh clean water before casting a spell on the two of them to wake them up before leaving to go clean up and watch the entrance. 

Both of them woke up screaming before realizing they were no longer in pain. Looking around in confusion they saw a note left by William next to a new set of clothes for the two of them.

Congratulations on surviving your bloodline awakening! Your previous outfits along with your bodies were soaked in blood and other things so I took the liberty of arranging you a bath and new outfits. Take time to wash up and get adjusted to your new bodies before meeting me in the main library. While they have the same structure as your previous bodies your strength is much higher. Along with your other senses your eyesight should also be much improved so take things slow.-William

Finishing reading the note both Isaac and Val turned to take a good look at each other before talking.

Well I am glad we came out of that unscathed Val said. But I really wish to never go through such pain again.

Yeah I totally agree Isaac responded with a wry smile. Also wow having your hearing enhanced is quite disorientating. Same with the eyesight. I can see colors more vividly and it feels like I can zoom in my eyesight.

Well your hearing issue might be the second pair of ears you have Val said while rubbing Isaac's set of fox ears causing Isaac to blush. Also I agree these eyes are quite wonderful. Now I can see your beauty so much better. 

Isaac's face turned bright red as he completely submerged himself in the bath out of embarrassment. Val just laughed before pulling Isaac out before speaking.

Come on let's get cleaned and dressed. We shouldn't keep William waiting for too long.

Isaac nodded before gaining a wicked grin. Once Val turned away Isaac struck. He tackled Val dragging him down into the bath before planting a kiss on his lips.

That's for teasing me Isaac said with a chuckle.

Oh just you wait Val laughed before fighting back.

After awhile of playing around and having fun they finally decided to get out and get dressed. Putting on their library uniforms they shared another kiss before heading out to meet William. 

Heading towards the main library they saw William sitting there reading a book. There was no sign of what they went through at all. Looking up from his book he saw the two and smiled before speaking.

I am glad to see you two are alright. I hope you are feeling fine and that you have adjusted a bit to your new bodies.

Thanks for the concern Isaac said with a smile. So far it has been okay getting used to the new bodies but we will just need a bit more time.

Well it has only been a few hours since the awakening finished so it is expected Val said.

Yes it does William responded. For now just take it slow and if it becomes too much for you then let me know. Now how about I teach you how to energy cultivate William said standing up. 

As Val and Isaac were about to agree the library door began to shimmer as the building began to tremble as if an earthquake was happening.

With a sigh William spoke. Sorry you two but cultivation lessons will have to wait. We have another visitor coming and from the way the building is acting they are going to be quite large. Let's just hope they are nicer than the previous one.


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