
This Is an Actor

The next day, only nine days left until the assessment.

Lu Zhongmu arrived at Chen An’nian’s place and was taken aback by the spirited Chen An’nian.


Chen An’nian happily waved his hand upon seeing Lu Zhongmu and rushed over to him.

“I’ve thought about it all night and I think you’re right.”

“I will work hard and never let those wolves succeed!”

Observing Chen An’nian’s confident and hopeful expression, Lu Zhongmu couldn’t help but rub his eyes.

He’s alive?

This shouldn’t be the case.

And has this guy lost his mind?

How did he change so suddenly?

Did I really say something so inspiring yesterday?

“Zhongmu, did you come to bring me meat soup?”

Chen An’nian stared at Lu Zhongmu’s empty hands and asked.

Lu Zhongmu felt that something must have gone wrong today.

Something is definitely off.

And where did the meat soup come from?

He thought Chen An’nian would definitely die yesterday and came specially to collect his body, so how could he prepare meat soup?

This is awkward. “Well... I was just cooking it on the stove. I come to check on you because I was worried about your safety,” Lu Zhongmu forced a stiff smile.

“I feel relieved seeing you recover. Just wait a moment, I’ll bring it to you soon.”

Saying that, Lu Zhongmu turned and hurriedly walked away, pretending to be in a rush to fetch something.

Watching Lu Zhongmu’s figure, Chen An’nian touched his chin and summarized his recent performance.

“Was I too excited just now?”

“Well, I can’t say that. I did it to increase the dosage of poison.”

“Otherwise, how long would it take to accumulate a drop of divine power? That tiny trace of divine power is useless.”

“Yes, when he brings the meat soup, I’ll say I seem to have sensed the qi.”

“Let’s stimulate him a bit more.”

Chen An’nian moved a small stool and sat in front of the house, waiting for Lu Zhongmu to arrive.

Factotum Peak had over a dozen peaks, and Chen An’nian lived on the outskirts where there were hardly any other disciples.

“This can also explain my current state.”

“But performing indeed requires talent. I was a bit exaggerated just now. I should have a mix of happiness and uneasiness, with a hint of hope under high pressure.”

“It’s really difficult to strike the right balance...”


On his way back, Lu Zhongmu furrowed deeply.

“What’s going on?”

“I spent a low-grade spirit stone to buy the Poisonous Energy Pill, which can even kill Qi and Blood Realm cultivators.”

“Even though I only used a little each time, I’ve already fed him half of it, so why isn’t he dead yet?”

“It’s really strange. I’ll increase the dosage today.”

“Chen An’nian has changed too much today... I heard that many people undergo drastic changes under life-threatening situations due to excessive pressure.”

“That’s probably it...”

Lu Zhongmu returned to his residence, bought a clay pot of meat soup, and carefully picked a small piece of Poisonous Energy Pill with a silver needle.

The silver needle instantly turned black.

“The Poisonous Energy Pill seems fine. Could it be that he has developed resistance to poison?”

Lu Zhongmu pondered and picked another small piece of Poisonous Energy Pill, thoroughly stirring it into the soup.

“Those people outside are saying that if I kill Chen An’nian or force him out, they would give me at least twenty low-grade spirit stones. Could it be that this kid has some treasure on him?”

Lu Zhongmu pondered in his mind, his actions not ceasing.

He carefully dissolved another small piece of Poisonous Energy Pill in water and dabbed it onto the warm steamed bun.

“Let’s deal with this kid first. If he really has a treasure, I can seek help from my cousin later. As an outer disciple, he shouldn’t have much trouble dealing with a group of assassins.”

Lu Zhongmu carried the food container and hummed a tune as he walked toward Chen An’nian’s residence.


Chen An’nian sat on a small stool, waiting for over two hours.

His stomach had started to growl when Lu Zhongmu finally arrived.

“Zhongmu, thanks a lot,” Chen An’nian eagerly greeted, rushing towards Lu Zhongmu.

“The meat soup smells so good,” Chen An’nian sniffed and said.

“That’s good. I was afraid you wouldn’t like it,” Lu Zhongmu chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go inside quickly and eat it while it’s hot.”

The room was cramped, actually a firewood shed, with half of it occupied by firewood and the other half serving as Chen An’nian’s living space.

Lu Zhongmu had to lower his head every time he entered.

The bloodstains in the room had been cleaned up.

Chen An’nian held two bowls and was immediately stopped by Lu Zhongmu.

“These things are all prepared for you. You’ve just recovered from a serious injury, and it’s time to take care of your body,” Lu Zhongmu said earnestly.

“It’s alright, Zhongmu. You went through so much trouble to cook the meat soup for me. What’s wrong with having a bowl? Besides, I can’t finish all of this by myself,” Chen An’nian insisted, bringing the two bowls over and diligently scooping the soup.

Lu Zhongmu’s face turned pale, and he quickly stopped Chen An’nian.

“An’nian, all of this is for you. I really don’t need it.”

“Here, today I brought you four steamed buns, along with this jar of meat soup. Enjoy them and get well, so you can continue your cultivation,” Lu Zhongmu said with conviction.

Chen An’nian understood and calmly handed over the soup, smiling.

“I was actually going to tell you something, Zhongmu.”

“What is it?”

“Remember when I was feeling down yesterday? Well, amidst the great sorrow and grief, I unexpectedly sensed... qi,” Chen An’nian took a sip of the delicious meat soup, raised an eyebrow slightly, and continued savoring it as if reluctant to drink it all at once.


Lu Zhongmu’s eyes widened instantly.

“You... sensed qi? Is it... true?”


Chen An’nian’s eyes curved with a smile.

“That’s why I’m so happy today.”

“Just as you said, there’s always a way when there seems to be none!”

Chen An’nian’s expression changed constantly, and finally, he forced a smile.

“Good... good...”

“Zhongmu, what’s wrong? Are you not happy?”

Chen An’nian knowingly asked.

“Ah, how could that be?”

Lu Zhongmu quickly waved his hand.

“I’m just so happy that you can sense qi. I’m genuinely happy for you.”

“In that case, Zhongmu, can you do me a favor?”

Chen An’nian looked at Lu Zhongmu hopefully.

“Just ask whatever you want. If it’s something I can help you with, I won’t refuse,” Lu Zhongmu patted his chest.

“Don’t just talk, hurry up and eat. The steamed buns won’t taste good when they’re cold.”

Chen An’nian tore off a piece of steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth, revealing a satisfied smile.

Then he broke it in half and offered it to Lu Zhongmu.

Lu Zhongmu quickly waved his hand.

“In that case, Brother, I’ll just say it,” Chen An’nian said while eating.

“I want to cultivate, but I don’t even have the most basic fist technique. Can you help me?”

Don’t even think about it!

Lu Zhongmu cursed Chen An’nian in his heart.

Taking advantage of my kindness, aren’t you?

Do you even want a cultivation technique?

Are you a monkey?

Can you climb a pole so effortlessly?

Suddenly, Lu Zhongmu’s eyes lit up, and he earnestly patted Chen An’nian’s shoulder.

“Even if you didn’t ask, I would find a way to get you one. The Breathing Technique is too precious, only available to outer disciples, but there must be a fist technique.”

Lu Zhongmu assured him.

“Really?” Chen An’nian took a big sip of the meat soup, surprised.

“Of course,” Lu Zhongmu had a plan in mind.

But for some reason, as he watched Chen An’nian happily eating, Lu Zhongmu began to doubt everything.

This is a Poisonous Energy Pill! Why does nothing happen to him?

Lu Zhongmu even had the urge to try it himself.

“You eat first. I’ll go find a fist technique for you. With nine days left, you will definitely pass the assessment!”

“Okay!” Chen An’nian nodded seriously.

“Zhongmu, if I can pass the assessment, I will definitely repay you.”

“What are you saying? Do you think I did all these for repayment?”

Lu Zhongmu watched Chen An’nian take a big bite of the steamed bun and reluctantly patted his shoulder before leaving the small room.

“Make sure to finish all of this. Don’t leave any. I’ll bring you more tomorrow.”

Chen An’nian held the steamed bun and saw Lu Zhongmu off.

“Zhongmu, I’m counting on you for the fist technique.”

“Don’t worry!” Lu Zhongmu said earnestly.

If poison can’t kill you, I’ll find a fist technique that can! Don’t think you’ll survive!

Lu Zhongmu thought with resentment in his heart.