
A Thrilling and Exhilarating Battle

The Master Fighter tournament became increasingly brutal, with numerous participants regretfully withdrawing from the competition.

Some initially sustained minor injuries, but as they accumulated over two or three days, they had no choice but to reluctantly withdraw.

The number of active Master Fighters in the tournament was visibly decreasing at an alarming rate.

Chen An’nian did not immediately unleash his full power.

Instead, he adhered to his principles of cultivation, continuously pushing himself.

It was as if he was dancing on the edge of a cliff, where a slight misstep could lead to a plunge into an abyss.

On the seventh day, he had seven wins and three losses.

On the eighth day, eight wins and two losses.

On the ninth day, six wins and four losses.

Finally, through Chen An’nian’s unwavering “efforts”, he climbed up to the fiftieth position, teetering on the most dangerous edge.

Another loss would push him out of the top fifty.