
Keep on Coming Back to You

Do you believe in "love at first sight"? Your answer may be "no". But for Joseph, a University student, he fell in love with a same aged boy first day of school. His name was Nathan. The two boys were both deeply in love with each other. However, their love was prohibited and others started to spread hate on their love. Somehow, Nathan's heart was shaken by the surroundings and started to question his love to Joseph. Will they get through all the difficult times? Will their love lasts forever? Find out in this book!

Milliliter · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Part Two

"Sweetie! You're back! Is today fun?" Joseph's mom said.

"Yeah..." Joseph answered.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?"

"Nothing. I'm just... Um... Yeah... Tried."

After putting his backpack aside, Joseph started lying on the couch looking really worried.

His sister passed by the couch and saw Joseph looking upset.

"You look worried, Joseph. Do you have anything you want to tell me? I will help you if I can." Jessica asked Joseph.

"No, I'm just really tired."



"Okay then, get some rest Joseph. I will wake you up before dinner."

"Thanks sis." Joseph replied before she walked away.

He kept on lying on the couch and stared at the empty ceiling. His mother noticed that and quickly checked on him.

"Are you sure you're okay?"


"Tell me if you need anything."

"Thanks Mom, but I'm okay. I want to go back to my bedroom."

Joseph then returned to his bedroom to escape from the disturbance of his mom. He then took out his phone and started staring at it in his bed. He kept refreshing his MSG unconsciously. From his crooked eyebrows, everyone could clearly tell that he was heavy minded and it seemed like he was waiting for something to pop up in his phone.

'Is he going to call me? Is he going to text me?' Joseph thought before he decided to put down the phone finally and get some proper rest after waiting for half an hour.

At the mean time, Nathan was at his friend, Ian's house. They wanted to catch up with each other as they had not met up for a while due to the long summer break.

"So your summer break is really boring. Did I get it right?" Ian asked.

"Yeah... It could be a lot better if you were here. I have nowhere to go by myself that's why it's so freaking boring." Nathan replied.

"Ha! I knew that all along! I told you you needed me! Ha!"


Ian and Nathan had been really close friends since they were 10. They went to the same college, even the same University to study the same subject.

And the reason why the summer break was extremely boring for Nathan was that Ian went overseas to visit his family. As a result, Nathan did not have anyone to hang out with, except his family.

"By the way, do you know why is it so boring? My mom kept telling me to go to places that I didn't want to go. She take hundreds of selfies with me every time. I hate taking photos you know... " Nathan complained to Ian as Ian got up from the comfy couch and walked towards the kitchen to make some food.

" Yeah yeah yeah... You see, I live on my own. I wish I could live with my family so bad. You should feel happy that you are still living with your family." Ian said while handing Nathan a bowl of cereal.

"Whatever..." Nathan stopped grumbling after receiving a bowl of cereal.

"Let's talk about our project instead. Didn't you ask a boy to join us?" Ian asked.

"Yes, his name is Joseph. I think he is all by himself."

"Did you get his phone number?"

"Of course I did."

"Then you can ask him what interesting historical event he wants to do."

"I'll do that when I get back home."

"We are still missing one person though... We need four to five people in a group."

"Maybe we can ask our classmates tomorrow?"

"Since you have invited Joseph to join us, I will invite one as well."


"OK then. Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure."

Ian then put on a movie and the two boys watched together sitting on the couch.

After the movie ended, Nathan went back to his home.

He had dinner with his parents and sisters before heading to his bedroom. He took a bath before he lay in his bed.

Then, he decided to text the boy that he met in the afternoon.

Nathan : Hii

After 2 seconds, Joseph was online.

'Finally! He texted me!' Joseph thought to himself as he texted back. All the worries faded away and a sweet little smile appeared on his face. He immediately texted a "Hi!" to Nathan as if it was his last time texting.

Joseph : Hi!

Nathan : So... Ian told me to ask you what  interesting historical event you want to do.

Joseph : Who is 'Ian'?

Nathan : That's one of our group members. He is my best friend and the one who shouted at me today.

Joseph : Oh yeah... I forget about him, sorry.

Nathan : So... Do you have any idea?

Joseph : Not right now. Maybe we can talk about that tomorrow? It's pretty late now.

Nathan : Oh sorry. Did I disturb you from your sleep?

Joseph : That's fine.

Nathan : Let's talk tomorrow then. See ya!

Joseph : Bye!

Nathan : Bye!

After sending "bye", Nathan put away his phone and fell asleep right away.

However, for Joseph, he did not fall asleep. He was still wide awake as Nathan finally texted him. Saying that he was excited would be an understatement as he had been waiting for it since he got back home. Getting a text from Nathan was all he was waiting for.

'Is he asleep now? Will he talk to me first tomorrow? Will he say hi to me tomorrow?' All these questions and thoughts were stuck in Joseph's mind, making his mind restless. The night was extremely long for him as he could not fall asleep when he kept thinking about the boy he just met today.

He was skinny and his defined cheek bones just gave him a skeletal look. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. Not to mention, his soft and sweet smile was the icing of the cake. Nathan's perfect appearance was all that he could think about now. Joseph's heart itched for him even though it was the first day they met.