
Keep Me With You

Kidnapped by her brothers enemy. is it wrong that she doesn't want him to let her go? Alana Cross is an unexpected pain in Marcus Reeds backside. He didn't want to take her, but his options were limited. Now he has to make sure they both make it out the other side alive and with their hearts intact.

LoveShy · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

Marcus looked up from his laptop as James strolled into the office. "Anyone would think you've got no place to be" James accused checking his watch as he sauntered towards the bar. Damien also checked his watch and cursed under his breath. "I really could do without this shit!" He complained closing the laptop and standing. James grunted and poured himself a drink sighing heavily.

"You gotta play the game man. The guy might be scum but his information is solid. We need him. He said he has some one in Richard's team. And if it works out as planned, He could bring us everything we need" Marcus buttoned the front of his suit and joined his partner at the bar accepting the tumbler being held towards him. " hopefully this is the last time dealing with these bastards" he muttered clicking glasses with James and downing the amber liquid. Replacing the glass on the counter he headed out of the room.

"Good luck brother, and don't kill the guy before we get to ask questions" James spoke over his shoulder, one hand in his pocket as he looked out over his view of the gardens through the floor to ceiling windows.

Checking his watch for the 3rd time Marcus's irritation was evident in his features as he sat in the dimly lit room awaiting his host. The room was filled with expensive looking paintings and a large round table surrounded by plush chairs like the one he sat in. Otherwise it was pretty bland, the only light coming from the low hanging chandelier that sat in the centre of the table. Before he could check his watch for a fourth time the door creaked open and in strolled Crewe, a huge puff of cigar smoke surrounding him.

Crewe was a huge menacing looking man with a permanent snarl and a scar that ran from the corner of his eye to his earlobe. His ginger hair was cut close to his head and he wore an expensive navy suit that struggled to accommodate his wide midsection.

"Ahh Reed, thank you for joining me" the older man said referring to him by his surname. Marcus stood prepared to shake the mans hand as he rounded the table "Crewe. I appreciate you calling me. I hear you have..." his words caught in his throat at the site of the woman trailing in behind Crewe, her hands tied together by thick rope that had cut into her petite wrists turning her caramel skin red and raw.

Marcus's jaw grinded as he took in her bruised face and split lower lip. Her eyes were cast downward and she played with the sleeves of her jumper as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Rage coursed through his body his eyes shifting back to the Scottish man who was smiling nastily at his reaction. Mistaking the look on his face for lust. "She's a beauty isn't she? We picked her up 3 days ago." Crewe said, with a faint trace of his accent evident. Everyone knew Crewe was an evil bastard but this? This was getting beyond the point Marcus could keep his cool. Fuck what James said they would have to get their information some other way.

"This meeting is over" He growled barely keeping the disgust from his voice. As he turned to walk past Crewe to the exit.

"Now hold on now Reed, you haven't even heard what I've got for you" Taking a deep breath to calm himself Marcus turned back towards the older man. " My partner and I, we respect your work Crewe. The information you provide has always been on target. I'm sure you feel equally satisfied with our services provided to you. However we have not and will not partake in any way this type of behaviour. I ask that in future should you wish to continue your work with us. You keep your private affairs private." His anger was palpable and he could see the unease in his companions eyes as he levelled him with a glare.

Crewe may be a bad man but Marcus Reed was not nicknamed the blood prince for nothing. His shoot first think later attitude had afforded him a bit of a reputation amongst those in their line of work. Even now his fingers itched to hold his gun although it was a good thing that Crewe operated a no guns rule in his den. It would not have ended well for the Scots man if Damien was in possession of one now. The woman was clearly not here with consent and Damien didn't appreciate being included in the bastards sick games.

"Now don't be hasty now lad, I didn't mean no offense. This here is a gift for you."

"A gift" he repeated no longer willing to keep a lid on his temper. "Tell me Crewe do I seem hard up for pussy to you?" Out the corner of his eye Marcus saw the woman wince at his words. He didn't look at her as he stepped closer intertwining his fingers and letting his hands rest in front of him so as not to punch the guy in the face. Crewe's laugh filled the room making the tension even worse.

"Reed, I have no doubt you get along perfectly fine in that department my friend. You asked me for information regarding a little friend of yours. This..." he gestured to the young woman standing pressed against the wall not willing to lift her eyes from the boots on her feet. Defiance written all over her face " we believe will get the little cockroach to come out of hiding. This Reed, is Alana. Alana cross." The old man finished triumphantly as he waited for the penny to drop. Marcus's jaw loosened slightly and his eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl fully now. She shrunk back even further under his gaze. Hatred pouring from her small frame.

"Cross?" He repeated looking back at Crewe who nodded happily. "The very same. He may be good at hiding himself but the little shit failed to hide his little sister. My team picked her up couple days ago."

Marcus looked back at the girl with new eyes. Kidnapping he could get on board with. He had held hostages before, but this girl looked like she had been battered and knowing Crewe's reputation if she hadn't been used as a sex toy yet she would not last the night the same way. Damien may kill a man, many men if he were being honest. but children and women were off limits. The thought of what she had undergone and would undergo made him feel a little sick. "We will make her talk, she knows something and when we find out what it is. Then we will be able to make good on our deal." Crewe continued seeming overly pleased with himself.

"I'll take her" Marcus said looking over at her again as she shivered clearly terrified. "We are more than capable of doing the dirty work as agreed, besides my team are looking forward to making the little bitch talk." Crewe argued making Marcus's stomach churn uncomfortably.

James would want him to leave the girl in crewes care. The less they were implicated in this side of the business the better. Even with the law in their pocket it was risky. But even James wouldn't be able to stomach what they would do to her. "I said I will take her. I have a better plan" Marcus stated unsure why he couldn't drop this. He shouldn't care what happened to his enemies sister but his gut clenched at the thought of leaving her with a man as vile as Crewe who could not hide his annoyance as the two men exchanged a stern look. Marcus didn't know what made him go against protocol like this but there was no way he was leaving this girl here, even if she was related to the man Marcus wanted dead.

Eventually Crewe glanced away an easy smile displayed on his face. "Well she is a gift to you Reed. Do as you will, was just trying to save you some hassle. She's a wild one" crewe put his hand out and the two men shook on the new deal. "Pleasure doing business with you Reed" Marcus kept his face impassive. "You'll have your money within the hour." Was the only indication he even heard what Crewe had said his eyes now on the woman silently shaking. With that crowe made his exit. His parting words "Enjoy" made Marcus's skin crawl.

Alana glanced up at the man leaning against the table surprised by her sudden realisation of how normal looking he was. He was tall. Maybe an inch or two taller than the man that had just left the room and she had thought he was massive. However there was not an ounce of fat on him. Even in his dark grey suit you could see he was well built. Broad shoulders stretched out his jacket before tapering to a slim waist. Strong looking thighs pulled his trousers tight as he leaned on the table his hands clasped in front of him and his legs crossed at the ankles as he stared directly at her.

The silence stretched on as Marcus took her in completely. She was pretty enough even with her face beat up. Her grey jumper clung to her in all the right places falling off her shoulder to expose skin the colour of caramel. Her neck was peppered with fingerprint bruises and her wrists looked sore but she didn't cry. In fact after her first glance at him she was now looking back down at her black biker boots appearing indifferent. Her long lashes fanning her cheeks and hiding her golden brown eyes from view. Her hair was a mass of jet black curls that had matted and were draped into a messy ponytail which had obviously been manhandled frequently since she had done it last. Her boyfriend Jeans hinted at thick thighs and rounded hips before loosening slightly and dropping to her ankle boots where they were roughly stuffed into the hem.

Marcus's jaw ticked his eyes falling on her wrists again. Now that they were alone he was even less certain that he had made the right choice. What was he supposed to do with her? He knew he wouldn't be able to torture her. It went against whatever warped morals he held. His interactions with women were on a purely sexual basis and even then talking was limited and consent was given. He didn't date and had no living relatives least of all women. James was the closest thing he had to family.

Sighing he stood to his full height and walked towards her, his voice low. "Are you going to walk beside me nicely or do I need to pull you along by the rope?" She gritted her teeth at his words and although her voice was weak and gravelly she replied "I'm not a dog. I will walk." Nodding his approval Marcus walked away "then let's go"

Sitting in the back of the car beside him as they were sped away from Crewe's residence Alana breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure how safe she was with this guy considering crewe seemed a little scared of him but at least the idea of fucking her disgusted him. Unlike crewe and his men who had made their intentions very clear. Marcus Reed seemed completely indifferent, Perhaps he would just leave her in a basement somewhere until her fool of a brother came out of whatever brothel he was hiding in.

Annoyance coursed through her. Of course the idiot had gone and got caught up in something that resulted in very wealthy criminals wanting to kidnap her. Alana realized her new captor hadn't spoken to his driver once and the man had shown no surprise at her appearance or the fact that she was now accompanying his boss. She felt that spoke volumes to the sights the man must have seen. Her unease set back in.

Marcus sat beside her stoically resting his chin on his thumb as he looked out of the window his face turned away from her enough that she could study his profile. He checked his phone every now and again, sometimes writing responses to whatever pinged up but otherwise stayed silent.

His eyes so dark she couldn't read anything in them, framed by long lashes and thick eyebrows. His jaw was strong and pronounced with a hint of a beard making an appearance and his black curly hair was cut short. If she had to guess his career choice Alana would have gone for GQ model not kidnapping criminal mastermind. She shuddered at the thought.

Crewe had already explained all the ways he was going to break her, she only hoped that this mans disgust at seeing her meant she wasn't his type. He had seemed offended when crewe had offered her as a gift.

As if he could feel her gaze on his face Marcus turned towards the young woman. "How old are you?" He questioned, his eyes roaming over her face. In the day light her injuries looked even worse. She swallowed, her hands coming to her throat as if it was a painful task before speaking. "twenty four" she replied, her voice dry and raspy.

Nodding Marcus looked back at his phone, typing as he spoke. "Where is your brother Alana?" Her name rolled off his tongue in a way he didn't care to admit he enjoyed. She shrugged her response seeming annoyed by the question. "I haven't seen my brother in over three years. His whereabouts is none of my concern and he wont come looking for me if that's your hope." Her voice was stronger now and her tone indicated she was royally pissed. Marcus's eyebrows rose in surprise as a smirk formed on his face. Where was the shaking girl from moments ago that was too scared to look him in the eye.

"Why have you not seen him?" He queried turning to stare at her more pointedly. She shrunk back instinctively and Marcus's smile grew. He wasn't into forcing himself on a woman. He had no need and he liked his women to be just as ready to take what he had as he was to give it. But he demanded respect from everyone around him and if she feared him she was more likely to keep her attitude in check, the last thing he wanted was a disrespectful kidnappee.

"Because we don't live the same lives. Hes involved in shady shit that I cant condone. Someone's always after him for something or another. It's not my idea of a stable life. I want to help people not make their lives miserable."

The car came to a stop in front of the most beautiful house Alana had ever seen. Even nicer than the one they had just left. A fountain sat in the middle of the circular drive and the driver pulled up in front of the brick stairs that took you to the entrance of the house. Marcus exited the car as his driver opened Alana's door. Stepping out she looked around for anyone that may be able to help her escape. But there was nobody in sight. She located the garages to the left of the building and looked back down the drive at the iron gates that were already nearly closed. Trees lined the drive and there appeared to be nothing but greenery in sight.

Looking back at Marcus who stood on the first step watching her she knew he could see what she was doing his face devoid of any emotion, he cocked his head to the side motioning for her to join him. Alana swallowed and approached him the driver behind her making sure she had no where to run.

Entering the house Marcus cursed his decision for the hundredth time since making it. She was looking for an out and he wasn't in the mood for a game of chase with the woman in front of him. Standing beside her he realized the top of her head barely reached his shoulders. But he was used to this, he was a big guy it was unusual to find people bigger. After shutting the door his driver turned right and Marcus turned left leaving Alana unsure of which way she was to go.

"Come" his command sent a shiver down her spine as she quickly stepped into line behind him. Following him as he bypassed the stairs and walked to the end of a corridor. The house was massive and beautifully designed. Opening a door he waited for her to walk in before entering behind her and shutting the door again. Alana's mouth fell open at the sheer size and beauty of the room. Floor to ceiling windows over looking an amazing view of what could only be described as a forest. Trees and greenery as far as the eye could see. Two armchairs and a small side table sat in front of the windows facing outwards. The hard wood floor was a dark mahogany that matched the furniture of the room and a beautiful dresser sat along one wall with the bed jutting out from the centre of the opposing wall. At the end of the bed was a plush ottoman that looked just as comfy as the bed and a giant rug took up the middle of the room.

"Sit" he ordered directing her to the ottoman with his head before entering through a door that took him to a bathroom. She still hadn't moved when he returned with a box filled with things she couldn't quite see and a towel thrown over her shoulder. He placed everything on the foot of the bed before lifting one of the armchairs and bringing it to sit in front of the ottoman. "Sit down Alana" Marcus repeated making her heart race as he shrugged out of his suit jacket and placed it on the back of the chair before rolling up his shirt sleeves to the elbow. Alana approached slowly and once she was sitting he did the same, sitting opposite her with his long legs on either side of hers. If she moved either of her legs so much as an inch they would brush against his. He reached just behind her to pick up the box and towels and Alana breathed in the smell of him and felt her self relaxing slightly as she saw he had first aid supplies.

Marcus placed the towel across her lap and gently pulled her arms on top of it so he could better see the rope digging into her flesh. Dried blood had seeped into the twine turning it a darker colour in parts. He got to work gently cutting the rope from her wrists, taking his time removing the binding as not to hurt the young woman regardless of the fact she shared the blood of his enemy.

Tears sprung to her eyes from the pain but Alana didn't dare make a noise. Instead she watched as he hunched over her with his curls so close to her face she was enveloped in his scent. Fresh linen and clean man. She could also detect a hint of aftershave but it was so subtle she had to stop her self from taking a deep breath to try and get a stronger wiff of it. Her breath caught in her throat when he applied a cream of some kind making her flinch away and he tightened his grip. "Stay still, its antiseptic" he growled pulling her arm back into place with a gentle tug.

Once he was finished cleaning the wounds and had bandaged them up Damien switched his attention to her face, gently prodding at a particularly sore point under her eye with the cotton bud soaked in warm water. Alana winced grabbing his wrist to prevent him doing it again and their eyes met for an extended moment. Marcus didn't say anything, nor did he move her hand as he continued to clean her wounds. Alana could feel his pulse beneath her fingertips as she held on to his wrist following his movements as he worked his way across her face, she didn't know why she was holding on to him. Its not like she could pull him off, her hands barely enclosed his wrists. But she held on never the less. She noticed her new captor spent longer on her lip and knew she must look awful. She studied him as he concentrated on his task. Confused as to why she was attracted to him when he had effectively just became her second kidnapper of the day and he clearly hated her brother. Maybe she had gone crazy? Stockholm syndrome perhaps?

Pushing her stray curls behind her ear Marcus lifted her chin with his finger examining her bruised neck. She didn't speak. Just clutched onto his wrist. He didn't know why he allowed her to continue. If anything it made his job harder but something about the way she stared at him had him not minding the way she used both hands to track his movements. Her hands were small and fit around his wrist in a gentle but firm clasp that had him wondering what they would feel like wrapped around other parts of his body.

There was not a lot he could do about the bruising on her neck so he lowered his hands and stood replacing everything back in the box as she sat still staring at him. The door knocked startling Alana as Marcus called out to whoever it was giving them access. The driver walked into the room with some bags placing them at the foot of the bed. Alana took in the old mans appearance, he was maybe 60ish and Alana decided he had a kind face. His grey hair and pale skin making him appear more fragile than he probably was. He offered her a half smile his blue eyes twinkling as he set down the bags and nodded at her. "As requested sir" he stated before walking back to the door. "Thanks Benny" Marcus said walking back into the bathroom with the box of supplies.

Alana sat unsure of what to do. She could hear water running in the bathroom and was curious as to what he was doing but not brave enough to go and see. Marcus walked out of the bathroom and picked up the bags sorting through them. He handed her one of them and motioned to the bathroom. Go and get cleaned up. Towels are on the heating rack. Everything you need is in here." Looking into the bag Alana noticed the tooth brush, hair brush, shampoo and conditioner. Confused by such a nice gesture but not about to question it she looked up at him with suspicion " I wont get undressed with you here" she said proud that her voice hadn't broke when speaking. "Alana trust me. If I wanted to see you naked I wouldn't have to trick you into a bath to do it." Marcus grunted in an offended tone.

"Crewe said hes had you two days. You showered in that time? Your hair tells me it's not seen a comb in that time am I right?" He continued before pointing to the bathroom. Alana refused to speak instead she moved to walk past him but he grabbed her arm as they stood shoulder to shoulder. "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness Alana. I may not force myself on a woman but that doesn't mean if you try anything. And I mean anything. I wont make you regret leaving Crewe's place."

His grip on her arm wasn't exceptionally tight but she could feel his power as he leant down to speak into her ear. His warm breath tickling the hairs that escaped her ponytail. "Do you understand?" Alana nodded looking up into the dark eyes that were searching her face for any trace of a lie. Seemingly satisfied he nodded releasing her as he rooted through the other bags. Alana walked to the bathroom on unsteady legs and could have cried at the sight of the bath that Marcus had run her in the centre of the huge bathroom with white and black marble surfaces and black accessories. Taking the conditioner from the bag she poured a flop in the bath to create sweet smelling bubbles before returning to the sink. A huge mirror stretched from the sink to the ceiling showing her how rotten she looked.

Removing the toothbrush she first freshened her mouth staring at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed gently trying not to jar her bruised cheeks. She really did look awful with a black eye, busted lip and her hair a birds nest. She shed her clothes as quickly as she could given her injuries and took her bag of goodies stepping into the hot water with a moan. Her waterproof bandages on her wrists preventing her from any more pain. Her body was covered in bruises and her arms and back were stiff from sleeping on the hard floor. She was only thankful that Crewe and his men had yet to take her punishment further.

Once she was fully emerged in the bubbles she allowed the fear and stress of the last two days to escape, sobbing quietly. Alana didn't know what Richard had done but she knew he wouldn't come for her. That meant she was going to have to get herself out of this mess. After a few moments of wallowing she pulled herself together, she didn't want Mr. Reed coming in to get her and catching her naked. As beautiful as the bath was Alana knew she couldn't stay in their long so she attempted to wash her hair. Crying out in pain when she tried to lift her arms to her hair.

Seconds later the door flew open and Marcus was stood staring down at her. Her scream escaped her before she could stop it and she shrunk down lower into the bubbles to hide her body from his view. His eyes scanned over her quickly in an assessing manner. "You cried out. What happened?" he asked his jaw tight as he tried not to be affected by her naked body under the bubbles, despite it being hidden, the thought was enough to cause his mouth to run dry. Inwardly cursing his body for reacting to her Marcus levelled her with a look waiting for her answer.

"Nothing. I err. My ribs pretty busted it just took me by surprise when I tried to wash my hair. That's all." She said quietly willing him to leave, her skin flushed red. Nodding Marcus turned to leave his hand still on the door handle. Before he could retreat the words had slipped out of his mouth against his better judgement. "Would you like some help?" Alana shook her head vehemently. He may claim he didn't force himself on a woman but she wasn't trying to offer him an opportunity to change his mind.

Leaving the room Marcus cursed again. What had gotten in to him. Laying the clothes Benny had bought for her onto the bed he left the room not sure he wouldn't lose his mind completely and go back into the bathroom. Walking towards his office he called for Benny who appeared by his side seamlessly falling in step beside him. "Make sure the guys know we got a guest. She's not to be touched and she's not to leave. Once she leaves the room bring her to me. and lets up the patrols" Benny nodded at the command before breaking off to alert the men stationed all over the house.

"Was just about to come and find you. Your back early, How did it go. Did the guy talk?" James asked as Marcus walked into the office. He was sat at the glass table in the corner of the room his laptop open in front of him and papers scattered across the desk. He had removed his jacket and tie and had his top buttons undone. Walking towards the bar Marcus also loosened the first two buttons of his shirt. He wasn't a fan of ties unless it was a special event so went without most of the time. Sitting opposite his partner at the table Marcus sighed heavily causing James to look up from his computer screen for the first time.

"SHE" he emphasized the fact that Crewe had managed to accrue a woman not a man before continuing "doesn't have a clue where he is and doesn't care where he is. She's under the impression he wont look for her and we are wasting our time" his jaw grinding in annoyance as he explained the situation. "What the fuck!" James exclaimed running his hand over his short wavy hair. His brown eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Why'd they grab a chick. As far as I was aware Richard operated a Male only crew?" Taking a swig of his drink Marcus couldn't hide his anger. "She's his sister" James could not hide his surprise. "Shit. Well then of course he will come for her. I guess we just have to tell Crewe to make sure hes prepared." Unease filled Marcus's chest. "No need. She's here with us."

James was out of his seat before Marcus had a chance to continue. "Tell me your joking. Why the fuck would you bring her here? It's what we hired Crewe for in the first place." Marcus of course knew this but didn't point that out instead he took another swig of his drink. "They were beating her. If they haven't already they were going to rape her. She wouldn't have made it long enough for Richard to even know she was gone." Marcus said and it sounded convincing.

James narrowed his eyes but didn't question it further willing to accept the half truth for now. "Where is she now?" He questioned pacing the room clearly understanding the less than ideal circumstances. "In the bath. She's pretty beat up. Been in the same clothes two days I thought she might be a little more forthcoming with info if we were at least nicer than Crewe's men." James chuckled then. Running his hand over his hair again. It was a nervous habit he hadn't managed to shake from his youth. "we could have spat on her and still been nicer than Crewe's men. We don't need this coming back to us so soon Marcus"

"Believe me brother I know. Wasn't expecting a broad. I don't know what to do" James leaned his hands on the back of the chair he had just vacated as Marcus scrubbed a hand over his face and through his curls aggressively. "Leave it with me. I'll figure something out. Just let me find out how cooperative she's gonna be" James nodded before closing his laptop and picking up his papers. "I'll check in with you tomorrow. I have business to attend to in Seattle I'll be back on Friday. Hopefully we've made some kind of progress by then." The two shook hands. "Travel safe" Marcus called after his friend finishing his drink before heading back to the woman he had unintentionally kidnapped.

Alana sat at the dresser staring at her reflection. She looked ten times better now that her hair had been washed and she was in fresh clothes. It had taken her longer than she would have liked to wash her hair due to her ribs being so sore but she did as best as she could. Her hair now sat in ringlets falling over her shoulders and down her back. She wouldn't be able to comb it or put it in a band today. It proved to be too much effort on her body. The door knocking made her jump and she turned in her chair just as it swung open revealing Marcus, his face unreadable as usual.

Marcus's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of her freshly bathed without her hair a wreck and her face dripping blood. She was beautiful. Once her face fully healed she would be stunning. "I bought you these for the pain. How are you feeling?" He shook the paracetamol bottle as he walked further into the room placing the tablets and a glass of water on the counter before sitting on the ottoman and facing her, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward watching her. Alana eyed the pills with suspicion not touching either them or the water before returning her gaze to him.

"What are you going to do with me?" She asked the gold in her eyes almost hypnotizing Marcus. He stared back openly. "What do you want me to do with you?" He asked sincerely. To which her reply was immediate. "Let me go home." His laugh was low and he licked his lips as he stared down at his hands. Alana followed his tongues motion with her eyes hating the fact she found it sexy. "That's not gonna happen Alana. Next option?" He asked leaning back so his elbows now rested on the bed behind him, his long legs stretched out in front of him. The sheer size of him was impressive. Alana knew she didn't stand a chance trying to outrun, or overpower him. Her options were limited.

"Why not? I already told you I hate my brother, he wont come for me and I know nothing about his whereabouts. Keeping me is futile" her soft voice washed over Marcus and he closed his eyes to appreciate the sound and avoid staring at the way the large t-shirt Benny had bought hinted to her ample breasts before dwarfing her mid section. It was meant to be a casual cosy top for Christ sake. Why did she look like his every fantasy in the baggy top and leggings?

Opening his eyes again once she finished speaking Marcus focused on her feet rolling his eyes at the fact she even had pretty feet. Small and perfectly pedicured with a baby pink nail polish. Swallowing slowly he let his eyes roam her body as he made his way back to her eyes. When he got to her face he realised her eyes were lidded and her lips slightly parted. If he didn't know any better he would say that was the look of a turned on woman. His cock began to stir in his slacks and he didn't bother to hide it wondering what her reaction would be.

"well even if he wont come for you I'm sure he wont appreciate the very public disrespect. We will get some type of retaliation." He continued as if his slacks weren't now pulled tight around the quite obvious bulge.

Alana's breath caught in her throat as she tried not to stare at his obvious arousal. Even through his trousers she could see his size was larger than anything she had dealt with before. Swallowing she stared down at her bare toes refusing to glance back up at the offending appendage.

"I guarantee you. He wont come or respond. Your wasting your time" she murmured pushing her curls behind her ear. Marcus's fingers itched to be buried in her hair. "If that's the case then your of no use to me but unfortunately you've seen my face. Can connect me to Crewe and have some nasty looking souvenirs of your time away from home. That makes letting you go impossible" Rising from the ottoman Marcus sighed checking his watch. "I suggest you find a way to become very useful very quickly otherwise my partner will demand I return you to Crewe or dispose of you completely."

Walking out of the room Marcus didn't bother to message James that the girl was a dead end. She was terrified of Crewe. She would give him something soon. Smiling to himself he jogged up the stairs to his room needing a cold shower before dinner.

An hour later He was sat at the dining table reading his emails on his phone as he ate. Benny had taken a plate in to Alana so Marcus had the room to himself which was just how he liked it. The sound of Soft footsteps entering the room bought his head up from his phone. Alana walked in with Benny right behind her. Putting his fork down Marcus finished chewing his steak and stared at the beautiful woman standing bare foot just inside the doorway. "I am of use" she murmured so softly he had trouble hearing her. She hugged her midriff as she stepped a little closer to repeat her self when Marcus didn't respond.

"I don't know where my brother is but I know his..." she paused to search for the right word "weaknesses? likely hangouts." Marcus cocked his head to the side eye brows raised. "Have a seat Alana" he motioned to the seat to the right of his at the head of the table dismissing Benny with a nod, ignoring his request she sat on the third chair along and his lips twitched at her defiance.

"What are his weaknesses?" He asked instead of commenting on her rebellion. " I want you to promise you wont send me back to Crewe and his men. He will kill me, or worse" she spoke quietly her body shivering slightly at the thought of Crewe. "You know I cant send you home until my business with your brother is over." he replied in a bored tone cutting another piece of steak. She nodded earnestly. "I know but you will send me home eventually. Once you've got him right?" She asked hopefully.

"Your willing to give up your family just for a chance to go home eventually and not be sent back to Crewe?" He asked suspicion evident in his voice. "I want to go home. And you will find Rich one way or another. If I speed the process along it means I get home sooner. And keeps me out of Crewe's path" Marcus said nothing for long moments. Just staring at Alana. When he broke his silence his question surprised them both.

"Did he touch you?" He didn't know why he needed to know the answer but he now felt his heart beating fast in his chest as he awaited her reply. Alana's surprise at his blunt question was written on her face and she didn't answer for a minute " He got a little handsy but no he didn't take it further, his intentions were clear though" she finally admitted looking down at the light oak table. She was uncomfortable and Marcus felt like an ass for even bringing it up.

"What are your brothers weaknesses?" He asked instead of dwelling on the partial relief that flooded through him at her answer. "Promise you wont send me back to him and you will definitely let me go home" she stated again. Her golden eyes settling on his and refusing to back down. Marcus couldn't quite get his head around her. One minute she was shaking with fear, the next she was making demands she had no right to and daring him to go against her. "Its not just my choice. I have to run it past my partner too and the information has to be worth my time. Have you forgotten that your here as a hostage? Your not really in any position to be making requests" he pointed out picking his fork back up to continue his meal. Alana's stomach grumbled and Marcus arched an eyebrow at her in question. Amusement written on his face

"I didn't eat what the man brought in case it was poisoned or laced with sedatives or something." She said almost irritated by his humour. Marcus laughed a low sexy grumble that had Alana wanting to roll her eyes. He was quite good looking when he smiled and yet he opted for a cold stare that he pinned her with since the moment he picked her up hours ago. "Rita!" He called still chuckling. "I take it you didn't take the pills I gave you either?"

Alana shook her head as a short plump woman in her early sixties entered the dining room dressed in a red dress with a black apron. "Mr. Reed?" She said once she was at the foot of the table. "Please fix my guest a plate of food and bring some paracetamol" Rita nodded before waddling back into the kitchen her short legs moving much quicker than Alana expected they could carry her.

Within minutes a steaming hot plate was placed in front of Alana and she eyed it before picking up her fork and cutting into her steak. She held it tentatively towards Marcus who just looked at her. "Its not poisoned. If I wanted you dead I would have left you with Crewe. And you haven't told me what you know yet. It would be pointless"

Ignoring his argument she stood up and moved to the seat to his right placing the plate down in front of her and again holding the fork out toward his mouth. Sighing heavily Marcus leant forward and took the slice of steak in his mouth not taking his eyes off of her as she fed him. He chewed slowly taking in her features as she watched him. She didn't take her eyes off of him as she waited for signs of poisoning. The realization made him smile as he swallowed the food. Before he could comment further she, seemingly satisfied with his quality control check tucked in to the food making noises that had his dick rock solid under the table. Gritting his teeth after the third moan escaped her lips Marcus looked at her pointedly. "What's your brother's weaknesses?"

She shook her head even bolder now as she wolfed down the food. It was delicious, even though her throat was sore and her stomach shrunk from two days of hardly any food. "Promise you won't send me back Mr. Reed. I want to stay here if I cant go home"

Scrubbing a hand over his face Marcus glared at her. Was she trying to seduce him or what? Mr. Reed? She was lucky he didn't spread her on the table in front of them and fuck her until she couldn't move. "Your not any safer here. Alana. I don't know why you think your untouchable here but I promise you if you cross me you will be wishing that you had stayed with Crewe all along." Swallowing slowly at his threat Alana stared into his eyes. He wasn't bluffing. This man was dangerous.

"whores. My brother is addicted to whores. Not high end prostitutes that have an agency or call girls that work on the side but curb crawlers who need a fix and will do anything for a buck. My brother enjoys women who are vulnerable and let him be as rough as he wants. Girls that no one cares about if they turn up with a black eye or broken wrist or worse." He pays more than their normal customers because obviously he has the money and specific needs in return they allow him to beat them black and blue whilst fucking them. Sometimes they are out of action for days or weeks. If I'm honest I hope you do find him. Hes a pig"

Marcus was stunned. Alana's voice had grown hard and cold when spilling his secrets and he could see she held no love for her sibling. "Is that why you don't see him?" He asked just out of pure curiosity now. "I don't see him because three years ago he started a relationship with my best friend and did the same to her. I begged her to go to the police but she didn't, instead she took the $15,000 he offered her and left town. He threatened me when he found out I had tried to encourage her to turn him in. I moved out of the state that same day and haven't looked back." Marcus whistled low under his breath "sounds like a stand up guy" he murmured watching her pick at the remains of her food.

"Says the guy holding me against my will" she retorted making him smile again. Something about her attitude made him want to keep her talking. He enjoyed her smart ass comebacks. "Says the girl begging me to let her stay here" he countered making Alana narrow her eyes. She didn't say anything else as she studied the packets of pills to see if they had been fiddled with at all. Eventually she seemed satisfied and popped 2 on her tongue before swishing some water into her mouth. Marcus watched her transfixed. Looked like he would be going for his second cold shower of the day.