
First Job: Kidnapping 1.1

Planet: Arth

Country: Merica

State: Lifornia

2050, January 3

5: 30 am

Lifornia Car Recycling Center

With an area of 12,567 square meters, the Lifornia Car recycling center was the most famous in the state. Scraped cars, dumped cars and some usable cars filled the area, and only a single one-room building stood as the office.

Painted with white, four windows on four sides and a door in the northern wall, the office building was plain and old school.

With time the need for a recycling center diminished, but the Lifornia Car Recycling Center was still open. Well, only on weekends though.

But today was an exception; the center was open on a Monday. There was no one in the office, as the door was locked from within.

A not-so-secret basement can be accessed from the office. A trap door covered by a doormat provided access to a basement with an area of 8,000 square meters and a height of 10 meters.

There were many cars neatly arranged up against the wall in the basement, except for the southern side. On the southern side, a ramp had been constructed, and one vehicle had just descended.

There was faint light inside the car. It wasn't coming from the car but a mobile flashlight. The light outlined two people in the front seat.

"All right. Did you get it all?" the one sitting in the driver's seat whispered.

"Yes. But why are you talking like that? There is no one here." the one on the passenger seat whispered back.

"I am just a little bit excited. Show me what you get."

Passing a document, the one on the passenger seat said, "Sir, Why do we even need information on things like this?"

"This is our first job. I don't want to make a single mistake. And we don't lose anything by being cautious." Reading through the files the one in the driver's seat said, "Looks like we can execute our plan today by midnight."

"Sir, but don't you think it is dangerous to get involved in the territory of Terrorface?" the one on the passenger seat said with hesitation.

"I expected you to be smarter than you are, Wilson." the one in the driving seat said. He looked through his phone and played a video in front of Wilson.

[Breaking news: The friendly neighborhood hero Elephant Man has defeated the most wanted criminal in Lifornia. Sadly, officers on the scene were only able to recover the two kilograms worth of remains of the criminal from the scene. We are unable to show the scene on television due to violent graphic content.]

Wilson looked at the news eyes widened, "This is great. We don't have any competitors. We can monopolize the entire kidnapping syndicate if we work hard."

"Don't shout. Be prepared both in mind and body. I have already done complete research on our first job. Once we start down this dark path, we can't turn back." the driver says with seriousness.

The one in the driver's seat handed a key to Wilson, "Be here on time. Delaying even a little bit will bring consequences we may not be able to handle, and our ambition will be slaughtered prematurely."


Bank of Lifornia

On the fifth floor, there is no crowd compared to the floors below. The fifth floor houses five rooms, each room assigned to a high-ranking person of the bank.

One of the rooms is reserved for the manager of the Bank.

The door to the room opened and a person with a document entered.

Manager Aeras Snyder's nameplate was on the table. He was browsing through files and typing some information into the laptop.

"Sir, we have received this file from the Anta Arbara branch office. It needs your signature for permission." Wilson passed a file to Aeras.

"Yes, I will look at that. You take these two files to the filing department and the white one to the director's office." Aeras instructed and immersed himself in the work again.

The day at the office ended as usual.


Lifornia Car Recycling Center

6:30 pm

"Wilson, stop hesitating at this point. We need to be fast and precise. It will be fine if you follow my lead." Aeras told Wilson as he pushed a bag towards him.

"We are preparing to kidnap someone. Why are we disguising ourselves as females? Won't it attract more attention?" Wilson didn't want to wear female clothes and make-up.

"You are right? And people are less suspicious of things that are right in front of their eyes. This is basic knowledge." Aeras urged.

When they finished make-up, they looked at each other's faces and dress, "It's just right. You can slay a few boys just by looking." Aears commented.

After disguising, Aeras entered the driver's seat and Wilson opened the hatch above the ramp opening to the southern side of the office building.

"The car is safe right?" Wilson was concerned about getting caught.

"Don't worry. My grandpa made this car from scraps in his early days. There is no record of this car anywhere in the world." Aeras said confidently. "You should pay attention to your voice and walk like a girl."

They practiced making their voices sound like girls until they arrived at their destination, but eventually, they decided not to talk so much.


Lifornia Wild club; the gathering place for the rich and spoiled kids. Parking the car as near to the exit as possible; they entered the club.

Ear-splitting music and nose destroying smell of alcohol welcomed them, ignoring everything they searched for the victim.

On the second-floor balcony, their victim was on a couch with his friends already drunk or maybe high.

When it was time to make the move, Aeras pulled Wilson to the corner, "We have got a serious issue to talk about."

Wilson became vigilant and started looking around, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. We hit a jackpot. Wilson, we might be able to get infamous just with one job."

"What do you mean by that?" Wilson felt something crazy was going to come out of this man's mouth like before. 'Wilson, don't you feel bored and trapped doing the same job every day? Like, we are some type of machine. Life would have been so much better if there had been some excitement and adventure.' Wilson was unfortunate to agree to his words and here he was to kidnap a person.

"Those three in couch are the sons of three shareholders of Handbook Group. If we get all three of them at once, we will be all over the news tomorrow." Aeras said with excitement and fiery eyes. A man in his mid-forties and make-up saying those words created an image that would haunt Wilson for many years.

Wilson at this point couldn't say the simple word 'No'. "But how are you planning to do this? The plan was to get only one."

"Just follow my lead. And don't forget to give a pleasant smile. Don't scare them off." Aeras and Wilson made their way towards the couch.

"Hello boys, do you mind us two joining?" Aeras tried to make his voice as pleasing as possible.

The three on the couch turned in unison to look at them. "He.. he...he… Come sit here." The three tried to make room between them for Aeras and Wilson while chuckling.

Aeras said disappointedly, "It seems there isn't enough room for us." "Why don't you come to our house? We live near the club. There is a lot of room for us to fool around."

The three boys still high could only see two beautiful girls inviting them, "Let's go then. We will show you the best time of your life."

IF nothing goes wrong, you guys will have the worst time of your life. Wilson wanted to hit the face of the three who were staring at him, with fiery eyes.

The three followed Wilson and Aeras to the car. Wilson opened the door to the back seat and they entered one by one.

Aeras took the driver's seat, pulled out a bottle of spray filled with Chloroform, and sprayed it on the face of the boys while covering his own with a handkerchief. The boys immediately fell asleep.

Aeras coming out of the car, "Wilson, they are completely asleep. Let the air circulate inside the car for minutes and then tie them up well. Get the rope and the tape."

Wilson took out a plastic rope from the trunk. "Sir, but I don't know how to tie a person."

"This doesn't feel right. Call me boss when we are out doing job," Aeras said, "Also just watch some tutorials on tying rope. It is easier that way."

"Yes Boss."

Wilson finally made the final tie and they left the parking with a job done successfully.

Taking a long way around, they tried to avoid as many traffic cameras as possible and reached the recycling center by 8 pm.

"We will meet in the morning as usual. If we get late, we will not be able to justify staying late." Aeras said in a solemn tone.

Both of them left the car and the boys in the basement of the recycling center and returned home.

Next chapter