
Secret Agent: Chapter Fifteen

secret Agent (Chapter 15)

Rutherford, take a look at this dress it suit me right, Akira ( Abigail) said while testing the dress at the boutique

Wow, babe you are the best you look like a queen, Rutherford replied with a smile

Really, Akira (Abigail) said why touching the fabric. I think the shopping is okay for now let's pay and enjoy lunch together at a better restaurant,

no are you tired of shopping more clothes go ahead I will pay for all, Rutherford said while boosting

Okay wait for me than, Akira (Abigail) replied

wait, this place is a big boutique, you know, you can get lost easily, Rutherford said with a concerned look

Oh never mind, I am not a kid, I will be back shortly, I will not go far, Akira( Abigail) replied

Okay what about this take this phone with you I can easily find you with that phone, by calling Rutherford said

Okay Akira (Abigail) said

Abigail is walking looking around as if looking for something; suddenly she felt a hand touch her shoulder, she looks back

Abiwhatat takes you so long don't you know you have to disguise it late let go, James in disguise as a young lady drag Abigail to the changing room

Wow you are so good at disguising, I don't recognize you thanks to your voice Abigail said

Abi, I have bought a man's dress so you will be acting like a man I will dress you like a man,

But that is not possible (Abigail said )

You won't mind if I undress you right ( James said seriously)

Hmmm Abigail said while blushing

You are safe, I will do anything, even if I want to do what you are thinking, not now Rutherford is a wise man, he can get us if we are not fast enough, James said while undressing her, without looking at the flushing face of Abigail

Some minute later Wow is this me I look so much like a man, the face cap did it cover my hair properly, Abigail said

Sure your hair is safe, James replied

Are you comfortable with this makeup of yours and the wig? Abigail said while pretending to talk like a man

Ahhhhh, babe don't stress your voice just talk silent, talk to only me to the extent that no one will hear you okay, I can talk like a girl as you can see, James said talking like a girl

Wow you are just too

good at everything.

Abigail replied, talking silently

Correct that good we are set, James replied

Wait a minute Rutherford give me a phone so that he can reach me, Abigail said while showing James the phone,

Thank God you tell me, Rutherford can easily find our location with the phone without even calling you, bring the phone, James said

Okay, what can we do now should I throw it away, Abigail said will give the phone to James; No I will destroy the SIM card and also format the cable connector on the phone, he will never be able to find us, James said and immediately destroy the SIM and format the phone within some minutes.

Good girl let's go ( Abigail said while laughing) Me girl, you are not serious, James said jokingly while moving closer to her

Hey, what are you doing Abigail said while moving back.

He didn't say anything and only kiss her passionately. Hmm let go Abigail said

Okay wait a minute let me let readjust my lipstick; James said and immediately do so

Let's go Abigail said.

Abigail and James manage to get out of the boutique, without general notice,

Finally, we are out, Abigail sigh

Yeah, we didn't have enough time to waste time, let's move, James said

Okay, Abigail said

James and Abigail board a car to the airport, it's three hour journey.

Meanwhile, Rutherford was restless because Akira (Abigail) was not back, he checked her location on phone and saw she was in the dressing room, so he calmed down, with the thought she will be back soon, a couple passed by his side, and the man smells so much like Akira( Abigail), he checked the location once again, but it was showing no signal, he became alerted and trace the smell but it was late, the couple was gone, he tried to guess the car they might board but the car was going on the way to the airport, so he turned thinking it can never be Akira ( Abigail)

No 000, it can never be Akira (Abigail)let me go back now she might be looking for me, Rutherford conclude

Days ago

Akira (Abigail) I will be leaving here this week James said

What!! are you trying to escape, Akira( Abigail) said

Yes, Akira I know your plan, James said

Stop kidding, you can never know my plan, Akira (Abigail) said

I am serious here, you are looking for your map right, James said

Hmmm, h..o ..w come how my map is it with you?, Akira (Abigail) said while stammering

Yes I saw it the day I kissed you in the rain, James Said flushing

okay Akira ( Abigail) go reddened

So did you believe now that I know your plan? James said while smirking.

yes, but how does my escaping affect yours, Akira (Abigail ) said while raising her eyebrows

Let me explain this to you, don't you know you are mine? James said

You, but you are not mine Akira (Abigail) said jokingly Anyways, are you willing to know who I am, James said bluntly

Okay, I am all hears, Akira (Abigail )said

But, I want to confirm this before proceeding.

James said looking straight into her eyes Go ahead, Akira ( Abigail) replied shortly

What's your real name, James said

My real name, why are you asking Akira ( Abigail) said

Are you still afraid of me don't you trust me, James said with a hint of disappointment

No, I trust you, I just need to know why asking. Akira (Abigail )said

Okay seem you don't want to share your identity it's okay, I think I should keep mine as well, James said.

my real name is Abigail, Abigail said

Wow ABI what a beautiful name, James' comment

Abigail said

Hmm but the name Akira, whose name is that, James asked

Akira, my bestfriend'sd name, Abigail said

that is too risky you know that right, James said

yeah, I know, but I want to know the person who wants me or...

I don't know, James replied before she finish talking

Okay so tell me about your real self, Abigail said

Abi the truth is that I am a spy James said silently


James stop her shock with a quick kiss

Okay Abigail calm down with the sudden refreshment

I have been in this group for about three years. And I have finished my mission here as a secret agent, my name is not James

Really what your name Akira said

Is that what you need to ask right now, James said

Okay what our plan James, Abigail said

Find a way to go out with Rutherford, maybe shopping or somewhere, just try to come out of here with him, and it must be this week, inform me if that is sealed

Okay, I will do so, are you giving me a mission now Abigail said jokingly

Yes James replied shortly

Okay Rutherford is back can't you hear his voice Abigail said

Then go now and start the work James said

Okay bye, she said and give him a goodbye hug.

You are back Rutherford. Abigal said

Akira yeah I bought some cloth for you. Rutherford said

Wow let me take a look, she said childishly

Take a look they are so beautiful, All for

you general said

Hmmm they look nice, Abigail said

What the Matter why are you squeezing your face, Rutherford said

These clothes are not my size, I just wish I can visit the boutique myself to choose beautiful clothes that will suit me Abigail cried out

Ohh stop Aki, Don't cry I will take you to the boutique on Friday, generally said

On Friday, why not tomorrow, Thursday Abigail said while pleading

Ohh tomorrow I will be so busy, don't worry Friday will be okay, Rutherford Said

Okay on Friday Abigail said

Smile out my little angel Friday is here, Rutherford said

Okay Abigail replied with a smiling face Oh I almost forgot, I bought you candy they are so delicious Big Rutherford said showing her the candy

Wow candy she collects it joyfully

Did you like it Rutherford asked

Yeah thank you, Abigail said

Go to your room now I have things to do, Rutherford said

Okay Abigail replied shortly

Any good news James asked Yeah, he will be taking me to the boutique on Friday Abigail said

Wow so fast baby come to take a hug, you are so much to me, James said with a smile

Abigail said while hugging James Escaping, I will follow you to the boutique without Rutherford noticing, leave that to me found you James said

Okay Abigail replied

I will dress you up like a man you will also be in disguise, Friday is near leave it all to me I am so good at disguising. James said

And Abigail this is not my face I am wearing a mask, James said

Mask but there is no mask on your face Abigail said while touching his face

Ahh, James smile you will see that after we escape

I can't wait till Friday Abigail said

Go now Rutherford will call for me James said

Okay bye Abigail said while returning to her room with a smile, she throw the candy away, she hate candy a lot, and here she is pretending to like it.