
chapter twelve: Jealous James

James' point of view.

I asked Akira or whatever her name is called to change her wet dress, she is too shy in front of me because of the moment we shared an hour ago. I can't just hold it any longer, I have the feeling that if it was Rutherford that's how she will have jumped on him also, my blood boiled anytime I see them together, I don't know if it will be this faster to confess my feelings. I smile licking my lip, she has a soft sweet lip, I hope I have it every morning.

(Spark back).

She enters the bar with a guy in a Pink and white gown. She looks good in that dress my mind wandered around at first sight. I was the waitress that serves them in disguise. I was asked to separate them. I planned to pour her drinks so that she can go the restroom by herself, but she went to the restroom, and immediately entered which made me change my planned.

I planned to start an argument which make me drug the guy with her before she came back. Fortunately, my plan worked.

Love is crazy I smiled I'm always jealous whenever Rutherford touches my dude. Oh there was a day Rutherford was touching her in front of me and I got furious, I wanted to cut off the hand he was using to touch her as I trace it on her body, but my dear cutie idiot thinks something else and started screaming, thinking I dislike her and make general mad at me, but she shifts general attention to her and give me the privilege to escape from the gunshot he wanted to shot at my leg just like he has done to others, Rutherford is hot-tempered.

Kno...Kno.(End of spark back). My eyes met with hers when we heard a knock and she quickly ordered me to hide at the back of the door. She opens the door all I heard after that is Abigail talking

Abigail P.OV

Immediately I heard a knock at the door I knew it was Rutherford, so I quickly ordered James to hide behind the door and continue my fake life.

I open the door, and as I expected it is general, not welcoming all I do is pretend to catch a fever

Oh, it is so cold outside here that I was beaten by the rain.

What the hell, where is James what is he doing, why can't he protect you where is he? Rutherford is shouting angrily

I was dumbfounded and thought what James will be thinking, I don't want his name to be mentioned in our discussion; I get the trick to distract him from scorning my dear James.

Oh oh (shivering) please can you help me to make some fire to relieve me from cold.

Why fire I can makes you hot general said

Stop don't touch me, I am okay with the fire just make (I was still talking when I heard Gbbammmm in the room I was so scared and at the same time surprised knowing that is James, is he jealous because of what we a discussing but I need to act fast at least prevent Rutherford from getting in)

What is that? Rutherford is going in

Don't be confused Rutherford is also known as General and Abigail called Akira her friend's name representing her name

There are two James

One is Abigail's guardian

The second is a general guy

Hope that is clear enough, enjoy your reading, if you are confused you can leave a comment below