
Keadilan dan Kejahatan

Kisah Tia yang bertekad menjadi komandan di Divisi Khusus Satuan Keamanan untuk menghukum para penjahat dan Tyo pemimpin organisasi rahasia yang ingin menghakimi para penjahat. Walaupun misi mereka sama yaitu menghukum parq penjahat namun cara mereka dalam menegakan keadilan berbeda. Tia dan Tyo adalah kisah masa lalu yang indah namun telah menjadi masa lalu dan mengambil jalan masing-masing tentu dengan begitu banyak kisah di dalam nya baik Suku maupun kisah persaudaraan serta kekeluargaan dan masih banyak lagi penasaran kan jangan lupa ikutin kisah nya

yooajh02 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Eps 6 - First Mission of Division 1

After the event at the head office of the 1st Division, the Special Security Unit returned to the office by driving a car. Of course Rizki was driving and next to him was Doni and of course in the middle was their Commander Siska and the ones at the back were Tia and Jenny.

"I didn't expect you to be great. I'm very happy to be in Division 1," said Rizki, starting the conversation.

"Yes, I was also very surprised by the award, so why should I also be given a badge even though the Fighting Girl Duo caught it haha", said Siska.

"Duo Fighting Girls?" Doni asked.

Tia and Jenny were silent, not liking compliments.

"Yes, of course Tia and Jenny were given a special nickname by the General as the Fighting Girl Duo haha you are great too, Tia, Jenny," answered Siska with her signature laugh.

"Can you be silent without praise!!" Tia and Jenny said together accidentally.

Then they both looked at each other and frowned.

"Haha you guys are really compact huh", "I already suspected that", said Siska.

On his way, Doni saw that in an alley there was an incident that was exactly like what Tia had experienced, but there were 2 people beating 1 person.

"Rizki is stepping aside now," said Doni suddenly.

"What's going on?" Rizki asked.

Siska knows that Doni saw the incident in the alley and orders Rizki to pull over.

"Strapping Rizki is my order," said Siska.

"Okay commander," replied Rizki.

Shortly after pulling over, Doni rushed out of the car and ran towards the place he saw earlier.

Tia and Jenny realized what had happened and wanted to rush after Doni, but Siska ordered them to hold on.

"Hey you two, do you want to show off again?" Siska said firmly of course with a smile that was so calm.

"Okay commander", replied Jenny understanding.

"But commander. ."' Tia tried to answer.

"Just sit down Tia and watch the results", said Siska ordering Tia to sit quietly.

It didn't take long for Doni to reach the alley.

"Come on, you don't have the energy anymore to fight us both because today is the last day you see the world," said one of the 2 people.

"Damn you guys aarggh", said the man who was cornered with the wound.

"What determines human life is not you bad people", Doni's voice surprised the 2 men.

"Huh, who are you", asked one of them.

Doni ran and fought those who used sharp weapons.

Their fight was quite even until Doni was hit by a sword and tore the jacket he was wearing.

"Argh damn," muttered Doni.

Then Doni opened the jacket he was wearing so that the 2 people were shocked when they saw that Doni was a Security Unit.

Doni wasted no time when one of them was caught off guard with one right punch to the face making one of the 2 people fall down unconscious.

Seeing his friend unconscious one man used his sword trying to attack Doni blindly, but Doni calmly managed to paralyze him and made the man unconscious too.

"Sir, are you okay?" Doni asked the injured man

"Ah no, sir, just a small scratch from a sharp weapon," replied the man.

"Let me help you to the hospital to treat your father's wounds," Doni offered the man.

"Ah, it's okay, I can do it myself, I'm actually really grateful for your help," said the man, then got up and left Doni.

After tying the two people, Doni headed for the car

"Can we bring the 2 people in this car to the commander?" Doni asked Siska

"Of course you can, Doni," answered Siska with a proud smile.

Then they took the 2 men to the regional head office and detained them.

"Wow, it's just me who hasn't acted in this division, so I feel inferior," said Rizki in the division 1 office room.

"Everyone has their own moment, being too pessimistic is trash," Jenny said coldly.

"Don't be pessimistic, of course you will also get your best moments," added Doni.

"That's right, Rizki, don't be so pessimistic, especially if you don't want to listen to bitchy women like her," said Tia, pointing at Jenny, insinuating clearly.

"Hmm, is that so?" Jenny replied.

"Yes, that's true," Tia replied again.

Siska soon came into the room carrying several documents.

"The 2 people have been processed and I have taken care of the document files and tomorrow we will have the first mission," said Siska.

"READY COMMAND", they replied.

"Hey Rizki, you have to be ready," Siska said to Rizki.

"Why... why commander?" asked Rizki.

"Be prepared to get injured when you have the best moments in division 1 because Tia, Jenny and Doni seem to get injured hehe", answered Siska.

"Of course, whatever commander is ready for me to be responsible for," said Rizki.

"They all have abilities in their respective fields and I'm helped for something like that so I won't bother to give or take even the toughest missions" muttered S.