
KAYTU-The Strange God

Although, she was a fearless lady, but the man in front of her was so terrifying! Marietta cowled up on the bed not knowing she was suppose to even pay her respect to him. "Have you come for your revenge?" Marietta asked timidly. "Not yet!" Kaytu replied expressionlessly. "You mean you're still gonna kill me later? Why don't you just do it now and let's get over with!" She retorted. "I like to take my time!" Kaytu's cold voice sounded calm, filled with terror. **** KAYTU is a god that rules over a prestigious clan (NADI) dominated by strange and powerful beings , he is known for the mysterious power he possess. KAYTU, mostly called "the strange god", married three goddesses betrothed to him by their fathers (TAHIRA, the first wife, PAISLEY, the second wife and LIMA, the third wife. And even though he never really understood love, Goddess paisley, his second wife, had grown to love him and accept his mysterious ways, not minding if Kaytu was just or not. Marrietta Jones was given a second chance in life and was assigned a mission to melt the cold heart of this mysterious God, which in turn poses a threat to her life and Kaytu's position. Kaytu was then left with either to save his Clan and position by killing the human who intruded their system or forgo the safety of his Clan and Save Marrieta, his beloved. **** Will Kaytu overcome all his troubles and chose love over his throne? Or he would rather fight for his position as king and kill his feelings? Find out in this intriguing Fantasy story as you read along.

Annabelle_Bukola · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: A Malicious Plan

A roaring, thunderous sound could be heard, which prompted shivers and panics in every being present at the scene, as most of them pace forth and back in horror.

The rain that was previously dripping in fine lines began to trip without restraint as the market view grew dim, and the firmaments only beget murderous lightning and thunder!

Some Nadians that were present in the trade emporium of Nadi, gave it a burl to find a place to harbour themselves while dashing from place to place. Only the vendors abetting Godlord Miguel in his devises remained immobile, as they regulated the effects of their water hexes, making the waves more brutal and causing a devastating wreck!

God Miguel grinned, as his plots were ensueing as he had wanted—yes! They would slate and provoke Kaytu, then exploit that to uncover his deeds and humiliate him, then, the water kinds would split out from Nadi and he could preside over the waterkind, since he had flew in the face of trouble for them. He twinkled in a vicious manner.

While Miguel was beaming over his conceptions, God Kaytu and Goddess Paisley emerged in the emporium, hand in hand, and they both threaded onward. Kaytu gave no consideration in regards to Paisley finding a safe haven for herself as he held onto her hand stiffly, causing the enormous down pour dripping on them.

In no time at all, everything was nabbed in space; even drops of water hung right in the air; deactivating whatever force that might have triggered the sudden bagarang.

Kaytu was the only one who was in motion. He left Paisley and swiftly advanced towards the fake vendors that had triggered the heavy drops earlier. He summoned all their strengths and bound them all up as they remained motionless; he led them to the centre of the trade emporium, then trailed back to Paisley, clutching her hand to his in her motionless state, then he brought her with him to stand before Miguel, and with a snap of his fingers, everything was back to its habitual state.

It was plain sailing for him to demolise Miguel's tactics.

Miguel became stupified and demented at the same time—what just happened? Isn't it raining now? How come it suddenly went dry everywhere? he pondered, as he twirled around and then beholding the merchants he and God Draige had connived with, descrying them being fixed in chains. He grilled in his mind, fright crumpled over his face.

He squinted at Kaytu directly across from him, who was holding unto his daughter. He flinched at the glare Kaytu gave him. A look with the intent to slay.

–Did Kaytu freeze time again? Miguel asked mentally. He knew Kaytu could hold out time since he exterted it to combat his enemies even before he became king, but he just couldn't fathom how Kaytu done it.

He plucked up the courage to voice out, knowing fully that he had yet to carry out his ploy. "Your Highness! Did you freeze time?"

"Yes I did, You didn't expect it, do you?" Kaytu questioned him with a dreadful gaze.

Oh.. Your Majesty! ... I just don't understand why these vendors are in shackles now," Miguel stated with a malicious intent.

"Mmm! I'm much amazed as to why you're craving to know... Do I need to explain it?" Kaytu quizzed and wanted to see Miguel's riposte.

"Well, It's best everyone here knows why, not just me." Miguel said it contemptuously.

"You're right! Miguel, but I think you should elucidate to everyone why these salesmen are in shackles!" Kaytu hurled back Miguel's words at him.

Miguel scoffed scornfully, saying, "I don't understand your thoughts, Your Majesty."

Without responding to Miguel, Kaytu summoned his guards from their anchorage. "Detain him as well as his cohorts." He decreed.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Samir responded with a bow. He streamed directly to Miguel, and was fixed on nicking him when Miguel suddenly protested.

"God Kaytu!! You're an irresponsible king! Do not assume you can shut me up! I know you slain five of our kind that had set out to the spell lawn to plant, the major cause we've chosen to attack and fight for our dead ones. You have nulified our peace treaty; it was written that no one, not even you the king, could terminate another kind unjustly without relaying their crimes to the due authorities initially." Miguel thundered, he'd said all of that on purpose to convict the Nadians on Kaytu's said crime.

Everyone was in awe to glean on such information and they all diverged to gape at Kaytu but hurriedly retracted their gazes, sensible of the fact that they could lose their lives prior to their actions as Kaytu is one they were really dreadful of.

Father, what are you saying?" Paisley shrieked in a ferrocious manner, almost at the verge of wailing. "please let my husband be!" She prodded her father.

She didn't care if Kaytu had wrongfully exterminated those water beings or not; all she gave a hoot for was having Kaytu to herself and his powers unsullied. She glanced at Kaytu anxiously while she remained wordless.

"Samir! Bring those water prisoners into light!" Kaytu ordered the chief of the guard without a change in his demeanor. Samir hastened up to get the waterkinds who were kept in a hut, all cinched with a thick, heavy rope, binded with a knot spell.

They appeared well cared for, showing no signs of scourge or rough up.

Miguel looked bewildered as he saw the five creatures he had sent to cast a poison spell in the enchanted garden secretly. However, Miguel wasn't one to bulge without a hitch; he'd witnessed those five in a lifeless state with Katyu's pockmark on them even before they could set foot on the entrance of the Enchanted Garden, and Miguel had solely withheld in concealing their remains, choosing to perpetuate their corpses instead, in other implement that as an attestation to counter Kaytu.

He peered at Draige and said, "Draige! Remove those corpses immediately! Everyone should see for themselves!"

Draige responded with a sorry look and said, "God Miguel, those corpses are just clones; they are not genuine. I discovered that earlier, before time froze and they've all vanished." The aquatic creatures were still very much alive."

Miguel averted his gaze from Draige, whom he summed up to be innefectual ticking from that moment, he spotted the aquatic creatures he presumed Kaytu had murdered, but he realized that he was indeed wide off the mark—those five were still very much vigorous.

Being astute of the fact that Kaytu wouldn't grant him a pardon, Miguel remained inaudible and peered down in mortification But his eyes soon sparkled at a concept. He already had a Plan B!

Samir and his fellow guards took Miguel, Draige, and the other defenceless vendors back to the royal estate to confine them. leaving the five water kinds behind at first.

Paisley was delightful with the sequel of the outburst, but she still doesn't want her father eradicated! She hankered that Kaytu would change his mind—but was that even possible? She mused mentally.

Kaytu veered to her, still clutching her hand. "This is a ceremony I'd wanted to attend with you. I hope you find it amusing?" Kaytu savagedly questioned her with an associal gaze.

Paisley could only fake a smile as she could comprehend the denotation of Katyu's words—he made her behold her father fall from grace and get hauled in; how can he be this cruel? She speculated.

"This is also a warning to you; I detest someone getting on my nerves on purpose!" He said it in a dreadful tone and yanked off her hand thereof.

Paisley's face flushed in disconcertion as she gawped around, with an endeavour to steer her composure.


At a co-equal time, in between the natural and supernatural worlds.

Riel, the grim reaper, was seen standing opposite to a young lady who seem to have a scowl on her face on her delicate, graceful face. A conversation had been going on between the duo as at when Kaytu and Paisley appeared at the unpleasant scene back in Nadi.

"Marrietta, you need to leave now! It's the best time for you to go. Enough of the questions." Riel nudged her.

"I don't even know this Kaytu whatever!" Marietta retorted.

"Everything I told you the day before will only be concealed in your subconscious. After you depart from here, you won't recall all that you've experienced here, but do not fret; I'll guide you in spirit. Just note this: "Work in the royal household..." Riel instructed and sent her off afterwards.
