
Chapter 6: My Alpha’s Penthouse

I could feel the eyes of the shifters on me, taking in my haphazard and worse for wear appearance. I adjusted in my seat leaning into Cole who didn’t seem to mind putting a protective and secure arm around me.

I didn’t miss the challenging look he was giving as he seemed to be staring at one of them.

It took less than an hour for the helicopter to make its destination and land on the top of what looked like a skyscraper. I wondered if we were in Virginia as I watched the other shifters hop off the helicopter.

A cadre of men who looked like staff or servants, rushed to the helicopter to help Cole get me down. But as soon as I began limping, Cole lifted me in his arms, bridal style. The movement was smooth and natural and that was exactly how it felt to be in his arms.

I tried not to gape as he carried me through glass doors and we entered what I could only describe as a penthouse apartment.

The other shifters who had unloaded from the helicopter spread out in the living room and servants came to set up food and drinks for them on a bar between the kitchen and living room.

My eyes took in a television that took up the expanse of the wall over an electric fireplace as someone flipped through channels.

I could feel even more curious glances on us as Cole carried me past all of them and into the hallway. I took in the glass walls that surrounded us on all sides and the ceiling was at least two stories high.

The hardwood floors were dark and everything smelled new and looked expensive.

“It’s game day. So my roommates invited a few shifters over to watch. I didn’t know all of them were going to come with my Beta to get us… This side of the penthouse belongs to me so it should stay quiet. I will put you in the guest room next to mine which is the last door right there.”

“Where are we?” I asked as he walked me into the guest room.

I felt my eyes grow wide upon entry. The room was bigger than the entire house I lived in with Ms. Julie. It was like a mini apartment unto itself.

“This is my apartment, in Alexandria,” he told me as he sat me on the bed and began unwrapping my bandages.

So, we were in Virginia… But, had I told him my uncle was in Alexandria?

“I think you should rest for a little while or we can call your uncle and have him pick you up or I can have my driver take you to him.”

I didn’t know if it would be a good idea to call this uncle. Ms. Julie said no phones. And I also didn’t want to show up dirty and injured.

“Is it okay if I rest here and get cleaned up while my ankle is healing?” I asked, and he quirked an eyebrow. “I don’t want to put you out, it's just that I don't really know this uncle…”

His expression darkened again and I fell quiet.

All of a sudden I felt a wave of emotions rise in me and tears began to spill over my lids.

“Actually, I don’t even really know who I am… or… what is going on… or… if I will ever be safe from…”

I was in his arms again as he hugged me and held me steady, smoothing his hand over my hair and rubbing my back.

“I knew that you were in trouble the moment I laid eyes on you,” he said. “You can stay here for as long as you like.”

I looked up in his eyes and knew that he meant it.

“You just have to put up with a bunch of frat boy shifters.”

“Frat?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah we are all in the same fraternity.”

“Oh, I see.”

“But, don’t worry. We are all gentlemen… Well, most of us.”

Cole sent in a maid and she began bustling about getting the tub ready for me to take a much needed bath. She was quick and efficient and then helped me undress and get into the tub. I was surprised when she began washing my hair for me, but I didn’t stop her.

I leaned against the back of the tub and tried not to cry again. Would it be possible for me to really stay for as long as I wanted?

If I forgot about my scholarship and never made it to this supposed uncle and just disappeared right here in this room, would anybody really notice or care?

What were the chances that crazy Luna would find me in Cole’s penthouse?

After I was cleaned up, the maid helped me from the tub and into an expensive set of silk pajamas and a robe. Had these been delivered just for me? A doctor was called to look at my injuries and he rewrapped my wrist and ankle saying to stay in bed for at least another day.

“Who are you?” I asked Cole in wonder when he was the one to come and bring me lunch instead of a servant.

“I’m Alpha Cole Shelton,” he introduced himself formally as he placed the dinner tray over my lap. He waited a moment, as I supposed he thought I might recognize that name. I just smiled. “And you are?”

“I’m Kayleigh Sloan… I’m an orphan and… a rogue.”

“Something tells me you’re a lot more than that, Kayleigh Sloan.”

I smiled as his eyes lingered on mine.

He left me alone to eat and when I was full, I placed the tray to the side and snuggled under the plush sheets and cozy comforter. Pure exhaustion took me over and I fell asleep.

A loud thumping and raucous laughter woke me up a short time later.

Still with a slight limp, I hurried from my room not sure what the commotion was all about to find the living room crammed with the shifters from the helicopter and even more guests just as big brawny and male, eating, watching tv and listening to music at the same time.

One by one, they all froze in what they were doing and all eyes were on me.

I felt awkward and on the spot as they scrambled to turn down the noise.

“I am so sorry,” one of them spoke. I recognized him as the one piloting the helicopter. “I’m Cole’s Beta, Sam. He told us you were sleeping. We didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing the apocalypse,” I said and was met with silent and blank stares before one of them broke out in a chuckle.

The others laughed nervously as well.

“Good one…” A tall blond with hair flopping in his eyes stepped from the group and looked me over in my pink pjs. I then realized that I was not dressed appropriately.

“Well, it looks like everything is under control.” I began to retreat.

“You can stay and watch the game with us,” the blond offered and the others quickly agreed.

I shook my head taking another step back and found myself stumbling over my weak ankle and into a growing familiar pair of strong arms. He lifted me bridal style again and I was soon staring into the eyes of my Alpha.

When had he gotten there?

“Awww man,” the blond sighed. “You can't just keep her all to yourself.”

“Yes, I can,” Cole said with a slight growl that got a good natured laugh from everyone. “Keep it down gentlemen.” He turned his back on them and carried me away.

“I think I liked it better when you were covered in dirt and grime,” he muttered as he bypassed the door to the room I was staying in and walked to the end of the hall into his room.

He gently placed me on his bed.

“Why did you bring me to your room?”

“Precautions…” he muttered.

“I thought you were all gentlemen.”

He looked me over again in my pjs. “Most of us… Even so, I think it’s best if you stay with me tonight. I promise to behave myself.”

I smiled at him and nodded. He was being very sweet. I had to admit to myself that I did feel more secure when he was near me.

He unexpectedly took off his shirt. I had a split second to take in his well built body before he turned out the lights and got in bed next to me. It was like rediscovering how handsome my alpha really was. I felt so very lucky and special that he didn't seem to mind saving me over and over again.

He was extremely hot but that wasn’t what felt important.

It was the warmth of his body, so perfect next to mine, that I snuggled closer to as my eyelids grew heavy and I fell back to sleep.