
The greatest Actress!

"Hey, my name is Mirio Togata My quirk is Permeation! It's nice to meet you!" Togata gives his signature smile.

As an S-Rank actress, she curls in on herself and backs away, and then runs away. Shota Aizawa sees this and sighs.

'I got the full story and I feel that this world has failed the poor girl... I will need to help her break out of her shell and prove to her that there is good in this world...' Shota has sorrowful eyes as he sees Rhongomyniad run past him.

Eraserhead follows Rhongomyniad quietly and sees her phase through the locked doors leading up to the roof he unlocks it with his key spies on her from the corner and hears her cry.

Shota hears her sing the song When She Cries by Britt Nicole with a shaky and sobbing voice. Shota Aizawa couldn't help but clench his chest and feel sad. He may be a serious teacher who expels many students but he also feels emotions... Despite his serious demeanor, Shota has too much empathy but doesn't show it to anyone.

'I'm such a good actress!' Rhongomyniad continues singing and then after the song she sings If I Die Young by the band Perry.

"What's your quirk?" Aizawa sits beside her at arm's length so she doesn't run.

"It's called Spirit of King Arthur... I can summon the mythical Sword of King Arthur and his Lance Rhongomyniad which is my name... I also summon powerful armor that is indestructible. The lance turns people into ashes and deletes their existence and Excalibur is a powerful sword." Rhongomyniad summons Excalibur and its golden light makes Aizawa feel at peace and forget all his worries.

"It is the true embodiment of the sad yet noble warriors of the past present and future who lie dying on the field of battle." The golden yellow light's beauty makes Aizawa Speechless.

Rhongomyniad aims at the sky and unleashes the prana of light from Excalibur!

"Excaliburrrrrrrrrrr!" The prana parts the clouds.

Golden light spreads across all of Japan healing the wounded and even giving the crippled new limbs the people paralyzed from the neck or waist down have the feeling of their bodies returning allowing them to walk and run like normal people and all the people that died recently were resurrected with their body whole. A mountaintop over yonder was split in half and exploded. Despite the sword's destructive power, it can also heal anything due to the modifications that Youko made to it with her system.

Aizawa widened his eyes and his jaw dropped... It's a very rare expression for Eraserhead.

"I can also cause golden light that spans an entire county to wipe it out... My Quirk is a curse... No one should have the power to wipe out millions... possibly billions..." Rhongomyniad curls in on herself after sitting down.

Aizawa robotically turns his head to his student. 'Your quirk is more powerful than Stars and Stripes! It's like you are the reincarnation of the Legendary King Arthur!' He starts feeling light-headed.

'I need to create another clone but this time the clone has to become 'Revan' so that I can play my part as the broken-hearted hero trainee' Rhongomyniad closes her eyes and falls 'asleep' while sitting.

'What a pitiful child, Abandoned at the age of three because she was a bastard child... If the British Royal family knew what her quirk could do they would take her away from UA by force' Aizawa picks Rhongomyniad up and walks to the nurse's office.

"No... Please don't hit me... I'm sorry... I'm scared... It hurts... I don't wanna die..." Rhongomyniad 'sleep talks' making Eraserhead's eyes sting with tears.

'Honestly, it was a great idea to use the dark side of the force to alter the memories of the King of England and a prostitute. They both know I'm their child and the DNA of my body can be altered at will due to my God-level quirk.

I have the DNA of the King and a commoner prostitute! The blood work at the hospital showed this. It was exceedingly easy to create a new identity and I could even alter my body to make me look at death's door to further the act.

However, the kicker here is that if I do this I will be at death's door for real! It was extremely painful to make my body starved and become skin and bones! The King abandoned me because I'm a bastard and he can never acknowledge me and the prostitute simply didn't have the money to take care of me so she abandoned me at three years old... Altering memories of them was easy!' Rhongomyniad continues 'sleeping' Her control of every cell in her body including her DNA allows her to be put into a pseudo sleep state.

"Recovery Girl! She passed out suddenly can you tell me what's wrong?" Aizawa kicks the door to the nurse's Office open and gets a cane to the shin in response.

"Just set her down on the bed! And don't kick doors open!" Recovery Girl checks up on Rhongomyniad.

"She's fine but isn't physically fit. What's her story?" Recovery girl narrows her eyes at Eraserhead.

After he speaks of what she went through and being abandoned at three years old Recovery girl snarls and huffs. "No child should have to go through that! But it explains why she passed out. She still needs much rest and nutrition and she needs to start a work-out regimen if she is to get healthier.

Nothing too strenuous but she should start with some easier exercises so that she can get healthier. Honestly, this child doesn't have the stamina to use her quirk. It's no wonder she passed out after what you just described." Recovery Girl feels some tears threatening to fall so she wipes her eyes.

"If Hawkes hadn't investigated the King of England and that Prostitute and questioned the homeless people in the same area we wouldn't have known what she went through. Life is naturally unfair but it shouldn't be this unfair to her. She has feelings of abandonment as well.

The reason is stated that a Japanese man taught her how to read write and speak English and Japanese but in the end, he left and she was devastated. She has never had a proper education she doesn't know how to do math or academics due to her upbringing. I'll have to teach her personally." Aizawa shakes his head mournfully.

"Why would you go so far as to teach her everything she needs to know? You must realize that you are a Hero and your time is limited when school ends." Recovery Girl asks.

"True, But I can take time off and focus on the girl. The world has failed her... But I will not." Eraserhead walks back to his class with a heavy heart.

/// The next day at 5:00 pm

The doorbell rings and Rhongomyniad runs to her room making Hawkes give a sad smile.

"Ah Eraserhead what brings you here?" Hawkes welcomes him inside and gives him a glass of water.

"I wanted to help Rhongomyniad catch up with her studies. Your report states that she doesn't know math or anything else except what she excels in which is Japanese and English. So I figured I'd teach her." Eraserhead accepts the glass of water and takes big gulps.

"Thanks for that Aizawa. I honestly don't know how to teach her so I was stuck on that very issue." Hawkes nods with a serious expression.

Aizawa knocks on her door but she ignores it so he walks in and sees her tinkering with some technology and then all of a sudden she takes the new weapon and pulls the trigger and it disintegrates the Target made of Tungsten.

"Yeah no I'm taking that!" Aizawa snatches the death gun from Rhongomyniad making her give him the puppy dog eyes.

'I'm not falling for it!' Aizawa puts the gun into his coat and then puts some papers on the table.

"Alright, I'm going to be teaching you some Math, science, and social studies okay?" Aizawa smiles.

Rhongomyniad nods. By the end of the night, she completed the elementary curriculum for Math, Science, and Social Studies.

'She's a genius! It's truly a pity that she never had the opportunity to display her intellect' Aizawa yawns and goes home with a small smile but then frowns as he notices that the gun is gone making his lips twitch.

"What sticky fingers! I didn't even notice! How does that work!?" Aizawa couldn't help but laugh at the sky.

/// Principals office with the teachers.

"I don't like it" Aizawa frowns.

"It's like Rhongomyniad's mere presence in Japan frightens Revan" Vlad King also frowns.

"It's not like Revan to be afraid of a teenager. We all know Revan is at least in her late 20s, Her mastery over her quirk shows that she is in the prime of her life and is immensely powerful however, she might have been spooked by the display of power that washed over Japan two days ago." Nezu sighs.

The little mouse doesn't believe this though since Revan's power trumps All Might and All for One combined. Revan is simply far too powerful to be afraid of an inexperienced first-year high school student. No Nezu believes that this is simply the beginning and it's only going to get worse from here on out.

"Revan and her accomplices are all at the very least S-rank possibly higher. If what Rhongomyniad did truly frightened them I would feel at ease but no... This feels like the calm before the storm.

Revan is like a Demigod walking amongst mortals but Rhongomyniad is truly a god-like existence She is still young and her mentality does not seek conflict she seems afraid of conflict and is afraid of people" Aizawa continues frowning.

"She's just a child. And she has been through too much. She isn't ready to take on Revan. Rhongomyniad would most likely freeze up in fear or run away" Midnight gives a sad smile.

/// In math class with Ectoplasm.

Rhongomyniad frowns and gives up. keeping up with her act of not having a proper education she flips the paper over and meditates.

'Ah, I figured as much. Poor kid' Ectoplasm gives a sad smile.

All of the teachers at UA are aware of her situation and so they all go easy on her. They know she's not dumb it's just that she was homeless since she was three years old and never went to school. It's a wonder that she survived for so long which shows her tenacity.

"Psst" Nejire catches the attention of Rhongomyniad who curls in on herself.

"Yes?" Rhongomyniad says in a quiet voice.

"Would you like some help with your studies? After school, you can come to my house and I can tutor you" Nejire smiles.

"no... Aizawa-Sensei is helping me catch up" Rhongomyniad goes back to meditating.

/// Back home Rhongomyniad sees Aizawa-Sensei.

"You can't be creating such destructive weapons. I will confiscate any weapon like this from you. They are very dangerous!" Aizawa sees her give the puppy dog eyes and nearly gives in.

'I must resist!' Aizawa gives a shaky smile.

"Aizawa sensei... What should I make then? I've always been good at building things. For example this thing. It's called an Arc Reactor I discovered a new element I call it Vibranium! However, I don't know what would happen if I gave limitless clean energy to the entire world. I also created an alternate fuel source for cars so they won't use oil anymore. I've made an A.I. as well. You can come out Sebas!" Rhongomyniad displays the old technology she created.

"Hello Sir I am Sebas" The A.I. gives a bow and Hawke's jaw drops.

"We had an A.I. in our home for how long exactly?" Hawkes has twitching lips.

"Two weeks after I moved in," Rhongomyniad says meekly.

"What can it do? And where did you get the parts you needed for all this?" Hawkes gives a stern expression.

"I... I stole them so I could create a security system that will make me feel safe" Rhongomyniad looked to be on the verge of crying.

"Next time just ask me and I will buy the parts you need. You are legally my little sister on paper. I am responsible for your well-being and that includes your needs and wants." Hawkes pats her head and she closes her eyes in contentment.

"Is this a bad time to tell you that our home has laser turrets all over the house the backyard and the front yard? They can turn everything into ash or they have the stun mode that knocks people unconscious" Rhongomyniad gives a cute tilt of her head.

"..." Hawkes ExE has shut down.

"They can pop out of the walls ceiling and the roof of our house" Rhongomyniad gives a nervous expression.

"Set them to stun I don't want a mailman to die" Hawkes shakes his head in exasperation.

Rhongomyniad clicked a button on the remote control a it lights up and says stun. Hawkes quickly takes the remote.

"I'll hold on to it. Kids shouldn't be in charge of the security of the house especially with such powerful weaponry" Hawkes gives a small smile when he sees his sister give a very hidden pout.

/// The next day Revan and Rhongomyniad.

Eraserhead's pupils constrict as he sees the most powerful Villain of Japan possibly the most dangerous villain in the world speaking to his new student. He notices how Revan doesn't seem hostile at all and seems very amicable but Eraserhead knows this to be a facade to make his student lower her guard.

Eraserhead gets closer and hears Revan's speech.

"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live the more you will realize, that the only things that exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering, and futility. Listen... Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses, casual relationships that cannot be separated. I want to sever... the fate of this world. A world of only victors. A world of only peace. A world of only love. I will create such a world. For truly this reality... Is a hell" Revan sighs at the end of her speech.

"I admire your dream but the way you are going about it is wrong! You say you killed so many heroes and crippled many more for Peace!? Where is the peace in spreading terror heartbreak and hatred!? Why are you doing all of this!" Rhongomyniad cries out in rage.

"You don't understand... Every action I took everything I've done is to take a step closer to peace. The heroes would have gotten in the way of peace sooner or later therefore I nipped that obstacle in the bud. I can use a powerful technique with my quirk that can cast an illusion off the face of the moon making everyone on Earth go into a deep sleep they will live out their lives within a dream! They will dream of a world with only love peace and victories without the vanquished! It will feel like their dream is a reality! They won't even know that they are dreaming! In five years' time during the Total Eclipse that will happen, I will use the technique and the world will achieve peace at long last" Revan huffs and puffs.

"That kind of peace is only an illusion! Peace is only meaningful when it's achieved honestly!" Rhongomyniad has tears in her eyes.

"Enough Revan! If you think we Heroes will allow you to succeed you are dead wrong! The entire world would be against you! Leave this place and never bother my student again!" Eraserhead uses his quirk on 'Revan' and the clone lowers her defenses so that his quirk can work on hers for a mere three seconds before it goes down to 2 seconds then 1 second and then gone.

"You cannot hold my power for more than three seconds? Impressive... I've said what needs to be said. Rhongomyniad join me and help create a perfect world!" Revan holds her hand out to the 'timid' girl.

Rhongomyniad falteringly holds her hand out with a look of pure hope. Eraserhead sees this and shouts. "Don't do it Rhongomyniad! She's lying to you! You said it yourself that kind of peace is only an illusion! You are better than Revan! Don't lose hope in humanity! I will show you that there is still good in this world! Walk over to me!" Eraserhead holds his hand out directly opposite Revan and the Villain and Hero see Rhongomyniad struggle with the choice.

Rhongomyniad quickly hides behind Eraserhead making the Hero sigh in relief.

"You see Revan? Not everyone will cater to your will! Rhongomyniad is special and you would try to use her as a weapon! I will not allow you to corrupt her pure soul!" Eraserhead sees out of the corner of his eye that his student starts silently crying while holding his sleeve.

"..." 'Revan's' Aura spikes and starts running amok causing her killing intent to wash over the entirety of UA indiscriminately making every student and some less accomplished teachers pass out.

'You act like you are a god Revan! And when things don't go your way you act out like a child throwing a tantrum!' Eraserhead narrows his eyes.

"I... I... I cannot... Breathe..." Rhongomyniad 'passes' out and Eraserhead catches the girl and he sends a vicious look toward Revan for harming his student mentally.

"This isn't over Eraserhead. I will claim her as my subordinate sooner or later" Revan disappears and is gone.

"I won't allow it Revan. You will fail. Rhongomyniad has a heroic heart filled with a lot of kindness. She won't join you on her own initiative and if she falters again I will be there to show her the way!" Eraserhead carries Rhongomyniad to the nurse's office while telling some of his coworkers that Revan was there. trying to convince Rhongomyniad to join her but ultimately failed.

/// Meeting with the teachers.

"It's concerning how Revan can enter UA without setting any alarms. This means we have a leak or the worst outcome possible" Nezu holds his head in his paws.

"It would mean she is a former UA student... She is probably on the deceased list. Most likely faked her own death. How could a student from UA go so wrong?" Hizashi shakes his head in disbelief.

"She was most likely our underclassman... Which means she knows our quirks inside and out" Aizawa narrows his eyes.

"It would explain how she and her comrades knew every single hero's weakness. Which is why we failed months ago against them in our home ground." Nemuri gives an angry snort.

"She had [Nameless] She killed Akane-San... But when I felt what she did... I nearly passed out. It was right then and there that I knew that I couldn't avenge Akane-San" Snipe growls.

"Heroes don't seek revenge... However, I understand your feelings. I too was nearly consumed by revenge years back when I lost my friend" Aizawa puts a hand on Snipe's shoulder.

A knock on the door is heard.

"Come in," Nezu says in a tired voice.

"I... I think I know that Revan is truly dead." Rhongomyniad says timidly.

"Explain," Nezu says in a serious voice.

"It felt like she was the nemesis of life. A mockery of its existence... Like she was a walking corpse. It felt like she used to embody the word excellence but now she is deformed and recast poorly with crude materials. I know what she feels..." Rhongomyniad takes shaky breaths.

"What does she feel?" Aizawa asks. He has faith in his new student.

"Like she is a slave entrapped by endless life. Now blinded by such elegance from an outsider's perspective she must feel like her purpose can only be dark. She is truly a walking corpse I don't know how she is still well around and not rotting... From her perspective, she is surrounded by love hope, and dreams all that make humans want to live and she wants to quiet it all so she may have silence. I feel sad for her" Rhongomyniad cries and sniffles as she speaks of the unholy existence that is now 'Revan' she can't help but cry. Truly an S-rank Actress.

The heroes in attendance and Nezu felt sorry for Revan but still, they know what they must do... Spread the information that Revan revealed to the student and her plans for the entire world.

/// The entire world...

There was outrage across the entire world but there were also many people perhaps too many people who wanted Revan to succeed.

"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live the more you will realize, that the only things that exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering, and futility. Listen... Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses, casual relationships that cannot be separated. I want to sever... the fate of this world. A world of only victors. A world of only peace. A world of only love. I will create such a world. For truly this reality... Is a hell" Revan sighs at the end of her speech.

"You don't understand... Every action I took everything I've done is to take a step closer to peace. The heroes would have gotten in the way of peace sooner or later therefore I nipped that obstacle in the bud. I can use a powerful technique with my quirk that can cast an illusion off the face of the moon making everyone on Earth go into a deep sleep they will live out their lives within a dream! They will dream of a world with only love peace and victories without the vanquished! It will feel like their dream is a reality! They won't even know that they are dreaming! In five years' time during the Total Eclipse that will happen, I will use the technique and the world will achieve peace at long last" Revan huffs and puffs.

Revan's words were broadcasted across the entire world which chilled billions to the very bone. It was absolute pandemonium there were riots across the world. After the heroes quelled the riots they all scoured the world in search of Revan and her comrades.

WAHAHAHA I did it I managed to write 3852 words! I did it within days despite working 42 hours a week! It was hard but I did it!

Now I'm going to rest... It was exhausting to write this chapter. I think I will wait a month till the next chapter's release. The next chapter will be much longer as a result.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts
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