
Mother of the Earth CHAPTER ONE

In China there lived a girl named Meng Daushang.she lives with her mother,fierce older sister and Little brother.

One day from school,she was cycling with some of her friends.

As she was cycling she noticed something shining brightly, because of her curiosity she moved toward the bright light.

Her friends were crossing the road when they realized Daushang wasn't with them.one of her friends named Laura spotted Daushang moving toward the west side,"Daushang,were do you think your going?".

Daushang didn't hear her friends call.

when the light was getting brighter she new she was getting closer.

she finally arrived at the most beautiful place she's ever seen.

The place was breathtaking,the aroma of the flowers were attractive. The river was clean, able to reflect the image of the sky. she got down from her bicycle. Walking through the grass, hearing the songs of the birds and smelling the aroma of the flowers.

The place was surrounded by trees.

She noticed a bright light coming Frome the water.she walked towards the river.

she bent down and was able to see her reflection from the water.she touched the water, splashing a few from the surface.

A light shimmering a little caught her attention,she touched the light not knowing should'ld get pulled.

The light was getting brighter and brighter,she tried moving her hand from the water but couldn't,"what's happening?" she asked to no one in particular.

she was then getting sucked in."Ah!"

Then she was fully submerged in water


Daushang woke up, slowly opening her eyes,"where...?"before she could ask we're she was,she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. She looked around her. It was quite.too quite.

She then noticed a shimmering bright light. The light was growing brighter and brighter until the light engulfed the water. Daushang covered her eyes using her arm.

The light was disappearing and she was able to open her eyes.

she looked at the direction from where the light was and then she saw a figure of a person.she closely looked again and discovered that the figure of a woman.

Her eyes were blue-grey,her heart shaped lips,fare skin and blonde hair.She wore a fairy hanfu,she was like a goddess.

The lady moved towards her, "child,why do you look surprised to see me?"

Daushang didn't answer,she looked at the lady in awe and wonderment.

"Daushang... don't be scared.You must be so confused." she giggled.

Loads of questions were wondering around her mind.who is this lady? how did she know my name?

but then she realized that she has been holding her breathe for some time now.she quickly covered her mouth and looked above her.

The lady figured out that Daushang couldn't breathe,"oh,my apologies"

The lady took out a hairpin from her hair,it had bright rubies, emerald and it was long enough to touch ones neck when worn,the ribbons tied in a bow.

"by the power of emerald peace,Ruby life.cycle of life,death and reincarnation . unsheathed the beauty of life."she blow towards the hairpin and lots of bubbles surrounded Daushang.

"my dear, open her mouth"

Daushang was hesitant at first but then opened her mouth.

A light shade of From the hairpin form a blue sphere.The sphere flow into her mouth and Daushang swallowed it.

And then....

she could breathe properly without difficulty.

"wow,Ms fairy. I'm breathing without difficulty?"

The lady nodded as yes.

The lady flew around Daushang: examining her.such great beauty.

"Daushang,I need your help."

and that's how Daushang got confused, ' wait, what' she thought.

"I am from the Kai empire" she started, "Centuries ago, I used to rule the empire alone: everything was fine...until ...my kingdom and I were attacked by the red ribbon army with fire attribute.my people used their frost attribute to defeat them but I lost a lot of people. I had no choice but to run for my life"

Centuries ago

"hmmm," a lady was in her gazebo drinking some afternoon tea.

"my queen! my queen!"

a soldier was running towards the lady,when he approached he kneeled down before her.

"Your grace,if I may report" he bowed awaiting for her to give him permission to speak.

The lady lifted the tea before her lips and said, "at ease".she then took a sip.

"M-my queen, we've been raided by the red ribbon army."


The cup held by the queen feel hitting the ground and smashing into pieces.

"that's impossible" she was shocked by the news.

Her grace stood up and asked,"where are they now.?"

the soldier looked hesitant at first but then answered,"your grace,their are at the gate near the ocean and their are hurting many townspeople?"

The empress was shocked,"what!".

She turned on her heels and started moving to the front gate.she didn't care about etiquettesy,she run as fast as lightning.

And when she got there,a lot of people were lying on the ground - some dead,some just injured.

"get the injured to safety and give the dead a good burial" she ordered and the soldiers did as they were told.she let out a sad sigh.

*bomb* *bomb* *bomb*

bomb after bomb,was enough to alert every one.

it then become foggy.

a voice was heard in between the fog."Juno,mother of the Earth"

The empress looked closer but could only see a silhouette.

"emerald! symbol of life" she closened her forefinger and Middle finger of her right hand."wind attribute.tornado of WIND!"

A gust of wind blew from her two fingers.it blew towards the fog and the silhouette in there moved and the shadow walked towards the empress, revealing itself.

"Juno,you haven't changed at all" the shadow came out of hiding and before the empress was a woman dressed in a red hanfu dress, embroidered with Tang suit. her hair was braided to a bun with beautiful Lily flowers on the hairpins.

This lady's presence angered the empress even more, "Vesta,lady of hearth.what in the name of God are you doing here"

edited by:Iris phiri: owner and narrator of this novel.