

In this world, societies are divided into two: the rich and powerful, who are capable of creating high-grade sorcery and unfathomable riches, can reside in God's land; and the weak and frail, who are dumped into chaos land. Every decade, the two societies will have a competition for territories, and the one who wins will be the one who'll occupy God's land.

LISUD · Fantasy
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12 Chs

KSKT - Family in the Ruined Lands

OLD MAN: (Hmm... We can't stay living like this. I can't afford to stay as a scavenger especially since there are children following me.)

The group of scavengers are walking back home following the old man.

The old man and the rest are walking on a mountain that's full of grass, and the smell of the air is fresh, like a ripe apple that is being cut. The heat of the sun is mild and the breeze is strong.

OLD MAN: (Living in this isolated place far from society, the children will have problems when joining society when they grow up.)

The old man then looked back and saw the children smiling and playing while following him.

OLD MAN: (If it wasn't for their mana then they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my incompetence they wouldn't have scavenged together with me.)

The old man has been doing a scavenger job for almost 5 years; since the arrival of the monsters he has been thinking about how miserable his life and the children are.

"We're here!" One of the children shouted.

On top of the mountain is a ruined stone house. The house barely has a roof and walls.

OLD MAN: Ok everyone, line up. 1, 2, 3... 9 and 10, including K. Ok, since everyone is here, let's head back inside the house.

The old man touched the wall of the house, then suddenly the once ruined house turned into a giant mushroom. At first glance, it appears like a normal mushroom, but is huge. looking closely in front there's a door attached to the mushroom. The old man pushed the door. Inside is a normal living room with a chair, table, some plant ornaments, and a lamp. The unique thing inside the mushroom house is the doors. There are a total of 7 doors and all of them are labeled: bathroom, kitchen, dining, bedroom 1, bedroom 2, bedroom 3, and Asakit.

OLD MAN: Ok everyone, go take a bath and make sure that all the mana residue in your body will be removed and eat dinner afterward.

"Ok! grandpa" the children shouted in unison.

OLD MAN: Alex, did this boy have a name already?

ALEX: Y-yes grandpa...

OLD MAN: What's the name that you gave him?

ALEX: K, we agreed to name him K.

The living room is now silent because the children are washing themselves. It is only the old man, Alex, and K left in the living room.

OLD MAN: Alex... Go take a bath also. I'll handle K.

Alex sniffed his armpit and in a short sniff, his face distorted.

ALEX: Ok grandpa.

OLD MAN: K, follow me.

K did not follow, he only stared at the old man. The old man grabs K and walks him towards the sofa. He then lifts K and places him on the sofa.

On the other side of the sofa is where the old man is sitting, and between the old man and K is a glass table.

OLD MAN: K, my name is Asakit and I am the leader of this scavenger group.

He paused for a second and started to scratch his face.

OLD MAN: I know you don't understand this yet, but one day when you are now able to read and learn a language, I will do this again. I'm just doing this for the tradition.

After saying that he smiled, unlike his very serious face, his face while smiling is very friendly. It's like watching 2 people in 1 body. Asakit patted K's head.

OLD MAN: Be strong, little boy.

He removed his hand from K and clapped.

OLD MAN: Ok! Let's practice your first word. Saaaaaay 'Grandpa'.


GIRL WITH PURPLE HAIR: This will be our room, K. By the way, I'm Anna. Nice to meet you.

She then continued to pinch K's cheeks.

When Anna pinched K's cheeks he flinched and mutters a sound like he is in pain.

GIRL WITH ORANGE HAIR: Anna stop that! Can't you see that he is in pain?

ANNA: You know I can't hold back when it's cute.

Anna stopped the pinching.

ANNA: K, that orange-haired girl is Mary, and the one with the green-haired boy behind Mary is Cray.

Anna walked towards the bed on the right side and then sat down

The room is shaped like a box, and in the middle parallel to the door, there's a big window. There are two big beds, and Mary and Cray are occupying the left bed.

ANNA: K, come here.

Anna made a gesture with her hand to make K go to her.

With his tiny legs, K walked slowly toward Anna.

ANNA: AWH! He is so cute!!!

MARY: Hey! Stop screaming, Anna. I'm trying to make Cray sleep early.

ANNA: Mary is such a grumpy girl right, K?

Anna became quiet all of a sudden, she's thinking that maybe K is dumb, but she is also thinking that maybe she's too smart for K. Anna is only 7 years old.

Anna felt a sense of responsibility to teach K how to be smart like her

ANNA: K... say 'Anna'.

Anna points her finger towards her.

ANNA: My name is Anna, repeat after me, K. Annaaa...

K: Hmna

ANNA: KYAAAAAA! He said my name! That's right, Anna...

All of a sudden a pillow is thrown on Anna's face.

MARY: I told you to stop screaming! Cray can't sleep because of you. I will go to the bathroom, you better lay down on the bed when I return Anna, or I will beat your ass.

Mary is only 9 years old


As Mary goes out, she turns the lights off.

After Mary left the room, and the room became quiet, what was left was the sound of the critters outside.

ANNA: Let's go to sleep, K.

-End Of Chapter-