

This is Mahabharata fanfiction. what will if karna is the avatar of lord Shiva? What will happen if Shiva planned to change path of Mahabharata? What will happen if Mata Parvati born as draupadi? so let's join this story of mine to see the play of lord Shiva and how will he his life as Karna and try change the society and caste. Warning: This is not a real Mahabharata. This is my imagination story, so if you don't like this type of stories you can avoid. This is purely a fiction story. (Note: The above chapter is a fictional creation inspired by the Mahabharata. The dialogues and events are fictional and created for the purpose of storytelling.) So just read and enjoy.........

BABY_SP_001 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 7:The Divine Arrival To Shudras


As Adhirath and Radha stood by the Ganga river shore, their hearts heavy with longing for a child, they fervently prayed to the Sun God for a miracle. Radha's eyes glistened with tears, her hands clasped together in deep devotion, while Adhirath stood beside her, his gaze fixed on the water as if seeking an answer from the cosmos.

Radha (whispering): Oh, Suryadev, please bless us with a child. A precious gift to fill our lives with joy.

Adhirath (softly): We have waited so long, Radha. Our love and prayers will surely reach the divine ears.

Just as their prayers hung in the air, a gentle laughter, like the tinkling of bells, reached their ears. Both Adhirath and Radha turned in astonishment, their eyes widening with disbelief. Before them, a cradle floated serenely on the surface of the river Ganga, carried by the gentle current.

Radha (gasping): Look, Adhirath! Is it a sign? A blessing from the gods?

Adhirath (awe-struck): I can hardly believe my eyes, Radha. It's as if the heavens themselves have answered our plea.

They approached the cradle with a mixture of anticipation and wonder, their hearts racing with emotions they could scarcely comprehend. And there, nestled within the cradle, was a baby boy of radiant beauty, his features bathed in the ethereal glow of Suryadev's light.

Radha (barely able to speak): Adhirath, look at him. He's like a divine being sent from the heavens.

Adhirath (in awe): His face, Radha. It's as if the sun itself shines through him.

The baby boy stirred within the cradle, his eyes fluttering open, revealing eyes that held a wisdom beyond his tender age. As he looked up at them with a gaze that seemed to hold the universe within, Adhirath and Radha felt an inexplicable connection, as if their souls recognized something greater at play.

Baby Karna: (gurgles and smiles)

Radha: (whispers) Adhirath, this child… he's a blessing, a gift from the gods.

Adhirath: (nodding) You're right, Radha. It's as if the divine has bestowed upon us a son.

Suddenly, a brilliant light appeared before them, illuminating the surroundings with its radiance. Within the light, a celestial presence took form – a divine being who seemed to embody the universe's cosmic energy.

Celestial Being: (voice like music) Fear not, Adhirath and Radha. The child you hold in your arms is no ordinary child. He is the divine manifestation of Lord Shiva and the radiant light of Suryadev.

Adhirath and Radha bowed their heads in reverence and awe, overwhelmed by the presence of the celestial being.

Celestial Being: (continues) This child is born with a purpose – to spread love, righteousness, and virtue in the world. He is Karna, the one who carries the essence of Mahadev within him.

Radha: (whispers) Karna…

Celestial Being: (smiles) Yes, Radha. Karna. You have been chosen to be his parents, to nurture him with the values of dharma, compassion, and courage. He will walk a path of destiny that will shape the course of time.

Adhirath: (humbled) But… how can we, ordinary beings, raise such a divine child?

Celestial Being: (kindly) The divine trusts in your love and goodness, Adhirath and Radha. Raise him with unwavering faith, instilling in him the qualities that will make him a beacon of righteousness.

Radha: (with determination) We will do as you say, divine presence. Karna will be raised with love and with the qualities that reflect his divine origins.

Celestial Being: (blessing) May your hearts be filled with divine wisdom and strength. Remember, Karna's path is one of challenges, but his spirit is indomitable. The universe is with you in this journey.

As the celestial being's form gradually faded, Adhirath and Radha exchanged a glance, their hearts stirred with both wonder and responsibility.

Adhirath: (softly) Radha, we are entrusted with a divine task – to raise Karna, the embodiment of Mahadev's light.

Radha: (cradling Karna) Yes, Adhirath. Our lives will forever be touched by this blessing. We must nurture Karna with the qualities that the divine has entrusted to us.

Adhirath gently placed his hand on Karna's tiny head, and Radha embraced the child with a mix of tenderness and determination.

Radha: (whispers) Welcome to our lives, Karna. With the grace of the gods, we will guide you on the path you are meant to tread.

As the morning sun bathed the world in its golden light, Adhirath, Radha, and baby Karna stood by the Ganga river shore, their hearts united in a journey that was nothing short of divine.


Mahabharat caste system:

The caste system described in the Mahabharata is known as the Varna system. According to the Mahabharata, the Varna system categorizes society into four main classes or varnas, each with specific roles and responsibilities:

Brahmins: The Brahmins are the priestly class responsible for performing religious rituals, studying and teaching the sacred texts, and guiding society in matters of spirituality and philosophy.

Kshatriyas: The Kshatriyas are the warrior and ruler class. They are responsible for protecting the kingdom, maintaining law and order, and governing the land. Their duty includes leading armies and ensuring the welfare of their subjects.

Vaishyas: The Vaishyas are the merchant and agricultural class. They engage in trade, commerce, and agriculture. Their responsibilities include producing food, wealth, and resources for the society.

Shudras: The Shudras are the laborer and service class. They provide support and assistance to the other three varnas. Their duties include serving the higher varnas and performing tasks necessary for the functioning of society.

It's important to note that the caste system as described in the Mahabharata was initially based on one's qualities, skills, and actions (known as varna), rather than by birth (jati). However, over time, the system became more rigid and hierarchical, leading to the birth-based caste system that is often associated with India's social structure today.

The Mahabharata also mentions that individuals can move up or down the social hierarchy based on their actions and qualities. This concept is known as "varna vyavastha," emphasizing that one's position in society is not fixed solely by birth but can be influenced by personal merit and ethical conduct.

It's worth mentioning that the interpretation and implementation of the caste system have evolved over centuries, and various perspectives exist on its impact and relevance in contemporary society.

Radha (whispers to Karna): We may belong to the shudra community, but you, dear Karna, you are beyond caste and creed. You are a divine being, a gift to us and to all who will know you.

As they walked back to their shudra community, carrying the child who was the incarnation of Lord Shiva, an extraordinary event unfolded. People who had never felt the touch of peace and happiness suddenly felt a calmness descend upon their hearts. The atmosphere seemed charged with positive energy, and the people were drawn to the baby Karna's presence.

Neighbors and friends gathered around, their eyes filled with awe and reverence.

Neighbor 1: What is it about this child that brings such tranquility?

Neighbor 2: It's as if the gods themselves have blessed us through him.

Adhirath (holding Karna with pride): This is Karna, a child who holds the light of the sun and the essence of divinity. He will grow up among us, but he is destined to be a symbol of righteousness and virtue.

The news of Karna's arrival spread like wildfire through the shudra community, and soon, a sense of unity and hope swept over the people. The caste boundaries that had once divided them seemed insignificant in the presence of the child who carried the blessings of the gods.

As Adhirath and Radha carried Karna through the community, their hearts were filled with gratitude and a profound sense of responsibility. They knew that their lives had been forever changed by the arrival of this divine child, who would grow up to shape the destiny of not only their community but the entire world.

And so, with Karna in their arms, Adhirath and Radha walked amidst the shudra community, igniting a spark of hope and transformation that would shine brightly for generations to come.


Thanks all for you who all are read my novel and keep supporting me ...