

This is Mahabharata fanfiction. what will if karna is the avatar of lord Shiva? What will happen if Shiva planned to change path of Mahabharata? What will happen if Mata Parvati born as draupadi? so let's join this story of mine to see the play of lord Shiva and how will he his life as Karna and try change the society and caste. Warning: This is not a real Mahabharata. This is my imagination story, so if you don't like this type of stories you can avoid. This is purely a fiction story. (Note: The above chapter is a fictional creation inspired by the Mahabharata. The dialogues and events are fictional and created for the purpose of storytelling.) So just read and enjoy.........

BABY_SP_001 · Fantasy
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81 Chs



A woman doing her Pooja in front of Shiva linga and her devotion is like pure as ganga. Her every word is full mantras of Mahadev. she is none other than the future queen of hastinapur, Gandhari. She is a big devotee of mahadeva. she is praying Mahadev for every day.suddenly there is a smoke and damuru sound coming back of gandhari.while Gandhari is deeply in the meditation a voice woke up her.

Mahadev "Gandhari"

Gandhari who is deeply in the meditation awoke and she turns her head to see who called her, whe she turned her whole person got stumbled and she can't trust her eyes and immediately she kneeled infront of her lord.

Gandhari"Mahadeva I can't express my joy by seeing your vision, Today this gandhari achieved her life completely Prabhu,Thank you for your vision to me"

Mahadev "Gandhari you are one of my devotees, you daily give your prayers to me and I Very happy about your meditation gandhari,ask away my devotees what you wish for?"

Gandhari "Prabhu I love childrens so much.so when I married I want to give birth to 100 childrens "

Mahadev"Thathatsu, you will give birth to 100 children gandhari and I came here also tell you about your future "

Gandhari"Thank you for you boon Prabhu, Tell me Prabhu what about my future?"

Mahadev with sad face"In future you will face so many hardships Devi, you will face so many unfair treatment, even I can't change this course of you life gandhari.

After hearing Mahadev words gandhari didn't get sad but she smiled.

Gandhari "Prabhu when I worshipping you and you my lord overlooking me I can face anything Prabhu"

When Mahadev heared her genuine words and her smile,he is so touched.

Mahadev " Gandhari I will give you another Boon for your pure devotion to me, In this yug I will take my 20th avatar in the world, when you in the most sad mood, you will feel me near you and a baby will come to your arms,hearing that smile of that baby you will forget all your worries I will make the sadness of your life to go away and you will be called as one of my mother in the future.This is my promise to you gandhari"

After hearing her lord words gandhari can't make a single sound she want to talk but her words can't come,she started to cry not the sad cry. but happy cry what a honour she will get in the future? How many of them will envy her? And she will be like a mother to her lord,she can't wait for the day.

Gandhari "Thank you Prabhu for this honour, I can't wait for the day I will see you in your avatar form Prabhu."

Mahadev "You can't disclose about this news to anybody gandhari, Then I will take my leave gandhari I will see you in the future by my avatar."

Mahadev smiles at her and he vanished from there.Gandhari is very happy and she also make her heart to face difficult of her life,she have endure all the sufferings of her life utill she see her lord.


In kuntiboj:

Sage durvasa went to the kingdom for rest and kuntiboja king order her daughter kunti attend him. Kuti attend and do all the duties with sincerity for sage durvasa and she make all the hard works.Seeing her utmost sincerity to him sage durvasa gave her mantra that can evoke any Devs expect Trinity devs, to get their features in their child .Kunti is very happy to get this boon.Sage durvasa also warned her not use this mantra before marriage because if used this mantra before marriage it will become curse so he warned her use the mandra after marriage,after wards sage durvasa went from the kingdom.

After some days,

Kunti and Priyamvada are playing near the lake and suddenly kunti Start talking to her friend.

Kunti:Priyamvada I got boon sage durvasa I can get any child from any Devs expect tridevs.

Priyamvada laughed: How can you get child from Dev's,it completely impossible. Don't lie to me kunti. It is impossible.

Kunti: No, I am talking truth the sage told me it will happen if I tell the mantra which I want to evoke any dev I wish.

Priyamvada: No way it is possible kunti no human women can get pregnant from the dev.

After she told her friend she went to forest collect some herbs and kunti went to deep thought and she thinking of her friend word and a deep root of auspicious aroused in her heart and she saw the sun in the sky and a unbelievable thought aroused in her mind.

In Mount kailash:

All tridev and devis are all went to Mahadev's abode They all are know what will happen they have both happy and sad of what will happen in next period of time.Mahadev seeing their faces and smiled.

Mahadev "You all don't have to be sad, Even though so many hardships will happen in my avatar it is fate of Karna. So even I can't escayfeom the fate. My dear Vishnu dev Avatar Ram also faced so many sufferings in his avatar so don't be sad"

Vishnu dev: Mahadev I will wait for our meeting in this yug and I will wait for the day of our first meeting.

Brahma dev:Even if so many suffering and hardships you face anything is not compared you.You are the centre of the univers,you are the creator and you are the destroyer. I can't help but get excited for your leelai .

Saraswati and Lakshmi also express their excitement. only Mata Parvati is in very bad mood,see his wife and knowing her character Mahadev can't help and turn to her.

Mahadev: Devi even I face any hardships and sufferings you can't get angry and appeared infront of me. You know right?"

All the other gods attention also turn to Devi Parvati they all know how much love Parvati has for Mahadev and she can't forgive anyone that insult her husband. she is embodiment of kaali.

Mata Parvati:I know Prabhu I can't wait to see you in the earth Prabhu.

Mahadev "Then here start my avatar as I born as Karna.

In kuntiboj lake:

Kunti saw the she the mistake she will regret through her life.she started the pray the mantra that sage durvasa gave to her with the picture of suryadev in her mind.In next second, infront there is a bright light.Kuti can't help but closed her eyes after sometime the light reduced and she opened her eyes.When sshe saw who infront of her she forget to breathe. In front of her is a man that was so handsome,she didn't see anyone so handsome compared to other males in her life.

Surya Dev also saw kunti ,he knows that Mahadev avatar will be takes place in just few minutes but he can't help but think why kunti evoked him before her marriage.

Kunti:Are you suryadev? I am your devotee Prabhu.

suryadev: Blessings Devi. Why did you evoke before your marriage didn't you hear the warning of sage durvasa.

Kunti suddenly realised her mistake and she got very panicked,she don't know what to do.

Kunti: Prabhu I evoked you by my foolishness you can go back Prabhu I will call you after I got married again.

Surya Dev gets anger:I can't do that kunti I have to give you my child before I leave, you have to accept my baby.

Kunti gets panicked and started to cry

Kunti:But Prabhu I am not married how will I have your child? what the society will call me and my son? what about my father's reputation?

Suryadev: I don't care kuti you have to think about this before you evoked me now you have to accept my child.

This makes kunti more panicked and she started to think and she makes a plan.

kunti:Then suryadev give me the child that have part of lord Mahadev and you light in him.Give a child that compared to lord Rama,he have to excel in all things,I want a child that have all the qualities a man should have. I want the child with the face of Mahadev.

When kunti asker her wish the world stumble by her worlds,the whole world feel theie lord is coming to the world created, the bhoomadevi eagerly waiting for Mahadev to place is feet on the soil of her. All animals and birds dancing with happiness.There are thunders in the sky.Alk sages,rishis,Devs and devis are feeling the avatar of Mahadev take place in earth.

After her wish,kunti is very confident that suryadev can't give her wish because there is no way Mahadev to take place his avatar in earth.But she doesn't know by her wish only Mahadev going to appear on earth.

Surya dev smiles and know the time is came for avatar of Mahadev.

Surya dev:Let it be so. Kunti you have to be proud to have Mahadev avatar as your son. Today your good karma makes you give birth to lord Shiva.There are so many who will be envious of you.

Kunti can't trust her ears she can't believe what suryadev telling to her and she is very shocked.Did she really going to give birth of with the fusion of Mahadev and suryadev. I can't believe it.

while she thinking suryadev closed his eyes and start the fusion of Mahadev soul and his light and it became a Jyothi that makes all over full of peace and calm and it reached the womb of kunti.Kunti feeling the power that entered her womb,her whole body feel the purity of jyothi.

Surya devi:After 42 weeks you will give birth to the baby, I also gave my baby kavasa and kundala,It will never break and even Mahadev trisula , Vishnu sudharshana chakara can't break the kavasa. No Astra can't break it he will be unbeatable in the future.I name my son, KARNA.

When suryadev announce the name of Karna the thunder is very soundful and make the workd dance in happy,in few lard Mahadev will be born on earth Afterwards suryadev vanished.Kunti is getting panicked and started crying on her place,she don't know what to do.