

This is Mahabharata fanfiction. what will if karna is the avatar of lord Shiva? What will happen if Shiva planned to change path of Mahabharata? What will happen if Mata Parvati born as draupadi? so let's join this story of mine to see the play of lord Shiva and how will he his life as Karna and try change the society and caste. Warning: This is not a real Mahabharata. This is my imagination story, so if you don't like this type of stories you can avoid. This is purely a fiction story. (Note: The above chapter is a fictional creation inspired by the Mahabharata. The dialogues and events are fictional and created for the purpose of storytelling.) So just read and enjoy.........

BABY_SP_001 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 10: The Arrival of a Divine Child to the palace

As Lord Shiva, born in the form of Karna, played around the house with innocent laughter, Radha moved about the kitchen, her attention divided between her tasks and keeping a watchful eye on the child who had become the center of their world.

The sun bathed the surroundings in a warm glow, casting a gentle light that danced on the walls. Karna's laughter resonated through the air, filling the house with an aura of joy and playfulness.

Radha (smiling to herself): Oh, my little Karna, your laughter is a melody that soothes my heart.

Karna, unaware of the profound impact he had on those around him, continued to explore his surroundings with curiosity and wonder. His radiant presence seemed to infuse the very air with a sense of purity and light.

As Radha moved about, she couldn't help but steal glances at Karna, her heart swelling with love and affection. The child's innocence and divine nature were evident in every gesture, every smile that graced his face.

Radha (whispering): Arya and I are blessed to have you in our lives, Karna. Your presence brings us more joy than we could have ever imagined.

Just then, the sound of a chariot approaching caught Radha's attention. She turned to the window, her gaze falling upon the grand chariot that had stopped in front of their humble home.

Adhirath, Karna's earthly father, descended from the chariot with a purposeful stride. The lines on his forehead indicated a mixture of determination and anticipation. Radha's heart quickened with a mixture of curiosity and a slight sense of apprehension.

Adhirath entered the house, his eyes finding Radha as she stood by the window.

Adhirath (with a warm smile): Radha, my love, Queen Gandhari has asked to bring Karna. She wishes to see him at the palace.

Radha's heart skipped a beat. The mention of queen Gandhari's name stirred a mix of emotions within her. She recalled their encounter at the temple, where Gandhari had expressed a deep desire to spend time with Karna.

Radha (concerned): Arya, I know queen Gandhari wishes to see Karna, but… do you think it's wise to take him to the palace? Our child's safety is of utmost importance.

Adhirath (reassuringly): Radha, I share your concerns, but Gandhari is the queen, and her intentions are sincere. She sees something special in Karna.Besides, she only wishes to spend time with him, to bask in his divine presence.

Radha nodded, her maternal instincts and protectiveness still weighing heavily on her mind. Her love for Karna was boundless, and the thought of parting with him even for a short while tugged at her heartstrings.

Adhirath (gentle): Radha, I understand your worries. But remember, Karna is a child of destiny, and his presence is meant to bring light and positivity to all who encounter him.

Radha's gaze shifted to Karna, who was still playing with innocent abandon. She watched his laughter, his infectious joy, and her worries began to ebb, replaced by a sense of trust in the greater purpose that Karna's presence held.

Radha (softly): You're right, Arya. Karna's destiny is beyond our understanding. If Gandhari wishes to see him, then let us honor her request.

Adhirath (smiling): That's my wise Radha. I'll ensure Karna's safety throughout the visit. And remember, it's an opportunity for Karna to connect with his destiny, with those who recognize his divinity.

As Karna's laughter filled the air, Radha's heart felt a mix of emotions - love, protectiveness, and an unwavering faith in the path that lay ahead. She knew that Karna's presence had a purpose beyond their comprehension, and as Adhirath prepared to take their divine child to the palace, Radha's gaze lingered on Karna's innocent form.

Radha (whispering): Go, my little Karna. Your journey has just begun, and you carry with you a light that will illuminate the lives of many.

With a determined nod, Adhirath gently lifted Karna into his arms, his love and protective instincts guiding his every step. As they prepared to leave, Radha's gaze remained fixed on her child, a silent prayer in her heart for his safety, happiness, and the fulfillment of his divine destiny.

The grand chariot carrying Lord Shiva in the form of Karna, along with his father Adhirath, rolled to a stop at the entrance of the majestic palace of Hastinapur. The palace's towering spires and intricate architecture cast a formidable aura, and the soldiers guarding the entrance maintained a vigilant stance.

As Adhirath and Karna alighted from the chariot, the soldiers stepped forward, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. Their authoritative voices echoed in the air.

Soldier 1: Halt! State your purpose for entering the palace.

Before Adhirath could respond, a voice cut through the air like a gentle breeze, and the soldiers immediately turned their heads. Queen Gandhari, resplendent in her regal attire, walked gracefully towards the entrance, her presence commanding respect and reverence.

Soldier 2 (whispering): It's Queen Gandhari. Show your respect!

The soldiers quickly bowed their heads as Queen Gandhari approached. Her demeanor exuded a blend of strength and grace, and her eyes held a deep warmth as they fell upon Adhirath and Karna.

Gandhari (smiling): I called them. Allow them to enter.

The soldiers, following her command, stepped aside, granting Adhirath and Karna passage into the palace. Adhirath's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and gratitude as he witnessed the reverence that Queen Gandhari commanded.

Inside the palace courtyard, the atmosphere was a symphony of regal elegance and tranquility. The soft breeze carried the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sound of water gently flowing added to the serene ambiance.

Gandhari, her eyes fixed on Karna, walked swiftly towards Adhirath. With a swift and graceful movement, she gently took Karna into her arms, her touch exuding maternal affection.

Gandhari (whispering to Karna): My little one, I've been waiting to meet you.

Karna, the divine presence of Lord Shiva, gazed up at Gandhari with innocent curiosity. His eyes, filled with profound wisdom beyond his years, seemed to see into the depths of her soul.

Gandhari (softly): Adhirath, you've brought him to me. Your act of kindness warms my heart.

Adhirath (bowing slightly): Your Majesty, we are humbled by your invitation.

Gandhari's attention was solely focused on Karna. She cradled him in her arms, her touch as gentle as a breeze that caressed the petals of a flower. As a mother herself, Gandhari's heart resonated with the purity and divinity that Karna embodied.

Gandhari (whispering): Karna, dear child, you are a beacon of light in this world. Your presence carries a divine energy that touches all who come near you.

Karna's eyes seemed to hold a deeper understanding, as if he recognized the truth in Gandhari's words. His tiny fingers reached out, lightly touching the edge of her elegant saree.

Gandhari (smiling): Do you sense it too, my little one? The connection that spans across lifetimes.

As Karna's touch graced her saree, a sense of serenity and peace washed over Gandhari. She looked around at the palace surroundings, and to her surprise, the air seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light.

The soldiers and courtiers who had gathered in the courtyard watched in awe as Gandhari, the queen known for her unwavering strength, was transformed by the presence of the divine child.

Courtier 1 (whispering): Look at the queen. She seems to radiate a newfound sense of tranquility.

Courtier 2: It's as if the child's presence has brought a touch of magic to this place.

Gandhari's gaze returned to Karna, her eyes reflecting the profound connection she felt with him. With a tender smile, she gently rocked him in her arms, her heart dancing to the rhythm of a bond that transcended time and space.

Gandhari (whispering): Karna, dear child, you are the embodiment of divinity itself. Your presence brings hope and solace to a world that often forgets the sacred.

While this happening, the soldiers informed the news of child arrival to the members of hastinapur royal family when they heared the child is shudras they all are shocked but don't know why gandhari bring the child to palace.

News of the child's arrival in Hastinapur spread like wildfire, weaving through the corridors of the palace and echoing in the chambers where the members of the royal family resided. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, the palace was alive with whispers and murmurs.

Sathyavadi, the steadfast wife of the late King Shantanu, stood by the window of her chamber, gazing out at the tranquil cityscape. Her thoughts were a tapestry of memories and concerns, and the news of a child's arrival had stirred a curiosity within her.

Sathyavadi (softly): A child's presence always carries a promise of change, a reminder of the cycles of life. But why is the child brought here, and what connection does it hold to Gandhari?

As Sathyavadi pondered the unfolding events, her thoughts were mirrored by Ambika and Ambalika, the wives of Vichitravirya. The two sisters-in-law had always shared a close bond, and the news of the child's arrival had ignited a mixture of intrigue and uncertainty.

Ambika (whispering to Ambalika): This child's arrival has taken everyone by surprise. The palace is abuzz with speculations.

Ambalika (nodding): Yes, sister. I can't help but wonder what prompted Gandhari to bring a child of unknown origin to the palace.

Meanwhile, Bhishma, the valiant son of Ganga, stood by the grand entrance of the palace. His gaze was fixed on the distance, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. As a warrior and protector of the royal family, he felt a duty to ensure the security of the palace, even as questions clouded his mind.

Bhishma (to himself): A child brought to the palace, and of shudra lineage? What could this signify? And why does Gandhari show such keen interest?

In a separate chamber, Dhritarashtra, the heir to the throne of Hastinapur, sat in quiet contemplation. His sightless eyes seemed to gaze into the depths of his own thoughts, while the news of the child's arrival painted a canvas of uncertainty in his mind.

Dhritarashtra (softly): This child has stirred ripples in the calm waters of our palace. What purpose does its presence serve, and how does it affect the destiny that lies ahead?

Pandu, Dhritarashtra's younger brother, stood by the palace gardens, surrounded by the beauty of nature. His thoughts were a blend of introspection and anticipation, wondering about the significance of the child's arrival.

Pandu (whispering to himself): A child's innocence often carries the wisdom of ages untold. Could this child's presence be a symbol of hope, a reminder that our paths are intertwined with forces greater than our understanding?

As the news reached Vidur, the wise and loyal counselor of the royal family, he was immersed in his study. His thoughts were focused, his mind a wellspring of understanding and analysis.

Vidur (muttering): Gandhari's actions are always guided by a deeper purpose. If she brings a child of shudra lineage to the palace, there must be a reason that transcends the apparent.

The palace corridors were abuzz with speculation, and as the royal family members pondered the enigma of the child's arrival, their thoughts converged on Gandhari, the queen who had brought the child into their midst.

To be continued.......