
Chapter 13. 'Dronacharya'.

Few months later...

    Kauravs' and Pandavs' playing ball among themselves, while paying ball fallen into nearby well, they don't know how to retrieve the ball. While they are thinking, how to retrieve the ball a 'Brahmin' came and asked, "what the matter, why are you surrounding the well,"

     Yudhisthir' replied, " Our ball has fallen into the well and we don't know how to retrieve it."


    The 'Bramhin' laughed, and mildly rebuked the princes for being helpless over such a plain problem.

     Yudhisthir' replied," Panipat 'Bramhin', if you could help us retrieve the ball, then the King of 'Hastinapur' would provide all the basic necessities to your living."

    The 'Bramhin' first threw in a ring of his, collected some grass blades, and uttered mystical 'Vedic' chants. He then threw the blades into the well one after another, like spears. The first blade stuck to the ball, and the second stuck to the first, and so on, forming a chain. The 'Bramhin' gently pulled the ball out with this rope of grass.


    In a feat that was even more amazing to the boys, that the 'Bramhin' chanted 'Vedic' mantras again and fired a grass blade into the well. It struck within the center of his floating ring and rose out of the well in a matter of moments, retrieving 'Bramhin's ring. Excited, the boys asked about him.

     The 'Bramhin' said to them, " You take my ring and show it to your Mahamatim 'Bhishma', he is know my identity".

The the 'Bramhin' went off.

    The boys rushed to the Hastinapur Palace and went to find 'Bhishma'. They found him in royal garden and show him the ring and tell him about the whole incident.

     'Bhishma' inspect the ring and listen their story and pondered for a while, suddenly his face lit up and said excitedly, " 'Dronacharya'!! he is 'Dronacharya'."

      Everyone asked him who is 'Dronacharya'.

    'Bhishma' lost in thought and said that,  " you guys want to know about 'Dronacharya', then listen to the story I'm about to tell."

   " 'Dronacharya' was born a 'Brahmin', son of 'Bharadwaja'.

One day 'Bharadwaja' went with his companions to the river 'Ganga' to perform his ablutions. There he beheld a beautiful apsara named 'Ghritachi' who had come to bathe. The sage was overcome by desire, causing him to ejaculate and captured the fluid in a vessel called a drona, and 'Dronacharya' himself sprang from the fluid thus preserved.


     'Dronacharya' spent his youth in poverty, but studied religion and military arts together with the then prince of 'Panchal', 'Drapaud' . 'Drapaud' and 'Dronacharya' became close friends and 'Drapaud', in his childish playfullness, promised to give 'Dronacharya' half his Kingdom on ascending the throne of 'Panchal'.


       Later 'Dronacharya' married 'Kripi', the sister of Kulguru 'Kripacharya' of 'Hastinapur'. 'Kripi' and Drona had 'Ashwathama' as son.

        Learning that Bhagwan 'Parasuram' was giving away his fruits of penance to 'Brahmins', 'Dronacharya' approached him. Unfortunately by the time 'Dronacharya' arrived, Bhagwan 'Parshuram' had given away all his belongings to other 'Brahmins'. Taking pity upon the plight of 'Dronacharya', Bhagwan 'Parasuram' decided to impart his knowledge of combat to 'Dronacharya'.

      For the sake of his wife and son, 'Dronacharya' desired freedom from poverty. Remembering the promise given by 'Drapaud', he decided to approach him to ask for help. However, drunk with power, King 'Drapaud' refused to even recognise 'Dronacharya' and humiliated him by calling him an inferior person. 

     Leter then he went missing , now he has come to 'Hastinapur' their is something going on I have to meet him."

    With said that he went to find 'Dronacharya'. And other kids awestrak by the story.

     Other side 'Bhishma' went to near well and inspect surroundings and went to find 'Dronacharya', 'Dronacharya' is sitting at the nearby temple. When he watched 'Bhishma' is coming towards his. He bowed to him said,

  " Pranam Mahamatim 'Bhishma', sorry for unusual way of calling you."

   'Bhishma' said," Pranam 'Dronacharya', you are calling me here, their must be a reason, tell me how can I help you."

   'Dronacharya' smiled and said, " yes, I have a proposal."

    'Bhishma' raised his eyebrows and said, " Proposal, tell me about your proposal, if it acceptable then we can work on it."

     'Dronacharya' said, " I am planning to open a Gurukul, for that I need your help."

      'Bhishma' pondered for a while and said, " Yes, I can help you in this matter, but I have a condition."

    'Dronacharya' said,  " Tell me about your condition, if within acceptable renge I will accept it."

    'Bhishma' smiled and said," It is a simple Condition, You have to accept princes of 'Hastinapur' as your student, as for all the cost of Gurukul will be paid by Royal treasury."

      'Dronacharya' smiled and said,  " Yes, I will accept them as my student, and I will try to teach them with the best of my ability."

Few days later....


      While 'Karna' is helping around neighbourhood he heard news that 'Dronacharya' has come to Hastinapur. And he also promised to take Pandavs'and Kauravs' as his students.

    At night while he was sleeping he thought it's time for Princes to go Gurukul with Guru 'Dronacharya'. He also thought he should also go to his journey to find his Guru, Bhagwan 'Parshuram'. Time is almost coming to great war of 'Mahabharat'.

Few months later...


     'Dronacharya's Gurukul construction complete, he is going to accept all princes  as his students.

    Few days later all Kauravs' and Pandavs' are going to Gurukul for 12 years of study. From Pandavs' Yudhisthir' now over 10 years and nearing 11 years old. And Nakul', Sahadev' is over 8 years old. From Kauravs' side, Duryodhan' over 9 years nearing 10 years old, and last Kaurav at 8 years old.

    Hastinapur is in festive atmosphere. Because Princes are going to Gurukul, they are going to learn about 'Vedas' and Warfare. They will become Warrior. That can whole Hastinapur Kingdom can relay on. Everyone is excited for Pandavs' because they are Dev putra. They have potential to become strongest worrior. They are also excited about Kauravs' because 101 princes can become strong worrior then Kurubanhsi will flourish.

   While festival atmosphere is going on 'Karna' is asking permission from his parents to go on a trip to find his Guru.