
Karna's Revenge

Laxmi_Ad · Fantasy
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28 Chs

training under Lord Parshuram


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Next morning, karna woke up at brahma mahurat and he went outside ad of the hut and he saw that bhagwan parshuram was too going for puja,then he decided to accompany him..both went to the nearest river and successfully done their puja...while returning karna help his teacher in gathering and woods and sticks from Forest.


Karna told his teacher about his childhood how his hopes and dreams were crushed by the cruel society, he did not anything and told everything about him and his encounter with Bhishma and Dronacharya he told Parshuram that how reashma tried to stop him from learning weapon but his still persisted but the doranacharya and other brahmins has left him heart broken. He went to him with hopes but they crossed it in front of him not only rejected him but inserted him and his ambitious because he was just a suta., And after his brother had done a silly mistake by reciting vedas to save him from punshiments ...but they punished him hard and pourd Molten gold in his mouth.he died.

Bhagwan Parshuram sign he had guessed that karna could hold bitterness and anger inside of him but he didn't knew it was to this extent he can't completely plane his father he was a child and for a child to face so many directions in his life and taken away his brother from him angled and brush should be apparent. He was disappointed Bhishma Dronacharya that they inspite of knowledge become dead because of society.

Karna then curiously ask his Gurudev Gurudev was right when this has no right to live weapons?

After listening to this question answered"putra,Varna vayasa,was based on not birth everyone has right to choose what they want to do and where was made for both running of society it was never been for some to use it as weapons to opress other. it is talent that should be basis ditermining the varna of someone. I myself is Brahman but I raised weapond so I became Khatria too.

Putra,Like me you to too learn to wield weapons so you will Khatria by karma too. A khatria rise weapons to protect those weaker than them not for fame or abusing his power with the anger and bitterness you make you hollow and it will be biggest obstacles for you to become best you can achieve.

He again asked him then what should I do Guru dev?

Parshuram:-forgive everyone that has ever wronged you puta,, be free from shackles that are holding you back.

And continued... Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting everything happened to you, one could never forget wrong that his them to himself but past should never influence future. Putra, Uttara you should not live a life of bitterness that should be painfull for you and your loved ones but you should let it go and move on. By doing this you will be truly free and would be able to excel. Think you yourself faced many difficulties think how many others are like you, use this as experience in pay the path for others, make it easy for them, that is Dharam and responsibilities for those who has powers Prem acceptance respect are my product of your karma, i can see the lack of self respect in words inside you. You crave for acceptance and respect from others. Remember one thing Putra no one will respect you if you don't respect yourself.

Karna,Thought for some time and asked "what should I do for it gurudev, hold onto better for too long to let it go and how can I forget the day my death of my brother.they had killed him? How?"

Bhagwan (smiled and said):-you will know soon dear. There you have already started your journey don't worry I will never said it would be intanteneous, it will be gradual and step by. Help you and guide you in a journey, forgiveness is not easy but that alone for child like you it isn't easy for adults too.... There is so many other items because people less on grudges on these society.

Now go or else,you get bored,and nothing will go in your head make your ears fresh and come after having your lunch, come fast here.you need many things to store in your mind..try to hold everything within your mind and not hear from one ear and out from other.understand Nalayak..now go your mata is waiting for you to have lunch.

He chuckle and go with shouting Mata!! Mata!! Gurudev gave me a break now you not need to wait i'm comming..mata

Bhawan chucled after seeing his antiques.

Bhagwan Parshuram closed his eyes and mummers:- hope he will help innocents and hope he will be different from my too past students.. and started his meditation.