
Karen, Will you be mine ?

Karenina is a singer in a 'night club, a job that most people consider despicable, but not without reason Karenina wants to work part of a singer, especially in a' night club. Karenina works hard for the sake of a mother who raised her, and is now lying helpless in the hospital. By being the singer at the club overnight, just for singing, she can collect 10 million rupiah, in a week she can collect 70 million rupiah, but all her hard work seems to be in vain when the mother is unable to endure her illness. The mother died. Since then, Karenina never cared about the money she got, she only spent it on fun and things that were not important. One day when he stopped his car at a red light, he saw a small child who was busking, then was given 2,000 rupiahs by a motorbike driver, then suddenly there was an old beggar who asked for money to the little busker, then the busker gave The 2000 money he had earlier got from a motorbike driver and soon the beggar's son came asking for money to buy food, and the mother gave the 2000 money that she got from the little busker to her child. Not long after, the sound of the call to prayer sounded then the beggar boy ran into the mosque and put the money into the charity box. Karenina pondered seeing what was in front of her eyes, how much that 2000 money was very valuable to them. Then if his mother dies because he can't survive, should he blame money that is not sinful? isn't someone's death not in the hands of money? Since that day, Karenina has changed, working harder to earn a lot of money, and once every Sunday, she puts the money at the door of the orphanage, then she just walks away, then helps the street children, supports her school fees. Until one day the orphanage that he helped was threatened with eviction by a development company, but someone offered a solution. That is, so that Karenina would want to become his second wife, Karenina did not care about her life so she easily accepted the condition of that man. "I'm willing to be your second wife, but I don't want anyone to know that I'm your second wife." Said Karenina. "Whatever happens to me when it's in public, you can't stand up for me or help." Karenina continued her words. "Okay, I agree." Alfredo replied.

Rindu_Ughi · Urban
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30 Chs

Little girl

Karenina drove her car to her house in a housing estate in South Jakarta, the afternoon atmosphere in the capital was very hot, Karenina stopped when suddenly the traffic light turned red, in that short time she used to pick up cigarettes that were stored on the car dashboard, then took them a stick with a match that was also tucked in there.

With just one flick of the flame, the fire came out of the lighter and Karenina immediately burned the tip of the cigarette while taking a slow sip. He opened the car window on the left side halfway and then he threw the smoke billowing out of the window.

The traffic light turned green, Karenina started her car again, but this time she took an unusual detour. The car he was driving continued to drive through the crowds of the capital city.

Karenina's beautiful eyes wandered all over the road exploring in all directions until her eyes fell on a shabby little girl sleeping on the sidewalk, her body filthy full of dust with a pillow on her arm, with a shady tree protecting her from the stifling heat, beside her a small shoe polish box. which was as dirty as the little girl was sitting there.

He slowly parked his car on the edge of the sidewalk right in front of the little girl who was fast asleep, not even bothered by the noise of the cars passing in front of her. Karenina lit her cigarette a second time. By sitting in the car door that he opened on the right while his eyes were watching the dirty girl.

The echo of the sound of the zuhur call to prayer, shattered the little girl's dream, then slowly she rubbed her eyes and got up with a wobbly body, grabbed the dirty shoe polish box and then she walked to a food stall

"What else are you doing here?" Said the mothers who owned the food stalls.

"I just want a drink, ma'am." The dirty little girl said.

"Have money?" Said the shop owner again.

The dirty girl shook her head slowly, then the shop owner's mother chased the dirty girl away by pushing her roughly. Karenina immediately put out her cigarette and ran and helped the little girl.

"Are you all right, deck?" Karenina asked the little girl.

"It's okay, thank you." Said the little girl.

"What's your name?"

"Nisa sis."

"Want to eat?"

Nisa hesitantly nodded, then Karenina smiled kindly, "Let's eat, brother also happens to be hungry."

But the little girl was silent but her eyes were watching Karenina closely. "Why?" Ask Karen.

"I don't have any money, bro."

Karenina smiled, "Brother will pay for it, OK?"

Nisa was still silent, then Karenina ordered food from the shop owner's mother and drinks for her and Karenina.

"Come here." Take Karen. Nisa hesitantly entered the roadside food stall and sat near Karenina, the shop owner looked at Nisa with a cynical look.

"I will pay for it ma'am, please give me the same food I ordered." Said Karenina to the mother of the shop owner.

"Yes bro."

"Where is your house?"

"At the end of the alley, sis."

"Who do you live with?"

"Just like your mother."

"Your mother works?"

"He's a scavenger's son." Said the shop owner while placing two plates of rice with side dishes and vegetables and two warm sweet teas in front of them. Nisa just looked down sadly.

"Eat." Karenina told NIsa. Then Nisa voraciously ate the food in front of her. Karina smiled sadly. Then go eat his food.

Ten minutes later Karenina and Nisa had finished their lunch, Karenina handed over a hundred thousand to the shop owner's mother and asked the shop owner to pack rice and side dishes for Nisa and her mother.

"This is for you Nisa."

"Thanks sis, but why does this have money?"

"Yes, for you."

"For me?"

"Yes, go home and give it to your mother."

"Thank you sis."

Karenina nodded, then Nisa immediately ran back to her house, as well as Karenina who immediately got back into the car and drove her car back to the house. He had to rest because tonight he was scheduled to DJ at a famous nightclub in Jakarta.

"Mrs. Karenina just finished eating at a roadside stall with a little shoe-shining girl, Boss." Report Alfredo's men.

"Follow him, make sure he gets home safely." Alfredo ordered firmly, then hung up the phone.

"Rudi, you represent me in a meeting after lunch, I have something to do." Alfredo said while standing in front of Rudi's office door which he had just opened.

"Okay." Rudi already knew for sure that the boss would meet Karenina, so far Alfredo had never asked himself to represent him for a meeting, only this time after getting to know Karenina Alfredo became like an unstable teenager who was in love.

Alfredo stepped out of his office building, then got into his car which had been prepared by Joko, his personal driver, who was asked to take an ojek or taxi home.

Alfredo drove his car to the housing where Karenina's house is located, with a distance of only twenty minutes he finally arrived at Karenina's house and casually put his car in the yard of Karenina's house.

Karenina, who was just about to enter her room after cleaning herself in the bathroom, then turned her steps towards the living room, and saw Alfredo was already standing in front of her door.

"Want anything else?"

"Want to meet you?"


"Is there really a reason to meet a future wife?" Alfredo answered straight away barging into the house, while Karenina just snorted in annoyance.

"Already eaten?" Alfredo asked Karenina who just stood staring at him.

"Okay, I want to sleep, tonight I have to work." Karenina immediately walked into her room and lay down on the bed.

"Okay," Alfredo removed his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Then joined Karenina lying down on Karenina's bed.

"What do you want?"


"Who told you to?"

"There are not any."

Alfredo pulled Karenina into his arms, "Close your eyes and sleep."




"Sleep or I'll kiss you."

Karenina was unable to reply to their argument if Alfredo had made his threat because he knew it wasn't just a threat, Alfredo would really kiss him if he didn't obey the man's words.

Finally they both fell asleep hugging tightly, even Karenina didn't realize that she hugged Alfredo even more tightly if Alfredo moved just a little, as if he was reluctant to be left behind.