
Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Liu Zilang had a well-kept secret — he was a prodigy in competitive FPS eSports. His specialty? CSGO. He even entered the finals in the prestigious world tournament. Alas, his team fell short due to Liu Zilang's inexperience. Shattered by the fact, Liu Zilang vanished from the eSports scene. That was until his friends got him to play a new game known as PUBG. Liu Zilang's life turned around and he began to make his comeback. Follow Liu Zilang as he encounters difficult situations, all while learning to open up as a person, but more importantly as a brother.

Midnight Iced · Games
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772 Chs

Think You’re Qualified to Snipe?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

The two C9 players had just eliminated Gate and the lone wolf from TS at the Three Warehouses when the victory screen flashed in their faces. They were dumbfounded!

What happened?

How did we suddenly win?

What about SKK? What happened to the climactic showdown?

This did not feel like the script of a typical tournament!

The international tournament had formidable foes like SKK, TSM, Liquid and Faze. These teams were the top picks to be the champions in this PUBG tournament. In comparison, C9 felt like a group of little boys.

They had a clear advantage: North America's Number One Rifler, the "Demon King" of the FPS world, Shroud!

On the other hand, they had an equally clear disadvantage: One strong player had to carry three stragglers. With an uneven distribution of skill levels among team members, it was easy to create a "short board effect".