
kanvas (visions of the future)

it's story of my life and about my visions of future

Sheenu_Obroy · Fantasy
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kanvas the unknown dream world

hey I am kanvas

welcome to my story

and it a 2nd novel and in this novel

(if you want to understand what I am talking about then,

first you have read my first novel and

it has same name so maybe it's not hard to find it),

I wanna tell you about my other visions

I mean it's not about my vision it's about a world which,

I see in my dreams and somehow it's really connected with my vision because,

which places I see in my dreams

it's was all like a real place and it was all like that place where I live but,

a little bit different I mean first let me explain why I tell they're connected because,

before my that dream I never able to know that I see those places in my dreams,

it was all part of a city I mean now let me hear carefully first I see many dreams in my childhood and

I see many people who I never meet and some places where I never went before and sometimes that dreams,

repeat itself like some months later I see that dreams again and again.

the main thing which always makes me confused that was I can feel pain

and emotions like a person scold me and I got cry and I don't know why but,

I remember when I was on that dreams.

I have memories with those persons like I live life with them.

I mean when in dreams I try to think about that person who in front of me,

who I never meet I see some visions like past memories with them,

and it was like when we think in real life about our past with our friends or family

and I always get confused when I wake up after seeing that kind of dreams.

and I see many times that places that's why it was like a memory to me.

like you know after watching a weird dream again and again,

you gonna remember it and actually i see in my dreams a market place,

where I am running( and weird part is some person i see on that dreams I know them in this life but I don't know some people's ),

and my cousin was running with me.

and there's raining and we cross a bridge by running on road.

and there on our left we see many buildings and a temple when

we were running and in another dreams

I see a temple which has gold shades inside and I enter on it with a Scoty there's

a little girl and a woman are waiting for me

and in another dreams.

I see a bridge and there's stare on there side and there's a place for sit and rest.

and there's maybe two person with me and

I feel like they there my friends

and after that dream(I mention that dream on 1st novel)

I got a dream and I see on that dream I was at market place and i see I was on Scoty and

when I crossed market place and

I take turn then I reached at that temple which

I mansion back then.

then I realized that all places,

I see it's all part of a city because after that dream it's happened many time.

my dream started in one place and end up on another dream place like other dream

I was at bridge where we can rest to sit and when

i go to that stares then reached on that place where my cousin and I running on road

and you know now

I gonna say something you can't believe me some months ago

I meet a relative and he's my aunt sister's

father in law and when I see him

I feel like I meet him somewhere before and when they show me

a marriage album than I see his younger photos then I remember

I told you about some friends on bright and he was one on them but in

my dream he was a little bit more young but when I asked him

I see you somewhere before he told me he also felt like that and then

I didn't say anything to him because on that time

I wasn't sure what's going on but on that day I understand that

it's all places are part of a city and maybe somehow

I connect with someone's mind conciousness which was from past maybe that's why

I am able to see something like that so that's it for today next time

I'll tell you about a person that was too close to me on that place in my dream

so thanks for giving me some time

see ya

author name kanvas (ST)