
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs


Aldora's team was hiding behind a big stone and ruins before, but then they stood up to cornered Kannoya's team. But when they stood up, Kannoya's team wasn't there.

"Huh?" Katsumi and the others were shocked.

Then, 5 hands took Aldora's team crystals. Everyone were shocked. Kannoya's team ran away, but Aldora's team started to make a move. "It's a trick!" Katsumi yelled.

Anne took a small rock, then she threw it toward Ermin since Ermin was a little left behind from her team. When Ermin looked back, the stone turned really big, bigger than human's body. Immediately,

"Fire punch!"

Alvina fists were burning, then Alvina punched the big stone away from Ermin. But then the small pieces that fell from the big stone because of Alvina's punch turned into big stones too. But because the distance wasn't that near,


Some plants grew up instantly and caught the stones.

"Damn.... what a scary magic!" Alvina complained while ran away with Ermin.

"But.... why didn't they got disqualified? Is it because they're given extra time for the one who got their crystals all stoled?" Denzel thought.

"Um hum.... never heard of that rule." Kurosa said.

"Jeez, Kurosa, you kinda scare me if you do that!" Denzel complained.

"Then, how?" Denzel asked.

"..... crystal plant!" Katsumi said from afar.

The crystals they took, that were colourful, turned into white transparent crystals. Then the crystals shaped theirselves into a big stems that spreads 5 stems randomly. Then the crystals connected and cornered Kannoya's team into a crystal cage. Inside the cage, some crystals grew another stem and tied Kannoya's team strongly.

"Damn!" Denzel said.

Aldora's team came closely toward them.

"The crystals are in their suit's pocket." Katsumi said. Kannoya's team was shocked.

Aldora's team came closer and closer.

"What should we do?" Ermin asked.

"I don't know..." Denzel answered.

"Sorry Ermin, we couldn't fight as fun as before... because we use such a filthy tricks." Darchelle said.

Aldora's team started to stick to the cage. With Katsumi's command, the cage could be moved for them to get in.

"... now." Denzel said suddenly.

Ermin's body were flewed by a great amount of electric magic. Some thunders from the air strikes toward the crystals multiple times too.

"What did you guys trying to do? Crystals are isolator." Vise said. But Kannoya's team was shocked because they couldn't presence Vise, but they could see him.

But then the crystals turned into bright yellow and white.

"Wait... everyone! Move back!" Katsumi yelled.

"I don't know what's happening but since Katsumi said that..." Vise said. Then everyone moved back. They exited the crystal cage, but the entire cage already turned bright yellow coloured. Then no longer, the cage exploded right after striked by the thunder 5 times.

Anne turned the small pieces of the exploded crystals into dust so that they're all quite safe.

After the dust disappeared from the air, there's only Ermin and Alvina in front of them. Anne stepped on the ground in front of her, then the small particles got seperated from the ground. Anne kicked the small particles and after that she turned the small particles into giant particles.


Since the one that Anne kicked were dirts, Ermin could controled the small particles of dirts and the dirts fell on the ground. Alvina jumped from the giant dirts and faced the Aldora team immediately.

"Fire punch!" Alvina yelled and punched at the ground with her first in fire. The ground got destroyed.

"Stupid..." everyone thought, even Ermin.

Anne turned the whole small particles from the ground into giant particles. The particles will pinched Alvina.

But Alvina smiled.

"Why did she smiled?" Everyone thought, even Ermin.

When the particles pinched Alvina,

"Fire blast!" Alvina yelled.

From the gaps of the giant particles, fire blasted out at everyone. Immediately Ermin controlled it toward the Aldora's team while yelling,

"You're crazy, Alvina!"

Alvina laughed, "I might be!"

Everyone got burned, and the fire avoid Darchelle to attack with her wire because of the heat.

But suddenly Vise appeared behind Ermin and Ermin didn't realize it. Actually, no one realized him. Vise hitted Ermin's head really hard. Ermin was shocked, but it was too late. She no longer conscious.

But meanwhile, when Vise attacked,

"Now!" Denzel yelled.

"Ice rapier, glide!" Asuka said.

Immediately Asuka glided toward them.

"It's the ice!" Anne said.

But then Asuka's ice got melted by Alvina's fire.

"Huh?" Everyone was confused.

The water flooded their foots. Asuka yelled at Alvina,

"Turn off that fire!"

"Haaah?! You commanded me?" Alvina yelled back. Yes, Alvina and Asuka didn't get along well.

Everyone smiled,

"Their member fight each other, this is a great chance."

Denzel looked at Ermin that lost her conscious, Denzel was a bit shocked. Denzel raised his m***le finger on the sky.

"What the heck, Denzel?" Everyone said.

But then Alvina stopped her fire blast even if she was still got pinched between the giant particles of land. Asuka raised her ice rapier and yelled,

"Ice rapier, frozen touch." The Asuka threw her rapier to the water. But suddenly the rapier turned into a stick.

"Nyan... don't throw anything like that...." the girl with purplish hair said.

The rapier suddenly just stabbed on a tree.


And it was too late. The water already been absorbed by the ground.

"Tch, our tricky plan was failed." The Kannoya's team thought.

But the Aldora's team thought the same,

"I thought they're talking about their real plan like that..."

Both got tricked.


"GUYS!" Vise yelled.

Darchelle realized something was off.

"There should be one more person!" Darchelle thought while looking at her surroundings, but there's no one except for Denzel, Alvina, Asuka, and Ermin that fainted.

Katsumi said,

"Let's check our crystals!"

But then they realized,

"It's gone!" Anne said.

"The real one?" Katsumi asked.

".... all of them.... even the fakes." Anne answered.

"Me too!" Darchelle said.

"So do I!" Nyan said.

"Mine still!" Vise said.

Then when Katsumi touched the place she kept her crystal, she felt another hand. Immediately Katsumi jumped back.

When Katsumi jumped back, immediately Darchelle commanded her wires at the direction Katsumi jumped away.

"Kurosa! How much?" Denzel asked.

"A lot...." Kurosa answered.

"Tch! We should take it back!" Anne said. But Katsumi started to think,

"Luckily, she took the fake from me before almost touched the real one.... but could we take it from them?"

Denzel waved his hand, then everyone ran away. Alvina took Ermin and ran away with the others.

Silently, Vise chased them, but then Kurosa accidentally looked back and saw Vise that chasing them.

"Why didn't I sense him?" Kurosa thought.

But when Kurosa faced toward Vise and leave the others to ran away.....



Alicia smiled,

"Even so.... fighting the weak won't be fun...." Alicia said.

"I think so. Fighting the weak and the rest will be such a shame even if we won." Odelia answered.

"Then, shall we go?" Albern asked.

"I think we should now....." Owy, the blind folded girl said.

Owy smiled and she continued,


Owy stared at the sky,

"..... the fun just started."



Kannoya's team was shocked because they met the Kenichi's team. Meanwhile, behind the Kannoya's team, Miyuki's team was there. Then the Aldora's team followed Vise and got shocked too. They were all surrounded. 4 teams in a place.

Thank you guys for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed the story ٩꒰。•‿•。꒱۶ Have some idea and advices about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thx Ψ(゚∀゚ )Ψ

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