
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Stucked 3

Suddenly Alexa, Lucianna, Nera, and Aerum got some message from their phone.

"It's from Denzel from the class group." Nera said.

"What did he say?" Alexa asked.

"Well, he said to gathered at the arena place at the entrance door." Nera answered.

"Okay let's head there." Aerum said.

They were heading over there. Denzel, Jewelia, Alfred, Osamu, Rheinalth and Ermin was there. Alfred, Osamu, Rheinalth and Ermin had been given four masks and headphones for each from Denzel. Then Denzel gave Alexa, Nera, Aerum, and Lucianna four headphones and masks for them. Immediately they used it and Alexa stopped her magic.

"Where's the other?" Denzel asked.

"Not sure...." Alexa answered.

"Tch.... I'm sure that stupid fire dragon has fall asleep because of this pinkish fog." Alfred complained.

"Don't complained like that, she might be still awake meanwhile we found you fall a sleep in the middle of the street..." Osamu said. Then Alfred whistled.

"Aside from that, thank God you still awake, Alexa. I have an idea." Denzel said.

"What?" Alexa asked.

"But this will took your strength....." Denzel said.

"That's fine..." Alexa answered.

"Okay... I want you to control this pinkish fog and make them disappeared. You could do it, right?" Denzel asked.

"I didn't make some gas disappear, in fact, I create and control." Alexa answered.

"Then in that case I might help." A girl with dark skin suddenly approached her.

"Megan?" Aerum asked.

"Yeah, I met Denzel and he gave me these headphone and mask." Megan, the dark skinned girl said.

"Okay, since we didn't really interacted with class B, we'll appreciate your help but could you tell us your idea?" Alexa asked politely.

"Well, as you know, my magic could turn gasses into liquid or solid things, or turning solid things into liquid or gasses, or turning liquid into solid or gasses." Megan said.

"Hmm.... we could let Alexa gather the gas and turned them into solid and then destroy it, or maybe turned them into liquid." Denzel said.

"But if it's liquid, it will contaminated more than solid if you throw it somewhere." Osamu said.

"True...." Denzel asnwered.

"Then, I'll accept the help, thanks Megan." Alexa said while tapping Megan's shoulders.

"Sure, no problem." Megan answered.

"Then, let's do it now before it's too late." Denzel said.

"And about the song...." Osamu continued.

"Aerum, Osamu and Lucianna, you stayed here to secure Alexa and Megan. Jewelia and I will find the sound." Denzel said. Jewelia was blushing and said in her mind,

"Working together with my cute Denzel? And he's the one who requested for it? OOOOOOOH MYYYYY~ SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DREAM!"

"Okay." Osamu said.

"Good luck." Lucianna said.

Then Denzel looked at Jewelia, he smiled and said,

"Let's go."

Jewelia got her face red and said,


"Um.... Jewelia.... location." Denzel said.

"Oh, right! Denzel cuteness makes me forgot everything! There's one person alone in the speaker place." Jewelia said.

"Okay, let's go there." Denzel said.

"Yeah." Junko answered.

They both went together there.



"What should we do here?" Leca asked.

"Not sure....." Gertrude answered.

"Here, want some?" Anne asked while opening a bag of chips.

"May I?" Gertrude asked.

"Sure, why not." Anne said while giving the bag of chips to Gertrude. Gertrude took a chips and ate it. Then Gertrude said,


Leca showed her palm hand facing upward. Anne gave Leca a chip, then Leca ate it. Leca was fascinated by the chip and asked,

"Wow! I never taste this kind of chips before! What's this flavour?"

"Well, it's my father's favourite flavour and mine as well. It's the hotdog flavour." Anne answered.

"Wow, never heard of that." Leca said while showed her palm hand facing upward again. Anne gave Leca another chip again.

"Well, it's an unusual flavour of chips." Anne answered.

"Talking about you father..... I always wondered..... about your magic." Leca said. Anne laughed and said,

"It's a long weird story."

"Well, I like weird stories as well, especially when it's long." Leca said, then she laughed.

"Haha, okay then, I'll tell you." Anne said while she's laughing.



"Maybe I could seperate clean air with this pink fog?" Yukina thought. Then Yukina moved her hands to the air and seperated the clean air and the pinkish fog. Yukina managed to do it and she was really relieved.

"I'm almost got controlled by this fog...." Yukina thought.

"But my CO2 that I release from my body will decreased the sum of the Oxygen that I gathered. I don't have much time." Yukina said in her mind.

Suddenly a gun was pointed at Yukina's head from her back. Yukina stopped, but her magic didn't stop. Her magic sliced the gun immediately. Slowly, Yukina looked at her back.

"Long time no see, Yukina." That person pulled out another gun.



Denzel and Jewelia met the singer.

"Stop it!" Denzel yelled. The man/girl smirked and asked in a cocky tone,

"Who are you? Are you a hero?"

Suddenly the man/girl couldn't move and couldn't do anything.

"We warned you..." Denzel said.



"Hm.... interesting.... then I'll test her."

Suddenly Jewelia's right arm got stabbed by multiple spikes from her own blood. Jewelia was really shocked.

"Wha-" Jewelia thought. But then she couldn't moved her right arm.

Suddenly Denzel fell on the ground. The man/girl said in his mind,

"Kids shouldn't act like heroes...."

Jewelia felt that someone was approaching her, so she faced behind her. A girl with a mop swung her mop toward Junko's head.

"Don't worry, I could use that blood body..." Junko thought. The girl hitted Jewelia's head really hard, but the weird thing is Jewelia's body didn't transform into liquid blood like when Ardolph attacked her. Jewelia felt a great pain at her head, it feels like everything was crashing and cracking. Jewelia walked backward with fear,

"Why? My magic didn't work well!" Jewelia thought.

Jewelia swung her left hand. Blood flowed from her arm, creating a blood whip.

"Oh?" The mopper girl said.

"Isn't that.....?" The man/girl thought when he/she saw Jewelia.

Jewelia swung her blood whip toward the mopper girl. The mopper girl just hold her mop tightly and the whip wrapped her mop. Then the mopper girl pulled her mop strongly and Jewelia got pulled immediately.

"Huh? So strong and fast? And my blood whip should've stretched..." Jewelia thought.

Then Jewelia released her blood whip away from her hand (that costed her blood). Jewelia landed on the ground facing toward the mopper girl.

"Facing you, I need to be serious." The mopper girl said. She spinned her mop strongly and fastly on her hands like she was spinning a light stick. The mopper girl walked toward Jewelia slowly while spinning her mop.

Jewelia created some sharp blood nails from her left hand fingers. Jewelia jumped toward the mopper girl. The mopper girl hold Jewelia with her mop and pushed her away. Jewelia got thrown strongly.

Then Jewelia grabbed her fist. The mopper girl's body started to scratch and her blood tied her body.

"I see....." the mopper girl said.

"I wouldn't stand a chance facing this kind of clan." The mopper girl continued.

"Huh? What do you mean by clan?" Jewelia asked.

The mopper girl stared at Jewelia's eyes.

"Junko Mori... no...." the mopper girl said.

"Junko Bloodzyle." The mopper girl continued.

"Don't change my name." Jewelia said firmly.

"No, your father is the one who changed your name." The mopper girl said.

"I don't care about your lie. I could kill you in my blink right now if I want too." Jewelia said.

"And yet you changed your name to Jewelia. You have plenty names." The mopper said.

"And I didn't lie.... because I'm not good at it." The mopper continued.

"Oi, Jobe, are you sure you'll tell her?" The man/girl asked in his mind.

"Sorry, you're really bad at lying." Jewelia said, but inside,

"No, she didn't lie.... what did she mean?"

"You know I'm not lying. To confirm that I didn't lie, react to this sentence." The mopper girl continued.

"The queen and the guardians. There's only a way to bring peace in this world, it is by...." the mopper girl said, immediately Jewelia answered, but it's not just Jewelia's voice, there was a bunch of voices answered,

"By helping the queen to cleanse this filthy world with her subordinates and people, the Bloodzyle."

The mopper girl stayed in silent in amazement. Jewelia's eyes turned into red as blood and there was a blood drip shape as her pupil in her eyes. Jewelia's eyes colour moved like a flowing blood from her blood drip shaped pupil. Then no longer her eyes turned back to normal and Jewelia was really shocked.

"Hm? I feel that I've daydreaming just now...." Jewelia thought.

"It is confirmed that you're the part of the Bloodzyle clan." The mopper girl said.

".... what in the world...." Jewelia thought in confusion. Denzel started to opened his eyes slowly and listened to the conservation.

"I know the other Bloodzyle clan.... it might be confusing for you because you never heard of this.... but I have a friend that was the Bloodzyle people too like you... maybe she could explain it to you. And the one who put spikes and frozen your blood is my friend." The mopper girl said.

"Is this a proposal, of joining you?" Jewelia asked.

"Really? Did I sounds like that?" The mopper girl asked.

"Well....." Jewelia answered. Then Jewelia broke one of the blood spikes from her right arm and said,

"Sorry, I rejected. Bloodzyle sounds like a weird lie."

Then Jewelia threw the spike at the mopper girl. But somehow, the blood that tied the mopper girls body got frozen and protected the mopper girl.

"My friend is not stronger than you, but she's more experienced than you." The mopper girl said. Suddenly Jewelia couldn't move her body at all. The mopper girl's blood that tied her body suddenly melted to the ground and flow just like that. The mopper girl hold her mop and walked to Jewelia.


A water splashed to the Mopper's face. When the Mopper turned her head to her back, a kick arrived at her face.

"Hurry!" An afro haired girl yelled.

"No.... I couldn't..... move..." Jewelia said slowly.

The mopper girl hold the afro haired girl's foot strongly. But then a short haired girl touched the wall and from the wall a portal appeared and sucked the mopper girl's body. The afro haired girl pulled her leg away and immediately brought Jewelia and Denzel away from that place. The short haired girl put the man/girl to her portal too and followed the afro haired girl.

"Damn.... didn't realize that the girl was the bad guy...." the afro haired girl complained.

"She seems innocent, but I think the man/girl is the bad guy too.... he's the one who sang." The short haired girl said coldly.

"Damn.... they acted well..." the afro haired girl said.

But then suddenly their uniforms' collar got pulled really strong from their back. They fell backward and accidentally released Jewelia and Denzel from their hands.

"Thank you for your compliments."

The afro haired girl and the short haired girl stared toward their back in fear.

"Nice try, short hair, afro hair." The mopper girl said while holding their collar with a death stare.

"Aino? Didn't you said that your magic could make a weird kind of portal that will sucked everything for two minutes right?" The afro haired girl asked in her mind.

"Impossible! The time just passed by in seconds and my magic will suck everything in two minutes! How? What kind of cheat is this?" Aino, the short haired girl, asked in her mind.

"I can't move..... and I felt that the girl will crushed their heads strongly to each other.... the girl was mad...." Jewelia thought in her mind.

"Sorry, I'm not in a mood of seeing your pitiful faces, it makes me sick!" The mopper haired girl said.

"Especially after you let my water bucket poured at my body. Even if it's one of my magic, I hate it. It's cold and kind of dirty." The mopper girl continued.

Aino, the short haired girl, kicked the mopper girl's head strongly, but the mopper girl's head didn't even move an inch like she was just hitted by a feather at her face gracefully.

"What? That's my strength of 4 years practice...." Aino thought in fear.

Immediately Denzel stood up and said,


From his hologram a laser shoot Jewelia's body. Immediately Jewelia could move and she stood up. She grabbed her fists and the Mopper girl could move. Slowly, Jewelia controlled the mopper girl so that the mopper girl released Aino and the afro haired girl. Then Jewelia command the mopper girl so that she threw away her mop as far as possible, and her water bucket (even if it's empty before, but immediately it will be refilled if it's empty). Then Jewelia cutted the mopper girl's legs and arms.

Immediately Jewelia hold Denzel's hand and ran away. Aino and the afro haired girl followed Denzel and Jewelia.

"Here!" Denzel said while throwing two masks and two headphones in case if the man/girl sang again. Aino and the afro haired girl caught it and used it immediately.

"Thank you." The afro haired girl said while following Denzel and Junko.

Junko thought in her mind,

"What the hell is Bloodzyle?"

Hello guys, back again to this boring author paragraph. First of all, thank you for reading this far, and second of all, I'm sorry if I type Jewelia into Junko (because I'm used to type Junko instead of Jewelia) and three of all, about the Bloodzyle, it's just came out to my mind kinda like.... a month ago after I write this remake because I think it will be kinda cool (idk it will be cool or not). I hope it didn't be the same like the Uchiha clan (idk I didn't warch Naruto) or the other clans.

Mikhalexa123creators' thoughts