
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs


"Tch.... Kurosa.... it's about to start, dummy..." Alvina complained while staring at her phone.

"She didn't pick up my calls, I assumed that she's too busy to eat so that she couldn't pick up her phone...." Alvina thought.

"Excuse me, can I buy that cotton candy?" A girl with pink hair and space buns hairstyle asked.

"Sure, girl!"

The seller gave her a pink cotton candy that she asked.

"Thank you so much..." the girl said, then she paid it.

"Hm? See seems a little bit weird.... why is she crying?" Alvina thought.

"Well, I might could ask her about Kurosa." Alvina thought while approaching the girl.

"Um.... excuse me.... sorry for bothering you but.... did you see a girl like this arround here?" Alvina asked while showed Kurosa's photo from her galery.

"Uuum? She looks like a 12 years old girl.... I'm not sure." The girl said with cute weird expressions.

"Did she ate a big fries of fish and some nuggets?" The girl asked.

"She might be did. She loves to eat. Did you see her?" Alvina asked.

"Hm.... I think she went there... the smells of chicken nuggets are strong at there and there." The girl said while pointed the stand that sells chicken nuggets and another place, seems like an industry of foods.

"Oh, I see. Thank you!" Alvina said and immediately she ran toward the industry.

"Yout welcome!" The girl replied while waving at Alvina.

"..... good luck...." the girl said slowly.


Alvina arrived.

"There's no people arround..." Alvina thought.

Alvina stared arround and she saw a big freezer of the industry. Alvina shook her head and complained,

"Don't you say you tried to ate the whole stock of the industry...."

Alvina came in to the freezer (it's the big freezer in the industry, it's as big as a room).

Then Alvina saw Kurosa sitting on the edge of the room. Immediately Alvina yelled at Kurosa,

"Can't believe you're this greedy that you want to ate the whole stock of an industry!"

"Al..... vina?" Kurosa asked, she was shivering.

"Hm? Where's your uniform jacket?" Alvina asked.

"....." Kurosa didn't answered.

"Oi, Kurosa!" Alvina called.

"We're trapped....." Kurosa said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Alvina asked while staring at the door of the freezer. The door has been closed.

"Oh.... I see..... now we're trapped." Alvina said calmly. Then she looked at Kurosa again and said,

"It's your fault! You shouldn't came in for your greed and now look! We need to wait until the help come."


"No..... it's not her fault." Suddenly another voice was heard. Alvina was shocked, then Alvina stared next to Kurosa. There's two little kids and a teenager girl.

"Huh?" Alvina asked.

"I came in curious. My sister and my friend tried to stop me but I didn't listen. They followed me until here." The little boy said.

"And then this good sis gave us her jacket." The another little boy said.

"H-Huh?" Alvina asked.

Alvina stared at Kurosa.

"So...." Alvina said.

"She somehow came and tried to carry us to outside, but the door closed really fast. The door is somehow really strong, I think it has some anti-magic in it." The teenager girl said.


"I see..." Alvina said.

Alvina patted Kurosa's head and said,

"... sorry for yelling at you."

"... t.... that's okay...." Kurosa answered weakly.

Seeing that, immediately Alvina put of her jacket and gave it to Kurosa.

"I couldn't make a fire here, this freezer is kinda full.... it's danger." Alvina thought.

"How long have you been here?" Alvina asked.

"An hour..... maybe." Kurosa said.

"Even for Kurosa who had better body for cold seems weak like this...." Alvina thought in worried.

".... how about me.... I'm weak for water and cold." Alvina thought. Alvina closed her eyes and tried to think of something,

"If I burn this place down..... nah better don't. If this room really have anti-magic then there will be two possibilities. One, my magic won't activated. Two, my magic might activated but the wall stay still, the smoke from my fire that burn something would kill us all."

"There's no way..... we just could hope." Alvina thought.


Alvina sat beside Kurosa and the others to warm each other more. The teenage girl was trying to give a call but there's no signal. They were all stuck.



A cleaning service girl was moping at the alley of the arena place. Then there were some people with dirty shoes step on the place that she just mopped carelessly. The girl didn't got mad, she just kept moping. Then there's a man/girl that came with his dirty shoes. The man mocked the cleaning service girl,

"Hey you! Stay out of my way, stink!"

The cleaning service girl stepped away. Then the man/girl complained that she cleaned the worst and shouldn't be in the great and famous places to clean. Then the man/girl kicked the bucket the girl used to mop.

"Ooh..." the girl said coldly.

"Hey!" A girl with afro hair and tanned skin came.

"Hah? What's your business in this?" The man/girl asked.

"Then I'll asked you, what's your business in her cleaning, hah? Are you her manager or something?" The afro haired girl asked. The man/girl smirked and said,

"I'm a spectator and the star guest, I'm just give her some advice and opinion and they should have better services if you're calling a star guest! As a worker, you shouldn't got offended by some opinions."

"Well, you're the star guest, but you acted like a trash s**t!" Another girl with short hair appeared behind the man/girl.

"Hah?" The man/girl got mad and looked at the short haired girl.

"What? You're mad?" The short haired girl asked.

"You bastard-" the man/girl yelled while trying to throw a fist at the short haired girl. But then the short haired girl said,

"You're mad? I'm just spitting my opinion. And you said that as an worker you shouldn't got offended by some opinions." The man/girl got embarrassed and mad. Then he/she decided to left them all alone.

"Damn, Aino, you got some words and guts." The afro haired girl said while walking toward Aino, the short haired girl.

"You're the one who start the conversation so you got the points." Aino said to the afro haired girl. The afro haired girl laughed a bit, then they both faced to the cleaning service girl. The afro haired girl said,

"Don't worry girl, you're doing good." Then the afro haired girl moved her hand. The water somehow flow back to the bucket. The girl was amazed, then she bowed and said,

"Thank you!"

The short haired girl moved her head downward a little bit by mean of "no problem". The afro haired girl and the short haired girl left the cleaning service girl alone.



"The tournament will started, Ardolph." Yukina said from the ground while digging Ardolph out.

"D-Don't worry..... one more!" Ardolph said.

".... okay." Yukina answered. Then Ardolph layed back in the ground and Yukina burried him again.

Hello again guys hehehe, I'm kinda sure that you're bored with this kind of paragraphs every chapters, I'll try to reduce it. So about the weird explanation of "man/girl" means that somehow he's biologically a man but seems like girl (basically traps). Okay, just want to explain that, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, have a great day!

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