
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs



"Oi... Talutah.... help me." The mopper girl said calmly.

"Ehehehehehe.... I'm too far from you, and boss asked me to stay in this base."

"So, it's okay if I die?" The mopper girl asked calmly.

"No. I mean that I only could connect your legs and arms if I am there. In my position right now it's impossible. I only could close your wounds or make you some artificial arms and legs."

"Aaaaah..... I like my old arms and legs. My legs and arms will be weaker this way. Fine, I'll wait." The mopper girl complained.


Then the mopper's girl body that was cutted started to close itself. The blood didn't flow out anymore.

"Thank you, Talutah. Now pick me up." The mopper girl said.

"Okay. Just wait there."



"There." Jewelia said.

Then they arrived.

"Stop-" Denzel said, but he was shocked.

"Yukina? Ardolph? What are you doing?" Jewelia asked.

"We got tied.... sorry." Yukina said.

"But what's with the 'unefected' thingy?" Jewelia asked.

"Oh.... maybe because of Yukina's magic." Ardolph answered.

"But even so.... you must have breathe it a little..... I sense nothing from the pinkish fog that affected your bodies." Jewelia replied.

"Is it because..... of Yukina's magic too?" Denzel asked.


"Not sure." Ardolph answered.



"Um, Gertrude, I got a crazy idea to help." Anne said suddenly.

"I see...." Gertrude answered.

"But to make it safe, Leca, could you help me?" Anne asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Leca answered.

"Could you checked this tower surroundings?" Anne asked.

"..... maybe. Just pray that I won't get affected." Leca answered. Then Leca flied and checked the surroundings of the tower.

"There's some people that got paralyzed because of the pinkish fog." Leca said.

"Hm... which area has the least people?" Anne asked.

"This part." Leca said while walked to the west part of that tower.

"I see.... could you tell me how many people there? And if you could..... could you moved the people in safer place?" Anne asked.

"I'll try. If I done but not sure if I would come back to the tower, I'll throw this." Leca answered and hold an arrow.

"Where did you found that?" Anne asked. But Leca answered,

"I will tell you later." Then she jumped to the west part of the tower and started to moved the people. Anne smiled,

"She's such a brave girl."

Leca moved the people in saver places. She managed to fly some times for fresh air. When everyone were safe, Leca found a small family. Leca moved them to the safer place and Leca flied to the tower as fast as she could, but she wasn't sure that she'll made it. Leca threw the arrow toward the tower. Anne and Gertrude saw it. Leca fell asleep because of the pinkish fog. Gertrude stood up. Then she jumped from that tower.

"Leca, be safe." Gertrude prayed.

Anne closed her hands together. Gertrude started to getting bigger and bigger, until she was 550 meter tall. Gertrude walked slowly to avoid disaster.

"Gertrude, did you see some people that might use this pinkish magic fog?" Anne asked loudly. Gertrude started to see her surroundings.

"Hm.... not yet." Gertrude said.

"Hm?" Gertrude suddenly reacted.

"What's wrong, Gertrude?" Anne asked. Gertrude tried to see it clearly, and she said,

"There's a woman with cyan hair walking to this way."

"She might be the one..." Anne said slowly.

Gertrude decided to come toward the cyan haired woman.

"Hm? A giant?" The cyan haired woman asked.

"Are you the one who do this, ma'am?" Gertrude asked politely and gently.

"No, but my subordinate is the one who did this." The cyan haired woman answered.

"I see.... could you ask him or her or they to stop?" Gertrude asked gently.

"I appreciate your politeness and your gentleness but sorry, no." The cyan haired woman answered.

"I see...." Gertrude answered. Gertrude tried to move her hand and caught the woman. But then the woman faced her hand toward Gertrude. A blue light appeared from the woman's hands. Great blue fire started to burst toward Gertrude's hands and arms and then they burst to her face.

"There's no way she could burn a giant." Anne thought. The woman stopped, and Gertrude's body got badly burned.

"....." Gertrude didn't cry any tears or voices for getting burned.

"You're strong and amazing." The woman said. Gertrude bowed down and said,

"Thank you for you compliment, ma'am."

"But, I have no business with you." The cyan haired woman said. Then the cyan haired woman left Gertrude alone. Gertrude looked at Anne behind her and asked,

"What should I do, Anne?"

".... not sure..... but I bet she's strong. She just casted out big magic and she didn't feel anything." Anne answered.

"But she'll be dangerous if we left her just like that." Gertrude said.

"Well, at least I'll try to follow her or something." Gertrude continued. Anne immediately answered,

"Impossible with your size now."

Gertrude tried to look at the cyan woman again, but she was gone.

"She's gone." Gertrude said.

"*sigh.... then it's the heroes business." Anne answered.

"Gertrude, try to find the others." Anne said afterwards.

"Okay." Gertrude answered. Then she tried to find anyone near.



"Uhhh.... um? Alicia?" Asuka asked after she was awaked. Alicia still unconscious. Asuka came at Alicia,

"Hey, Alicia. Alicia....." Asuka called slowly. Asuka shook Alicia's body slowly, but Alicia still unconscious.

"Hmm.... ooooh... it's soo good..." Alicia talk in one's sleep.

"Alicia! Stupid!" Asuka yelled, but Alicia didn't awake. Alicia talk in one's sleep again,

"..... more more more..."

"Alicia!" Asuka yelled louder, but Alicia talk in one's sleep once more time,

"Aaaah... such a noise... I'm eating my blueberry cupcakes right now....."

"A L I C I A!" Asuka yelled next to Alicia's ear. Alicia didn't reacted.

"Huh? Did I killed her with my loud noise?" Asuka said in shock.

"Hmph... fine... I'll ate all of your sweets when this weird things over." Asuka said while looking to the sky.

"EEEEEH! NO! DON'T KILL ME WITH THAT!" Alica screamed and immediately she woke up. Alicia looked at her surroundings and shocked,

"Where are we, Asuka?"

"It beats me...." Asuka answered.

"Uuuuuh..... why are we moved somewhere weird like this..... aaaaah... I want some cherry pies..... nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE IN STARVING!" Alicia cried loudly. Asuka hitted Alicia's head and yelled,

"You have eat sweets just now! Isn't that enough? Are you infected by Kurosa's starving virus?"

"Uhummmmmmm... I want my mother's pie..... so delicious....." Alicia cried.

"*sigh..... let's find the way out from here first." Asuka said while standing. But when Asuka stood up, the ground got shaked.

"Asuka! Balance!" Suddenly Alicia said.

"Daaaaammn... don't you said that this land we stepped are floating and unbalanced...." Asuka complained.

"... I think so...." Alicia answered.

Asuka stared at the ground where she was standing. Then Asuka stepped lightly on the other part of the ground and the ground got shaking in tune of how Asuka's stepped it.


Asuka stared to her surroundings and found some other floating grounds. There are some big floating rocks like meteors.

"Is this the 'world magic'?" Asuka asked.

"So..... we are moved to another world?" Alicia asked.

"..... yes and no. We are just moved to someone's magic world magic. We need to find the way out." Asuka answered.

Asuka crawled on the floating ground and tried to see the edge of the floating ground and what's under it.

"Under this floating ground, there's another floating grounds..... and dark area we couldn't see clearly what's inside." Asuka thought.

"We better don't fall...." Alicia said.

"Yeah." Asuka answered.

Alicia stared to the sky at that 'magic world'.

"There's a big and shining light like the sun." Alicia thought.

"So, could we go there?" Asuka asked while staring at the sky there.

"I don't know...." Alicia answered.



"One question..... W H E R E A R E T H E H E R O E S?!" The cyan haired woman yelled in frustration.


Hello guys, thank you for reading this far. I'm sorry if this story kinda messed up,I'm kinda forced a lot of things so you know.... (╯•﹏•╰) I hope you enjoyed it and stay safe and healthy guys ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

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